Consent and control; Education, Youth & Propaganda Flashcards
Who was the first fascist education minister?
What was his aim?
Giovanni Gentile (1923-29)
His aim was to improve literacy and educational standards, however from 1929 onwards his aims were replaced with the aim of indoctrination and obedience
What evidence is there M attempted to create a local generation of fascists from the outset?
As early as December 1921, The fascist youth front had been formed for boys between 14 and 17.
Likewise following M’s appointment as PM he created the GUF, which was followed by the creation of balilla
What can be said about M’s early educational groups?
They were not well structured and competed with organisations of other political parties
How many children were formally involved in fascist youth associations early on?
By 1924, only 3000 children were formally involved in fascist youth organisations
What organisation marked a transition to a more formalised policy towards education?
On 3 April 1926, the ONB was created by formal decree, with the goal of providing for ‘the physical and moral benefit’ of the youth, through the education of boys aged 8-18
What did the ONB emphasise?
much of this programme was centred around physical fitness
What happened to Balilla later on?
It was restructured in 1934 in a more complex fashion into three separate categories; Sons of the wolf, the Ballila and finally the Avanguardisti for boys 14-17
What organisations were created for girls?
Daughters of the she wolf for girls 6-8
Giovane italiane for women 14-17
When was membership to ONB compulsory?
Membership was not compulsory behind the age of 11 until 1939, BUT non membership made it difficult to enrol in further education, and barred employment in the civil service
Membership on the other hand provided access to jobs and special scholarships
What happened to all other youth organisations?
All youth organisations other than that of then catholic church were banned
What was the youth programme aimed at for boys?
It was aimed at producing young fascist soldiers. From 8-14 they were trained in the moral and spiritual defence of the country, and then from 14 they were involved in special gymnastic and sporting programmes to prepare them for military life
What type of history was taught at school?
At school children were taught lessons on patriotic Italians from classical Rome through the fascist regime and were encouraged to make links between Italy’s great heroes, particularly Caesar and Mussolini
What happened to teachers?
Anti-fascist teachers were removed from their jobs in the 1920’s and from 1933 it became compulsory for teachers to belong to the PNF
How many members did fascist youth organisations have even before it became compulsory?
By 1937 Fascist youth organisations had 7 million members
What was taught to Italian girls?
They did gymnastics which was meant to ensure they were fit mothers who could bear healthy children. They were also educated in a love of Italy and Mussolini
What can be said to evaluate the significance of youth organisations?
Whether young people were truly indoctrinated to believe in fascist ideals and prepared to die for Mussolini, or whether they just enjoyed the activities is of considerable debate
What were students expected to join in university?
GUF. This was popular but it seems to be because it gave students access to sports facilities, half price admission and enhanced career prospects
What can be said to counter the affects of education and fascist youth as retaining control?
-Anti-fascist forces were predominantly made up of young people who had been brought up in the same education system
-A survey in 1937 revealed girls were more interested in the sporting activities provided to boys Than they were becoming mothers
When was the OND set up?
in 1925, following the closure of socialist organisations providing recreation and welfare
What did the OND do?
It provided workers with a variety of social and sporting opportunities including bars, billiard halls, cycling groups, libraries and radios
What was the most popular aspect of the OND?
The subsidised holidays and excursions it provided for virtually no cost
How many members did the OND have?
It had 4 million members by 1939
What was there a clear effort of surrounding the OND?
to keep the OND ideologically free and there was no promotion of fascist ideas
HOWEVER, physical and military training was embraced by many giving the group somewhat of an ideological slant
What did OND membership allow?
It entitled workers to discounted rail tickets and acted as a welfare organisation providing relief for workers in times of need; level of social insurance
What did OND sections typically have?
They each typically had a clubhouse and a recreation ground where activities were provided eg plays, concerts and the showing of films
What did M state the main achievement of the OND was? What is difficult to distinguish
M stated the main achievement of the OND was that workers were meeting in places and participating in activities related to Fascism
YET the gap between popular policy and a nation that genuinely believed in fascism was difficult to bridge
What press related decrees were implemented early on?
In 1923 and 1925 the PNF had introduced decrees restricting the freedom of the press in Italy.
These decrees were formalised into official laws and sanctioned by parliament at the end of 1926
What did the laws restricting the freedom of the press in 1926 Permit?
They gave prefects the ability to confiscate whole editions of any newspaper, journal or magazine that produced material that could be judged as unfavourable to the fascist regime
They had the power to suspend publication, replace editors and shut down offending newspapers completely
What left-wing newspapers were closed?
Left wing newspapers such as Avanti!, Partito popalare and L’unita were all closed
What happened to journalists? What was the effect of this?
Journalists were incorporated into a fascist union, which controlled access to jobs and promotion within the profession. This enforced a from of self-censorship;
journalists had to join a fascist organisation and ensure a positive portrayal of Mussolini or they were fired
What can be said about M’s attitudes towards the press?
It can be said that apart from banning l/w newspapers, M was more interested in controlling the press as opposed to banning newspapers
What evidence is there that M’s fascist newspaper had a lower circulation than others
His NP ‘Popolo d’italia’ only had a circulation of 100,000
600,000 for Corriere Della Sera and the Vatican NP
How much sales did fascist newspapers account for in Italy?
They only accounted for 10% of newspaper sales
What can be said to evaluate the role of media?
The fascist regime had considerable success in controlling the image of Italian society, the PNF and M, made it extremely difficult for the Italian population to view any other narrative Than the one presented by the PNF
Describe the role of radio
Radio was state controlled and crucial as you didn’t need to be literate to engage
Describe the growth in radio
the first radio station was set up in 1924-25 but by 1932 there were 200,000 registered radio sets and by 1938 there were over a million
What was a key goal of M’s regarding propaganda?
A key goal of M was to manufacture a consensus through propaganda to mobilise support for M’s policies and help to transform the Italian people into true fascists
What did fascist propaganda focus on?
Unifying ideals that would draw Italians together and cultivate a shared patriotic feeling
The cult of Ancient Rome was popularised by propaganda to celebrate the greatness of Ancient Rome and its leaders, and also the fact Italians were heirs to the greatest empire in history
How did propaganda emphasise the cult of ancient rome? What was the extent of support?
-Medieval buildings were destroyed so that Rome’s classical ruins could be better displayed
-In 1937 a large celebration to commemorate the 2000th anniversary of Augustas Caesar was held in Rome and over one million people visited the exhibition
- M intimately linked this image of himself to Augustus who was rebuilding Italy as a great power from the ruins and chaos of the war
When was an official ministry of culture created? What limitations are there?
In 1937 the ministry of press was renamed to Ministry of popular culture to coordinate propaganda
YET the ministry of popular culture was never very sophisticated and had difficulties in fully exploiting mediums such as film to disseminate propaganda
How many pictures of M were distributed to boost the cult of Il Duce?
An incredible 30 million pictures of Il Duce in around 2500 different poses were circulated around Italy
What is a limitation to M’s propaganda (MEMORISE THIS)?
M’s image as the focus of the dictatorship was much more popular than the PNF and fascist ideology, and how war fascism can be described simply as Mussolinism is of debate
How did architecture emphasise the connection between Ancient Rome and M?
Architecture was an intrinsic part of fascist culture, with new fascist buildings modelled on a Neo-classical roman style that was meant to make the connection between Ancient Rome and the new fascist regime particularly clear
YET fair to say fascist culture failed to transform the people into loyal fascists since it was never focused in a coherent manner
How was culture co-ordinated early on?
In 1926 the national institute of fascist culture was created (artists and intellectuals were organised into particular associations)- organised cultural events free concerts and publications that would encourage mass participation
What films demonstrate an intent to glorify fascism?
The Siege of Alcazar
What Slogan was spread to boost the cult of Il Duce?
‘Mussolini is always right’
When did M introduce legislation that banned political parties?
in November 1926; banned political parties and suppressed any Italians trying to protest against his dictatorship
What was re-introduced to cultivate a sense of fear
The death penalty for anyone who tries to assassinate the King or M, or who threatened state security
What could special tribunals do?
Special tribunals could send political dissidents into exile, in a process known as confino ; usually against Italians judged as anti-fascist
Who was arrested in 1925?
Socialist deputy Tito Zanzibar was arrested on the 4 August 1925 for supposedly attempting to assassinate M- His party, the PSU were banned
What was set up for the prosecution of antifascists ?
In 1926, a special tribunal for the defence of the state was set up for the prosecution of anti-fascists who would have no right to appeal
What happened to communist deputies following a second assassination attempt in 1926?
Communist parliamentarians who had not joined the eventide succession were banned, and their leader, Antonio Gramsci, was arrested
When was Farrinacci appointed? What was his purpose
1925 as PNF secretary with the task or purging the party of those radicals who wouldn’t accept M’s political direction