Conscience Flashcards
Who are the 3 key psychologists in regards to conscience
1) Freud
2) Piaget
3) Fromm
Who were the 4 key theologians in regards to conscience
1) Aquinas
2) Augustine
3) Newman
4) Butler
What is the definition of Conscience?
An inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an action
What is the definition of Ratio?
Reason placed in everyone as a result of being created in the image of God
What is the definition of Synderisis?
An inner principle direction people towards good and away from evil
What is the definition of Conscientia`
A persons ability to apply the primary precepts
What is the difference between Vincible and Invincible ignorance
Vincible ignorance is ignorance that a person chose to have. Invincible ignorance is a lack of knowledge which was not the person’s fault
What is the definition of Nescience
A lack of knowledge - Ignorance
I) Who founded the Primary precepts?
II) What are they?
I) Thomas Aquinas
II) Moral laws for humans that we can arrive at via reason and revelation
What are the 6 primary precepts
- Preservation of life
- Reproduction
- Educate children
- Educate ourselves
- Protect society
- Worship God
What are Secondary precepts?
Actions in which the primary precepts are applied `
What does Augustine
Say about the origin of conscience?
It is God given, and is the voice of God
Just God
What does Aquinas say about the origin of the conscience?
It is God given, but requires training and our initiative to use correctly
(God + Reason)
What does Newman say about the origin of the conscience?
God given. The conscience is a messenger from God and tells us what is good. it does not create that good
What does Butler say about the origin of the conscience?
Our ability to reflect on, and grow from, our past actions is what differentiates us from animals. This is God given, but we must use our initiative
(God + Reason)
What does Freud say about the origin of the conscience?
It is a prerational function of the unconscious mind.
Id, Ego, Superego. The Superego is the conscience, and punishes the Ego with feelings of guilt
What does Piaget say about the origins of the conscience?
We don’t have Autonomous morality until age 11. Before then, it is our parents and authority figures who impose restrictions.
What did Fromm originally say about the conscience?
It was authoritarian, and was derived from a fear of displeasing authority
What did Fromm change his mind to after moving away from the Third Reich?
We are our own authority figures, and we can judge and evaluate our own behaviour, as well as that of other peoples
What do Augustine and Newman maintain is the ultimate decider of morality?
What do Aquinas and Butler maintain is the ultimate decider of morality?
God + Reason