Constipation 🚽 Flashcards
What are the causes of constipation?
1. Low fiber diet: Most common
- sedentary lifestyle
- lumen : obstruction as polyps, cancer, fissure, hemorrhoids
- colonic motility: can be inhibited by hypothyroidism,hypokalemia, HYPERcalcemia ,scleroderma,DM, MS, Parkinson’s, paraplegia also medications as CCB ( verapamil) narcotics, anticholinergics
- nerve or muscle defect
- Neurologic disorder : Parkinson’s, MS, paraplegia, pelvic surgery, DM, IBS, colonic mass, hirschbrung disease
- medication : CCB, anticholinergic as ( tricyclics antidepressant) opiates, antacids, clonidine, ferrous sulfate diuretic, laxatives abuse, levodopa
- metabolic abnormalities : hypothyroidism, hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, amyloidosis, scleroderma, pregnancy
- congenital disorder like hirschsprung disease
- rectal ; fissure, hemmoroids etc.
How to diagnose the cause for constipation
In young ptn with reasonable explanation from H & Examination management is done without further testing.
lab test include : CBC , electrolytes, TSH, calcium level ,
- Abd. X-rays are of limited values unless obstruction or fecal impaction is suspected
- flexible sigmoidoscopy + barium enema or colonoscopy used to detect stricture,masses ect.
- full colonoscopy only needed in cancer suspensions
- Anoscopy for fissure and internal hemmoroids
How to treat constipation?
1. Should increase water & fiber intake
- Toilet Training 10-15 min.
- if the above failed you can give medication
* Bulk agents : side effects; bloating , impaction above stricture - Psyllium ( Metamucil)
- methylcellulose ( citrucel )
- calcium polycarbophil ( fiberCon)
- Softeners
1. Docusate sodium ( Colace ) 1-2 capsules / side effects; skin rash , hepatotoxicity - Stimulants : Chronic use may cause melanosis coli and constipation
1. ( Dulcolax ) bisacodyl / side effects: gastric or rectal irritation
2. senna ( senokot ) ➡️ Degeneration of myoneural plexuses
3. casanthranol ( peri- colace) 1-2 tablet ➡️ Same - Osmotic :
1. lactulose ( cephulac ) ➡️ bloating
2. magnesium contraindicated in RENAL FAILURE
3. sorbitol 70% ➡️ bloating
Enemas & suppository;
Warm water enema works best for bedridden ptn, stool impaction, sever idiopathic constipation , surgery,
What’s Hirschsprung disease?
Absence of ganglion cells in bowel wall ( beginning at internal anal sphincter and extending variably proximally )
- diagnosis;
Do CT to exclude masses and to confirm dilation in blowel
rectal manometry ( not used nowadays) , rectal suction biopsy is definitive
Do fecal impaction for quick relief , NPO and attach NGT and
Surgical ( most with temporary colostomy and wait 6-12 month for definitive correction ) most achieve continence
Complications; enterocolitis
What is the most common cause of lower GI bleeding in ptn > 40 years?
Diverticular disease
How to diagnose Diverticular disease?
- History
- CBC shows
- CT scan in diverticulitis will show inflammation or abscess
- Colonoscopy for definitive diagnosis ( avoid it in ptn with early diverticulitis because of risk of perforation)