Consonants & Vowels Flashcards
voiced bilabial stop, obstruent, plosive
voiceless bilabial stop, obstruent, plosive
voiceless alveolar stop, obstruent, plosive
voiced alveolar stop, obstruent, plosive
voiceless velar stop, obstruent, plosive
voiced velar stop, obstruent, plosive
voiceless glottal stop, obstruent plosive
voiceless labiodental fricative, obstruent
voiced labiodental fricative, obstruent
voiceless interdental fricative, obstruent
voiced interdental fricative, obstruent
voiceless alveolar fricative, obstruent
voiced alveolar fricative, obstruent
voiceless palatal fricative, obstruent
voiced palatal fricative, obstruent
voiceless glottal fricative, obstruent
voiceless palatal affricative, obstruent
voiced palatal affricative, obstruent
voiced bilabial nasal, sonorant
voiced alveolar nasal, sonorant
voiced velar nasal, sonorant
voiced alveolar lateral/liquid, sonorant
/r/ (ɹ)
voiced palatal rhotic/liquid, sonorant
voiced bilabial glide, sonorant
voiced palatal glide, sonorant
voiced velar glide, sonorant
nasals, liquids, glides are always _______ and called __________.
voiced, sonorants
consonants are always _____________.
Markedness of consonants and vowels
- Naturalness: designates
1) the relative simplicity of sound production and
2) its frequency of occurrence (natural sounds= easier to produce and more frequent) - Markedness: refers to sounds that are relatively more difficult to produce and occur less frequently
The most sonorous is
Voiceless obstruents (stops, fricatives, affricates) are ______ natural/unmarked than voiced
Obstruents are _____ natural/unmarked than sonorants (vowels, glides, liquids)
Stops are _____ natural/unmarked than fricatives
Fricatives are ______ natural/unmarked than affricates
Anterior/front consonants are _____ natural/unmarked than non-anterior consonants
Low front vowels ______ appear to be the ______ natural/unmarked vowels
(æ, ɑ, ɔ); most
Close-tense vowels _____ are ______ natural/unmarked than open-lax vowels
(i, u); more
Children tend to start syllables with a _____ rise and end with a _____ fall
large; small
Children reduce word-_____ consonant clusters in a manner that produces a maximal
____ in sonority
@ I position: fricative + stop (st, sp) least sonorous (t, p) - stop top
: fricative + nasal (sm, sn) least sonorous (s) - snake sake
initial; rise
Word-_____consonant clusters are reduced in a manner to produce a minimal ____ in sonority
@ F position: fricative + stop (st) most sonorous (s) - fast fas
final; fall
the least sonorous is
voiceless stops (p, t, k)
Sonority levels 0
Sonority levels 1
glides (w, j)
Sonority levels 2
liquids (l, r)
Sonority levels 3
nasals (m, n, ŋ)
Sonority levels 4
voiced fricatives (v, ð, z, ʒ)
Sonority levels 5
voiceless fricatives (f, θ, s, ʃ)
Sonority levels 6
voiced stops (b, d, g)
Sonority levels 7
voiceless stops (p, t, k)
close front unrounded vowel
close back protruded vowel
open front unrounded vowel
open back unrounded vowel [ɑ]