conservation biology chapter 5 Flashcards
extinct when no member of the species remains alive any- where in the world.
extinct in the wild
Ifindividuals of a species remain alive only in captivity or in other human-controlled situations, the species is said to be extinct in the wild.
globally extinct.
e In both of the above situations, the species are also considered to be globally extinct.
and extinct in the wild
locally extinct or extirpated when
Aspecies islocally extinct or extirpated when itisno longer found in an area it once inhabited but is still found elsewhere in the wild. The gray wolf (Canis lupus) once roamed throughout North America; itis now locally extinct in Massachusetts.
ecologically extinct if
ifitpersists atsuch reduced numbers that itseffect on other species within itsecological community isnegligible. Tigers are ecologically extinct in most of their range because so few remain in the wild that their impact on prey populations is insignificant.
It is also true that species pre- sumed to be extant (still living) may actually be extinct;
extinction debt
The presumed eventual loss of species following
habitat destruction and fragmentation iscalled the extinction debt (Berglund and Jonsson 2005).
Endemic species
pecies found in one place and nowhere else— are particularly vulnerable to extinction (Table 5.2). Numerous endemic species of oceanic islands are in danger of extinction.
island bio- geography model
This model predicts that large islands will have more species than small islands
Vulnerability to Extinction
Species with a very narrow geographical range.
Species with only one or afew populations.
Species in which population size issmall.
Species that are hunted or harvested by people.
minimum viable population, or MVP:
“A minimum viable population for any given species in any given habitat is the smallest isolated population having a 99% chance of remaining extant for 1000 years despite the foreseeable effects of demographic, environmental, and genetic sto-
chasticity, and natural catastrophes.” In other
words, the MVP isthe smallest population size
that can be predicted to have a very high chance
of persisting for the foreseeable future. Shaffer
emphasized the tentative nature of this defini-
tion, saying that the survival probabilities could
be set at 95%, 90%, or any other percentage, and
that the time frame might similarly be adjusted,
for example, to 100 or 500 years. The key point isthat MVP analysis allows scientists to make a quantitative estimate of how large a population must be to assure long-term survival.
Demography is the statistical quantification of a popula- tion’s size, distribution, and its composition based on factors such as sex and age.
Once an MVP size has been established for a species, the minimum dynamic area (MDA)—t
the area of suitable habitat necessary for maintaining the minimum viable population—can be estimated by studying the home- range size of individuals and colonies of endangered species.
Small populations are subject to rapid decline in numbers and local extinction for three main reasons:
- Loss of genetic variation and related problems of inbreeding depres- sion and genetic drift
- Demographic fluctuations due to random variations in birth and death rates
- Environmental fluctuations due to variation in predation, competition, disease, and food supply or to natural catastrophes that occur at irreg- ular intervals, such as fires, storms, or droughts
inbreed- ing depression,
a condition characterized by higher mortality of offspring; fewer offspring; or offspring that are weak, sterile, or have low mating suc- cess (Figure.5.11; Willi et al. 2006).