Constitution Law FINALS Flashcards
According to CJ Roberts, in his holding of Sebelius, the choice to participate in medicaid expansion and receive billions or choose not to and receive nothing amounted to what?
CJ for Sebelius?
CJ Roberts
In Sebelius, the medicaid expansion provision was found to be constitutional. [T/F]
Why was medicaid expansion [tied to funding] unconstitutional according to CJ Roberts?
Coercion. Opt in or lose it all.
[T/F] “Congress violates 10 amendment by attempting to coerce states to legislate by threatening with loss of already existing FED funding if they do not.”
Bonus: Case?
True. Sebelius
Can congress coerce states to legislate through program of conditional spending if states have no meaningful choice?
Article 1 Sec 8 CL 1 says congress can spend for several purposes, one of which is the golden ticket for liberals. What is it?
“General welfare”
T/F) Congress can’t command you to regulate in a specific way.
CJ in SD v. Dole?
The goat. CJ Rehnquist. Setup Conditions test.
In SD v. Dole, if FED funds withheld “conditionally,” what are the requirements?
- 3.
- General Welfare
- Receipt of funds = NOT AMBIGUOUS
- Must be related to FED interest / Program.
- Conditions can’t violate Constitution.
- Not coercive.
Whats the conditions test established by the goat, CJ Rehnquist?
- General Welfare
- Related to FED program
- Not coercive
- Can’t violate Constitution
SD v. Dole is about _______ regulation.
Alchohol regulation. This case established the Conditions test setup by the goat, RQ.
According to the goat, CJ Rehnquist, who decides if the spending is in pursuit of general welfare? is it the courts?
No. It is up to Congress to decide.
What is the test for unconditional spending?
Congress decides if in general welfare interests.
T/F) Congress can command states to legislate.
T/F) Congress’s war powers include the authority to address the negative effects of war, which lasts far beyond the end of the actual war.
True, Woods v. Miller
What was woods v. miller about?
LL wanting to raise rent after the war.
CJ Douglas, in Wood v. Miller, said congress can do what?
Congress may control rents even after cessation of WWII.
Where do state government’s find power to regulate local rents?
Police powers
Can congress regulate migratory birds?
Who can make treaties?
How does POTUS treaty get approved?
2/3 approval from Senate
Who has war powers?
Who has power to raise and support armies?
Who has power to provide for and establish a NAVY?
What FED organ disperses revenue for things, including war?
When was the last time US declared war?
Department of War became Department of ________ in 1947.
DOD [Defense]
What was Missouri v. Holland about?
Missouri tried to stop Game Warden from enforcing new Federal law stemming from new US treaty protecting migratory birds.
The treaty was valid expansion of authority so law was valid.
What was Missour’s 10 amendment argument?
Regulation of in-state birds within police powers of the state and off limits to FED gov.
Can the FED violate constitutional text by treaty?
Can the FED expand authority of congress by treaty?
What is the takeaway from Missouri v. Holland?
Treaties of the US can expand authority of congress to regulate but it can’t allow congress to violate constitutional provisions.
Missouri v. Holland remains good law which means….
…. the Gov. can expand authority by treaty.
Can congress abolish bill of rights by treaty?
Hell no
Under Garcia, may Charleston opt out of FLSA law?
[1985] Does the 10th amendment shield local and state gov. from FED law regulating the economy?
No. Garcia v. San Antonio Metro
What was Garcia v. San Antonio Metro about?
FLSA regulation. Overturned previous case and reinstated FLSA regulation per US v. Darby.
What case disposed Rehnquist’s [The Goat] traditional gov. functions test and said states must comply [again] w/ FLSA?
Garcia v. San Antonio Metro
May Congress COMPEL states to enact or administer a federal regulatory program? Case?
No. NY v. US
When can States enter into interstate agreements with other states?
Only when congress authorizes.
Can congress command states to enforce federal law?
What happened in Printz v. US?
Lawsuit over national gun background checks. The Court said FEDS cant require state’s to run federal programs, such as this one requiring very specific gun background checks.
In Printz v. US, what did CJ Scalia decide?
Prioritizing FED background checks would interfere with ability of local LE offices to carry out their own activities in a timely manner.
What can’t congress do?
- Order state legislators to legislate.
- Order civil servants carry out FED law.
- Coerce into FED program compliance.
When can a gov. branch, say the DMV, share personal citizen info to outside 3rd party?
Only as related to vehicle safety recall.
11th amendment protects WHO against WHAT?
States against lawsuits.
T/F) 10th amendment does NOT protect against lawsuits, it protects states against congressional commands to legislate, carry out federal policy…
T/F) 11th amendment protects suing states directly.
Do persons of a state have 11th amendment immunity from suit?
No. Only the states
States and FED gov. have soverign immunity from suits, but what about named government officials?
Fair game
Can you sue SC army national guard?
No. Organ of the state gov.
Can you sue Charleston PD?
Yes, not an organ of state gov.
Qualifications for membership in both chambers?
- Senate
- House
- Senate = 30 yrs
- House = 25 yrs + residency
_____ _____ ____: Is a legal doctrine in the US that prevents states from adopting measures that could intefere with IC.
Dormant CC
Can the dormant CC be applied to limit FED power?
No. Never.
___ amendment limits state authority with view of prohibiting state abuse of civil rights.
14th amendment
SC says the 14th amendment binds states to what?
The Bill of rights
What can’t states do?
- establish currency
- engage in foreign trade
- Establish military
- Discriminate IC
_____ flows directly from the supremacy clause. Generally, this doctrine says FED law trumps or ___ state law.
Preemption Doctrine
Gibbons v. Ogden was a _____ case.
Preemption case
______ preemption: Congress passes statute commanding states not to legislate in a particular area.
Express preemption
2 types of ___ preemption:
- [Conflict] Cant comply with FED & State regs at same time.
- Field preemption
_____ preemption: Where congress occupies the field it has chosen to regulate.
Field preemption
If FEDs set speed limit of 55, are states preempted from setting at 45?
No. Just can’t set above. 45 allows driver to comply with state and FEDS.
FEDs set gas limit $4. Can states set at $3 limit?
Yes. Driver can comply with both. Not preempted.
When is state law preempted?
When compliance with both is impossible or state law compliance undermines FED law.
Case? “Federal law does not preempt state-law tort remedies for injuries caused by nuclear activity.”
Silkwood v. Kerr McGee
If name of the state is to the left of the “v.” symbol?
Permissible. To the right suggests 11th amendment problem.
Dormant CC is used to challenge laws made by who?
The states. It cannot target FED law.
Can congress violate the constitution through inaction?
____ ____ ____allows courts to ID areas off limits to regulators b/c nature of activity that a national standard is required and if this Is so, that must be set by congress and states can’t do it.
National Uniforms Standard test
T/F] A state statute that discriminates against interstate commerce will be held invalid if there are other, less-discriminatory means by which the state legislature can accomplish its objective.
Dean Milk v. Madison was a permissible exercise of milk production. [T/F]
Why was Dean Milks acts impermissible?
It was ok for Dean Milk to regulate this industry because not preempted by FEDs, however, there were reasonable alternatives to regulation making Dean’s acts impermissible as an economic barrier.
Must have Legitimate purpose + less discriminatory means
What was the balancing put forward by CJ Powell in Kassel v. Consolidated freight?
[State health/safety concern] V [Burden on IC]
“When Congress has not acted, if a state regulation does not discriminate against interstate commerce and the state legislature has a rational basis for adopting the regulation based on safety or economic interests, the Court must defer to the judgment of the state legislature in holding the regulation constitutional.”
CJ stone held above, arguing that state highways are of great concern, and their safety, to state regulation.
Barnwell Bros
What was Barnwell Bros about?
SC state regulation of highways. It was permissible.
Why was SC statute permissible in Barnwell Bros?
- No preemption
- Valid / rational safety concern
- Did not discriminate against IC
Is a state prohibition on cross boarder economic transactions ever permissible?
It can be. Maine v. Taylor. State must have (1) Legitimate purpose and (2) no other less discriminatory means of achieving.
What did Oklahoma do wrong in Hughes v. Oklahoma?
They had a valid purpose but did not use non-discriminatory means.
When is the only time Protectionism is permissible?
When there is an absence of non-discriminatory options.
Why was Maine allowed to discriminate on IC but Oklahoma was not?
Maine had no “less discriminatory” alternative to pursue. Oklahoma did.
_____ alone sets national uniform standards.
______ test: When a court finds problem calls for a uniform solution, a court will prohibit states from uniquely regulating.
National Uniform Standards test
T/F) Under the DCC, a state law that heavily burdens IC while only marginally furthering a state health and safety purpose is unconstitutional.
CJ Marshall quote
“Let the end be legitimate, within the scope of the Constitution, by all appropriate means, plainly adapted, not prohibited but within the letter and intent of the Constitution.”
Why did framers enact the CC?
To prevent problematic states from looking inwards, drafting legislation that would stunt the national budding economy.
Outside of amendments and ratifications, how is the Constitution amended or expounded?
SC Interpretation
CJ for Comstock?
CJ Breyer
SC usually hears ______ cases. This was problematic in MvM because Marbury brought case of 1st instance.
Writ of mandamus =
“We command”
Authority in Comstock
NP + Enumerated power
What case did Comstock reaffirm?
McCulloch v. Maryland
Fed lands = %
Gonzalez v. Raich upheld what case and test?
Wickard v. Filburn = Substantial Economic effects test
Gibbons had a ____ license.
According to Marshall in McCulloch v. Maryland, NP =
Useful or conveninent
DCC is a Judicially created _______ on exercise of state authority.
Judicially created prohibition
Does the fact that something like weed is illegal in some states or undesirable make it untouchable by CC analysis?
T/F) Modern approach to CC means that commerce extends to narcotics, human trafficking, radioactive waste, etc.
T/F) It doesn’t matter is something is bad. If somebody wants to buy it, its commerce baby.
__________ is where a state protects in state businesses, isolating a specific economic sector against out of state competition.
3 ways DCC can come up?
- Discrimination [Protectionism]
- Undue burden [Pike test]
- National Uniform standards
Congress intervening and setting a national US waste policy is an example of what?
National Uniform Standard
____ _____ analysis: Where a state statute even handedly effectuates legitimate public interest and only incidently effects IC will be upheld unless clearly excessive as related to local benefit.
Undue burden analysis