chapter 2 Flashcards
complete range of species and biological communities, genetic variation within species and all ecosystem processes
Types of biodiversity or biological diversity
- Species diversity-all species on earth, including single celled bacteria, Arachne, protist and multicellular species: plants, fungi, animals.
- genetic diversity- genetic variation among species in one population and among geographically separate population of species
- Ecosystem diversity- diff. biological communities and processes involving the chemical and physical environment.
Species diversity
Entire range of evolutionary and ecological adaptations of species to particular environments.
Species concepts:
Morphological: a group of individuals that is morphological, physiological, or biochemical distinct from other groups. (phenotype: is what differentiates: look diff=diff species)
Biological: A group of individuals that can potentially breed among themselves in the wild and that do not breed with other individuals of other groups. es: mules horses and donkeys)(hybrid not species can’t reproduce anymore)
Scientific names
Taxonomists use
Taxonomists use morphological and genetic information to identify species . (use structure and diff. markers on genes)
Species concepts:
Morphological: a group of individuals that is morphological, physiological, or biochemical distinct from other groups. (morphology also a problem to realize that individuals in the same species might look diff.) (morphology- form and structure appearance)
Biological: A group of individuals that can potentially breed among themselves in the wild and that do not breed with other individuals of other groups.(mostly used by evolutionary biologists difficult to use)
each species has a given unique two-part name
can’t reproduce anymore, intermediate forms that blur the distinction between species that are related but distinct
cryptic biodiversity
widespread existence of undescribed species that have been wrongly classified and grouped with a similar appearing species.
Region 1
if question asks for saving mountain it is region 1 because it has the highest # for alpha. greater number of species per mountain
Region 2
save species. Choose region 2 since it has the highest gamma, it has the highest number of species.
Region 3
save uniqueness. It has the highest beta, diff. species each mountain.
Genetic diversity denoted in 3 ways
-spessies richness (alpha diversity)
-Gamma diversity-# of species found across a large region with a number of ecosystems
-beta diversity- links the alpha and gamma. represents the rate of change of species composition as one moves across a large region. gamma/alpha
Genetic variation:
Individuals within a population may be genetically different from one another to varying degrees.
- Population:
a group of individuals (can be few or millions) at a certain place that can potentially mate with one another and produce offspring. Species can have one or more pop.
Genetic variation within a species can allow the species to
adapt to environmental change.
genes-blueprint for proteins of life
alleles-diff. forms of gene
mutation-where differences arise because of alleles
fitness- ability to survive and reproduce