constipation Flashcards
what are the red flags of constipation?
- weight loss
- blood in stools
- N&V
- drugs induced
- laxative abuses
- change in bowel movements
- if child is feeling week and dizzy
what are drugs we are worried about for drug induced constipation?
- opiods
- hyoscine
- verapamil
- iron preps
- propranolol
- bendroflumethiazide
- chrlopehniramine
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- Antacids containing aluminimum
what is the lifestyle advice for constipation?
- increase fibre intake
- drink more fluids
- increase exercise
- do not hold when need to go
what is first line treatment for constipation?
life style - no drug treatment
what is the second line treatment for constipation/
what are examples of bulk forming laxatives?
Isphaghula husk, Sterculia and Methylcellulose
how do bulk forming laxatives work?
- act by retaining water into the bowel and increasing faecal mass
- need sufficient water in order to work
how long do bulk forming laxatives take to work?
12-24 hours but can take up to 2-3 days to have full effect
when are bulk forming laxatives not advised?
opiod induced constipation
what is third line treatment for constipation/
Osmotic or Stimulant laxatives
what are examples of osmotic laxatives?
Macrogol and Lactulouse
how long does it take for osmotic laxatives to work?
2-3 days
how do osmotic laxatives work?
work by drawing water into the bowel
what are examples of stimulant laxatives?
senna, bisacodyl and sodium picosulfate
how do stimulant laxatives work?
they work by increasing water and electrolytes release by the intenstinal mucosa/
how fast do stimulant laxatives take to work>
6-12 hours (good to take before bed)
what are examples of stool softeners?
Docusat, Arachis oil and Glycerol
what is the time of onset of stool softeners?
can be under an hour
what are the limitations for OTC?
● Ispaghula Husk: 6 years
● Lactulose: 10 years
● Senna: 18 years
what should happen with constipation in pregnancy?
Constipation is common in pregnancy, possibly due to increased levels of progesterone, which relaxes the muscles of the gut. Another possible contributor is iron supplementation, which can lead to constipation as a side effect.
● Avoid stimulant laxatives, especially in the first trimester, otherwise follow the same procedure as above and ensure shortest-term laxative treatment where possible.