Consumer Food Flashcards
Rodney Cyril Sacks x 2, Hilton Schlosberg
12/31, $ x 3
DSD, Warehouse (old, restated Q2 2015 following TCCC transaction)
Finished Products (93%) Concentrate (5%) Other (2%)
US (79%), RoW (21%)
$140, 180m, $25.2bn, ($2.9bn) (2.9bn, –, –), $22.3bn
Trees, doves, snow lion, nip (nip, –, –), nun ohm
$2.9bn, 36%, $1.1bn, $3.46
nip, mage, tit, Marge
Alan Wilson x 2, Gordon McKenzie Stetz
11/30, $ x 3
Consumer (61%), Industrial (39%)
US (57%), EMEA (21%), Others (22%)
$80, 130m, $10.4bn, $1.2bn (0.1, 1.4, 1.3 // 0.2, –, (0.1)), $11.6bn
Vice, dimes, taser, toon (tie, tree, time // wine, –, tie), tit itch
$4.5bn, 18%, 0.8, 3.84
roll, dove, hoof, mover
Franck Riboud / Emmanuel Faber / Cecile Cabanis
12/31, Euros x 3
Milk Products (49%), Early Life Nutrition (22%), Water (21%), Medical Nutrition (7%)
APAC LatAm MEA (40%), Europe ex-CIS (30%), CIS & NA (20%), France (10%)
€65, 605m, €39bn, €5.3bn (3.8, 12, 8.3 // 3.0, –, 3.0), €44.3bn
Jill, Chisel, Ump, Lamb (Movie, Tennis, FEMA // Maze, –, Maze), Roar ohm
22.8bn, 17%, 3.8bn, 3.08
Nun ivy, dick, movie, Missive
Mead Johnson
James Cornelius, Kasper Jakobsen, Michel Cup
12/31, USDx3
Asia (50%), NA/EU (31%), Latam (19%) Infant Formula (59%), Children's Nutrition (39%), Other (2%)
$70, 203m, $14.2bn, $0.1 ($1.5 cash, $1.5 debt, $0.1 NCI), $14.3
Kiss, noose ham, train, tie (tool, tool, tie), tram
$4.5, 27%, $1.2, $4.00
Roll, nuke, toon, roses
John Bryant x2, Ronald Dissinger
12/31, USDx3
US (55%) Europe (18%) Other NA (12%) LatAm (8%) APAC (7%)
$65, 355m, $23.1, $7.2 ($0.3 cash, $7.5 debt), $30.3
Jail, malala, Nomad, gun (moose, coal), museum
$13.9, 18%, $2.5, $3.75
Dumbo, dove, nail, muggle
General Mills
Kendall Powell x2, Don Mulligan
5/31, USDx3
U.S. Retail (60%) International (29%) Convenience Store and Foodservice (11%)
US (70%) ex-US (30%)
$55, 615, $33.8, $9.6 ($0.5, $9.4, $9.0 ND, $0.5, $1.2, $0.7 corp. adj), $43.4
Lily, chattel, mummy ivy, bitch (sail, bear, boa, sail, toon, key), armor
$17.2, 20%, $3.5, $3.00
Token, noose, mule, masses
Gregg Engles x2, Kelly Haecker
12/31, USDx3
Americas F+B (72%), Americas Fresh Foods (14%), Europe F+B (14%)
North America (86%), Europe (14%)
$40, 180m, $7.2, $1.5 ($0.1 cash, $1.6 debt), $8.7
Horse, divas, gun, tail (tie, doge), fag
$4.3, 14%, $0.6, $1.40
Rum, otter, witch trees
David Gibbons, Jeremy Fowden, Jay Wells
North America (45%), DSS (34%), UK (9%), All Other (2%)
12/31, USDx3 $10, 100m, $1.0bn, $1.7bn ($0.1 cash, $1.8 debt), $2.7bn Toys, daisies, toys, dog (tie, TV), nuke $3.0, 12%, $0.4, $0.25 Mouse, toon, hero, snail
Dr. Pepper
Wayne Sanders, Larry Young, Martin Ellen
Packaged Beverages (72%), Beverage Concentrates (20%), LatAm Beverages (8%)
USS (89%) Intl (11%)
12/31, USDx3
$90, 190m, $17.1, $2.4 ($0.2, $2.6), $19.5
Bus, tapes, duct, Henry (wine, nacho), South Pole
$6.3, 24%, $1.5, $4.15
Jam, Henry, tile, rattle
William Stiritz, Robert Vitale, Jeff Zadoks
9/30, USDx3
Michael Foods (44%) Post Consumer Brands (34%), Active Nutrition (11%), Private Brands (11%)
US (91%) Intl (9%)
$55, 61m, $3.4bn, $4.2bn ($0.3, $4.5), $7.6
Lulu, Jada, hammer, rune (moose, rail), cage
$5.3, 15%, $0.8, $1.45
Loom, towel, safe, troll
Dean Foods
Jim Turner, Greg Tanner, Christopher Bellairs
1 segment
Products: Milk 70%, ice cream 14%, cream creamers cultured other bevs and others 16%
49% branded
$15, 95, $1.4, $0.7 (0.1, 0.8), $2.1
Tail, pail, door, key, (tie, safe), knight
$8.2, 5%, $0.4, $1.10
Fan, oil, hero, tits
Roger Deromedi, Mark Clouse (rep. Bob Gamgort May 2016), Craig Steeneck
Birds Eye Frozen (39%), Duncan Hines Grocery (34%), Boulder Brands (16%), Specialty Foods (11%)
100% North America ~5% Canada
$40, 117m, $4.7, $2.2 ($0.1, $2.3), $6.9
Arrows, static, rook, nun (tie, gnome), jeep
$2.7, 21%, $0.6, $2.10
Ankh, newt, witch, knights
John Bilbrey x2, Patricia Little,
12/31, USD x3
12% international
$90, 220m, $19.8, $2.1 (0.4, 2.4, 0.1 NCI), $21.9
Bus, nuns, tuba ivy, ant (oar, henry, noose // tie), sandbox
$7.8, 23%, $1.8bn, $4.50
Coffee, Nemo, diva, rolls
Indra Nooyi x2, Hugh Johnston
12/31, USD x3
PepsiCo Americas Beverages (32%/28%) Frito Lay North America (21%/32%) Europe (21%/13%), LatAm Foods (13%/11%), AMEA (10%/11%), QFNA (4%/5%)
Snacks/Beverages 53/47
Snacks: NA 26%, LatAm 14%, EU 9%, AMEA 5%
Bvg: Americas 30%, EU 10%, AMEA 6%
Developed/Emerging 69/31
5 countries 75% of total revenue: US, Canada, UK, Mexico, Russia (#F+B in all but Mex #2)
$100, 1.480bn, $148bn, 18.9 (10.7, 31.3, 21.2 // 2.3, 0.1 0.1, 2.3), $167bn
Daisies, dwarves, dwarves, tao of pooh (disk, motif, indian // enemy, soot, soot, enemy), DJ Cow
$64, 20%, 12.7, 4.70
Chair, noose, tank, rakes
Hain Celestial
Irwin David Simon x2, Pasquale Conte
US (48%) UK (24%) Hain Pure Protein (18%) RoW (10%)
Grocery (66%) Protein (13%) Snacks (11%) Personal Care (5%) Tea (5%)
$52, 100m, $5.2bn, 0.7 (0.1, 0.8), $5.9
Ellen, daisies, Ellen, key (tie, safe), lab
$3.1, 14%, $0.4, $2.30
Mud, tree, hero, gnomes
Les Vinney (rep. Paull Charron Sep 15), Denise Morrison, Anthony DiSivestro 7/31, USD x3
U.S. Simple Meals and Beverages (55%), Global Baking and Snacks (33%), Campbell Fresh (12%)
US (79%) Australia (8%) Others (13%)
$50, 315, 15.8, 3.8 (0.3, 4.1), 19.6
Lois, Model, Adolf, Humvee (moose, rod), tuba joe
$8.2, 19%, $1.6, $2.60
Van, doobie, DJ, nachos
George Deese, Allen Shiver, R. Steve Kinsey
DSD 84% Warehouse 16%
DSD: Branded retail 63%, Restaurant/institutional 20%, store-branded retail 14%, other 3%
Warehouse: 37% foodservice, 23% branded retail, 19% store-branded retail, 12% vending, 4% contract production, 5% other
12/31, USD x3 $25, 210, $5.3, 0.6 (0.1, 0.7), $5.9 Nail, ants, lamb, Joe (tie, key), lab $4.0, 13%, $0.5, $1.10 Rose, time, oil, tits
Jeffrey Ettinger x2, Jody Feragen
10/31, USD x3
Refrigerated Foods (47%), Jennie-O Turkey Stores (18%), Grocery Products 18%), Specialty Foods (12%), International and Other (6%)
US 94%
$60, 270m, $16.2, $0 (0.3, 0.6, 0.3 // 0.2, –, 0.2), $16.2
Jews, nuke, dojo wine, (moose, joe, moose // wine, –, wine), dojo wine
$9.9, 13%, $1.3, $2.85
Pope, Adam, Adam, novel
Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Paul Bulcke, Francois-Xavier Marie Roger
12/31, CHF x3
Powdered and liquid beverages (22%), nutrition and health science (17%), milk products and ice cream (16%), prepared dishes and cooking aids (14%), pet care (13%), confectionery (10%), water (8%)
AMS (44%), EMENA (31%), AOA (25%)
Zone Americas (29%), Zone EMENA (18%), Zone AOA (16%), Nestle Nutrition (12%), Nestle Waters (9%), Other Businesses (16%)
Developed/Emerging 57%/43%
CHF75, 3.160bn, 237bn, 11bn (5.1, 22.8, 17.7 // 8.2, 1.6, 6.6), 248
Coal, meat juice, Namco, tit (latte, Nineveh, doohickey key // fan, doge, Cheech), nerf
93bn, 19%, 18bn, 3.50
bum, doobie, diva, emilies
Steven Goldstone, Sean Connelly, John Gehring
5/31, USDx3
Consumer, Commercial
$40, 435m, $17.4, $7.0 ($0.1, $7.9, $7.8 // $0.9, $0.1, ($0.8)), $24.4
Rose, Rommel, dagger, hook (tie, cub, coffee // bee, tie, safe), Henry hero
$11.8, $19%, $2.2, $2.35
tit ivy, doobie, nun, Animal
Muhtar Kent x2, Kathy Waller
12/31, USD x3
North America (49%), APAC (11%), Europe (10%), LatAm (9%), Eurasia Africa (5%), Bottling Investments (15%)
$42, $4.4, $184, $11 ($23, 46, 23 // 12, –, 12), $195
Ernie, rower, diver, tit (nemo, roach, nemo // toon, –, toon) south pole
$44.6, 28%, 12.4, $2.00
Rower witch, knife, diner, nooses
Grupo Bimbo
Daniel Servitje x2, Guillermo Quiroz Abed
12/31, MXN x3
North America 52%, Mexico 34%, Other LatAm 11%, Europe 3%
47, 4700m, 221bn, 63bn (6.4, 68.4, 62.0 // 1.9, 3.2, 1.3) 284
Rook, rickshaws, annoint, jam (chair, Chauffer, chains // tape, moon, time), never
226, 11%, 25, 1.75
ninja, data, nail, tickle
Timothy Smucker, Richard Smucker, Mark Belgya
4/30, USD x3
U.S. Retail Consumer Food (29%), USR Coffee (29%), USR Pet Foods (29%), International and Foodservice (13%)
Category: 32% coffee, 30% pet food and snacks, 9% peanut butter, 4% fruit spreads, 4% shortening and oils, 4% baking mixes and frosting, 17% other
93% US, 6% Canada, 1% other international
$110, 120m, $13.2bn, $5.9 (0.1, 6.0), 19.1
Tits, toons, demon, lappe (tie, jews), top hat
$8.1, 22%, 1.7bn, $6.20
Photo, onion, dog, chains
Fresh Del Monte
Mohammad Ahmed Mohammad Abu Gazaleh x2, Richard Contreras
12/31, USD x3
Bananas 46%, Other Fresh 45% (incl. 14% pineapple, 7% non-tropical fruit), Prepared Food 9%
North America 55%, EU 18%, 14% ME North Africa, 11% Asia, 2% Other
$40, 53m, $2.1bn, $0.2bn, $2.3bn
Arrows, lamb, knight, wine, gnome
$4.0, 6%, 0.3, $2.50
rose, witch, Sam, nails
Lancaster Colony
John Gerlach x2, Douglas Fell
6/30, USD x3
Retail 51% (22% Frozen, 18% produce, 11% grocery), Foodservice (dressings & sauces, pasta, breads and rolls) 49%
$100, 27m, 2.7bn, (0.2bn all cash), $2.5bn
Daisies, ankh, ankh, wine, nail
1.2, 17%, 0.2, 4.22
teen, dick, wine, Ronin
Charles James Francis Sinclair, George Garfield Weston, John George Bason
9/13, GBP x3
(% Sales/% Adj. EBIT)
Retail (42%/59%), Grocery (25%/25%), Sugar (14%/4%), Ingredients (10%/7%), Agriculture (9%/5%)
34, 790, 27bn, 0.7 (0.4, 1.1, 0.7 // 0.2, 0.3, 0.1), 27.6
Mary, Cubs, nuke, ski (shire, tit, ski // swan, Sam, soot), nuke joe
13.7, 11%, 1.6, 1.00
atomic, data, DJ, daisies