conservatism new Flashcards
emergence of conservatism
hobbs absence of a strong stable state, human life would be solitary, brutish and short” - prone to conflict, state is necessary evil to prevent chaos and maintain peace
Human nature inherently self interested
Burke- tradition rejects wisdom, pragmatic, response to revolution
traditional con
little change to conserve tradition
traditional is what works well
property ownership encourages support for responsibility, discourages radical ideology and revolution
Burke- hierarchy is natural, nec for stable society
Society develops organically, can’t be planned
human imperfection, fallability, need guidance by state
One nation
pragmatism, gradual change
utopian ideas are dangerous, teach radical revo
learn from tradition, not static but dynamic and will evolve over time
human imperfection is a constant, gov needs to accommodate it rather then alter it - Oakshott “govs role is to secure its subjects in the enjoyment of what they have chosen”
Noblesse oblige, state intervention, shared values
New right
Combination of neo lib and con
atomism, maximum freedom without state intervention, differences reflected by hierarchy
believe in meritocracy, reflects effort and talent, incentive to work
lib = minimal state intervention in econ, free market laissez faire
con = tradition values, strong national defence and law and order
against social policies and welfare
Neo liberals
laissez faire, free market, low public spending, low tax and minimal gov intervention
Rand opposed to welfare state as it curtails individual freedom and is a step towards authoritarianism
“the difference between a welfare state and a totalitarian state is a matter of time”
private enterprise, open competition efficient to produce growth
altruism diminishes freedom creating a dependency
Nozick against tax and welfare state 2 quotes
“individuals have rights are there are things no person or group may do to them”
“tax of earnings from labour is on par with forced labour”
Rands opposition to personal altruism quote
“a man who attempts to live for others is a dependent, he is a parasite and makes parasites of those he serves”
Neo con
significant state role to maintain order and security
anti permissiveness - judeo christian values
nuclear family - hierarchy, structure and tradition
Examples of neo lib in thatchers government
wide spread privatisation of state owned industries, british gas and british airways
deregulation of industries and financial sector
Neo con in thatchers government
prioritised defence, law and order with gov spending
prohibition of homosexuality taught in schools - anti permissiveness
decisions made in a flexible way to do what works
wary of major reforms, advocate for gradual change
oakshott believes we shouldn’t try change the lives of citizens though utopian ideology
Human nature is fallable/limited, stick to tradition
change to conserve
traditionals pragmatism
preference for existing institutions and proven practices, accumulated wisdom over ideology
society is complex organic entity, each part evolves to play specific role
maintain order and stability, avoid radical changes
One nation pragmatism
State intervention necessary to prevent social unrest and maintain cohesion during industrialisation/capitalism
maintain tradition but implement social welfare reforms to help poor
with socialism growing, change was necessary to conserve hierarchal nature of society and prevent revolution
New right pragmatism
Reject pragmatism and favour negative freedom from control of state
state intervention and welfare is argued to be socialist ideals
Neolib laissez faire and free market, atomism
Neocon traditional values aim to restore stability and order - although not really seen a response, instead it is something they see as inherently right or correct
experience and accumulated wisdom
monarchy and church of england for stability and security
favour gradual change
Burke - “critical thread linking past present and future generations”
empiricism- based on past generations experience