Consumer Behaviour Flashcards
Consumer behaviour is…
The process individuals or groups go through to select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods, services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their needs and desires.
Marketers need to understand…
The many factors that influence each step in the consumer behaviour process:
■ Internal factors (psychology)
■ Situational factors at the time of purchase (context)
■ Social influences of people around us (culture)
Decision making can range from:
Painstaking (scrupuleux, prudent) analysis, to Pure whim (caprice)
The scale of effort ranging from:
Habitual decisions (little importance), to Extended problem solving (important decisions)
Extended problem solving vs Habitual decision making:
Consumer Decision Types:
e.g. limited=a fairly expensive pair of shoes/clothes
What is the role of perceived risk in the decision process? Give examples….
■ Functional Risk?
■ Social Risk?
■ Financial Risk?
■ Physical Risk?
■ Time Risks?
■ Psychological Risks?
■ Moral Risk?
■ Health Risk
What are the 5 steps of the customer’s decision making process?
- Problem Recognition
- Information Search (alternatives)
- Evaluation of Alternatives
- Product Choice
- Post-Purchase Evaluation
Step 1: Problem recognition
Difference between the current state of affairs and some desired or ideal state in the future
- Marketing subtext: something is wrong with you!
- Marketing sociology: you aren’t born with your desires, desires are something you acquire
Advertising messages stimulate …
Consumers to recognize that their current state just doesn’t equal their desired state.
Getting a job - (an exercise in problem recognition)
■What are a potential employer’s needs (problems and challenges)? And/or how might you personally (as the product) influence those needs?
Share job specifications (employer needs/problems) and connect those problems with what you provide….
What is the problem to which you could be the answer???
- Teamwork/collaborator
- Develop/implement
- Attention to detail
- Challenge and question senior stakeholders
- Liaison/communication
- Monitor/track/evaluate/report
Stage 2: Information about alternatives
■ Memory
■ Surveys of the environment
■ Internet
Stage 3: Evaluation
■ First select realistic contenders: Feasibility
■ Evaluative Criteria
■ Marketing often involves educating/training the consumer concerning product characteristics worth of evaluation
Step 4: Making the final choice
■ Heuristics (rules of thumb or maxims): price = quality
■ Brand loyalty
■ Country loyalty: German cars….French wine…
■ Utility maximization/meaning maximization…
Step 5: Use and evaluation
■ Satisfaction
■ Dissatisfaction
■ Metrics
■ Meaningfulness
Motivation: Maslov’s pyramid of needs