Connective and skeletal tissues Flashcards
Describe the nature and properties of collagen
One tropocollagen molecule is formed of a triple helix of two alpha 1 collagen helices and one alpha 2 collagen helix-the ends of tropocollagen are tightly wound as its precursor, procollagen (which has loose ends made of propeptides), has it ends cleaved by peptidases.
The tropocollagen molecules self assemble end-to-end longitudinally, and in a staggered parallel arrangement horizontally. These fibrils self assemble to form banded fibres, banded due to the gaps formed in their staggered arrangement. This fibre arrangement gives it tensile and structural strength.
Sequence is a repeat gly-X-Y, with X usually being proline and Y usually being hydroxyproline
Describe the nature and properties of elastic fibres
Elastin core, fibrillin surface
- random coiled tropoelastin chains
- covalent cross links to form a meshwork
- coiled chains can stretch and recoil reversibly, giving the fibres elastic properties
- glycoprotein that forms microfibrils
- acts as a scaffold onto which elastin is deposited
Describe the nature and properties of reticular fibres
Thin fibres of type 3 collagen which are covalently cross linked to form a highly ordered meshwork called reticulin. This acts as a supporting structure for internal organs
Where is type 1 collagen distributed, where is type 2 collagen distributed, and where is type 3 collagen distributed?
Type 1 = bone, tendons, ligaments, cornea (90% of body collagen)
Type 2 = cartilage, intervertebral disc, notochord
Type 3 = skin, blood vessels, internal organs such as spleen and lymph node
Which molecules make up the ground substance in the ECM (just give names not descriptions)?
Glycoproteins such as fibronectin and laminin
Describe the nature and properties of GAGs.
Give two examples
- Long, unbranched polysaccharides
- Form highly hydrated gels due to being very anionic, thus hydrophilic, attracting sodium ions and water making them suitable to resist compressive forces
- Hyaluronic acid, which can form huge disaccharide polymers, and uniquely is non-sulphated nor linked to proteins
- Heparin, which is a variably sulphated disaccharide polymer that adopts a helical arrangement and is more of a typical GAG, often being linked to proteins and being sulphated
Describe the nature and properties of proteoglycans, using examples.
GAGs covalently bonded to a core protein, ranging from huge molecules such as aggrecan (which has 100 GAGs linked to one long core protein) to tiny molecules such as decorin (which has 1-10 GAGs attached to a shorter core protein
They have three functions:
- act as molecular sieves, such as in basal lamina of glomerulus
- resist compressive forces, as they form gels
- act as lubricant
Give two examples of glycoproteins found in connective tissue, and describe their nature and properties.
-contains 5 binding domains for binding GAGs (such as heparin), cell-surface receptors and collagen IV
- contain RGD (arg-gly-aspg) domain which bind integrin, a cell membrane protein that binds to the cytoskeleton
- also have collagen binding sites to connect the cytoskeleton to the strong collagen fibres of the ECM
Outline fibroblast structure and function
Resident cell type of the ECM
Secretory cells that secrete all the components of the ECM ground substance and fibres:
- collagen (in a specific orientation)
- elastin
- GAGs
- reticular fibres
- proteoglycans
- growth factors
- glycoproteins
Cytoplasm elongated along the line of the fibres they produce
Prominent nucleus, highly active for producing proteins for ECM
RER and Golgi are extensive, for producing and secreting high volume of molecules and performing many post translational modifications
Extensive cytoskeleton for transport of secretory vesicles
Outline macrophage structure and function
Derived from blood monocytes, develop into macrophages when they enter tissues
Largest type of WBC
Contain multiple protrusions of the cytoplasm called pseudopodia
Many cytoplasmic granules, especially lysosomes for hydrolytic activity
Round nucleus
- phagocytosis
- initiate and downregulate inflammatory responses
- antigen presentation
- recruit polymorphonuclear leukocytes (such as neutrophils)
- have other specialised functions based on which tissue they are in
- degrade ground substance of ECM in order to maintain homeostasis of connective tissue
Outline mast cell structure and function
Granulated cell containing histamine (heparin, prostaglandins. serotonin, TNF, proteases etc.) which are released on binding to IgE receptors, which coat their surface
Round nucleus
Release inflammatory mediators contained within granules when stimulated by allergen binding to IgE receptors
Can also phagocytose bacteria, which can also stimulate them to release granules
The granules they release can stimulate vasodilation, smooth muscle contractions, breakdown of ECM and increased capillary permeability
Outline basophil structure and function
Two-lobed nucleus
Many granules in cytoplasm, containing similar molecules as mast cells (especially histamine and heparin, which is highly negatively charged hence baso-phil)
IgE receptors in plasma membrane
Involved in inflammatory responses, particularly allergic responses and parasitic infections
Outline eosinophil/acidophil structure and function
Contains many granules with distinguishing cationic proteins
Multilobed nucleus
Lipid bodies and sombrero vesicles
Involved in inflammatory responses, allergic and vasoactive reactions and control mast cells
Outline neutrophil structure and function
Most abundant granulocyte, but also smallest of all granulocytes
Contains primary (microbicidal) and secondary (lysosomal) granules
ER absent and Golgi rare
Multilobed nucleus, 3-5 lobes, lost with maturity
Main function is phagocytosis
Rapid turnover from bone marrow, die quickly
Produce antimicrobial proteins as well
Outline white adipocyte structure and function
Single huge lipid droplet - unilocular adipose tissue
Precursor is fibroblast-like cell, which forms into a brown fat-like cell with multiple lipid droplets in the cytoplasm with a centrally located nucleus.
The lipid droplets then fuse and the nucleus and cytoplasm are pushed towards the periphery of the cell
They store triglycerides, which are a source of energy
They provide insulation and padding
Outline brown adipocyte structure and function
Multiple smaller lipid droplets - multilocular adipose tissue
Contains numerous mitochondria which are specialised to generate heat via fatty acid metabolism instead of generate ATP
Well vascularised and receive autonomic innervation
Found only in new born humans and lost in childhood, and serve primarily to provide heat for the neonatal.
What is the structure of a tendon? Outline also how it joins to bone and muscle respectively
Dense regular connective tissue
Made up mostly of collagen aligned along the long axis of the tendon
Hierarchical: Type 1 collagen molecules crosslinked–>collagen fibrils crosslinked–>collagen fibres crosslinked–>fascicles bound by areolar connective tissue endotenon–>tendon sheathed by areolar connective tissue epitenon
Areolar connective tissue made of ECM ground substance- outer sheath that is superficial to epitenon known as paratenon, and promotes gliding
Specialised fibroblast cells found loosely within collagen fibrils and more densely within the areolar tissue
Insert on bone at specialised interface called enthesis, which is much stiffer than the tendon and is fibrous/fibrocartilaginous in nature
Muscle inserts via myotendinous junction, where finger-like projections of sarcolemma interdigitate with collagen fibres of tendon
What are the mechanical properties and functions of tendons?
Collagen 1 arrangement gives high tensile strength in resisting unidirectional forces
Energy storing tendons (such as Achilles or patellar), where reticular fibres are present instead, have a certain degree of elasticity, extensibility and fatigue resistance
Transfer muscle generated force to the skeleton
What is the structure of a ligament?
Dense regular connective tissue
Same hierarchical arrangement as tendons, with similar arrangement of ECM
Collagen fibres arranged parallel to long axis but also in other directions
White ligaments made predominantly of collagen for rigidity and yellow ligaments made predominantly of elastic fibres for elasticity
Mainly type 1, and quite insignificant ECM
What are the mechanical properties and functions of ligaments?
Parallel arrangement of collagen, but in more than one direction, gives it tensile strength in many directions
Buckle under compression
Prevent excessive motion in any direction
Guide joint movements
Resist external load
What is an aponeurosis, and what is its function? Give examples of aponeuroses that you’ve studied thus far (hint: they are in the limbs)
Dense regular connective tissue
A variant of deep fascia that is a sheet of fibrous tissue that insert sheet-like muscles with large attachment surface areas to bone or the body part they act upon
Histologically similar to tendons
Also functions like fascia to bind muscle groups together
Example is the plantar aponeurosis running from the calcaneus tuberosity to the heads of the metatarsals, or the palmar aponeurosis which is a triangular structure in the centre of the palm that invests the muscles of the palm, continuous with the tendon of palmaris longus and then the flexors of digits II-V
What is the structure of fascia? What are its mechanical properties and functions?
Dense regular connective tissue
Collagen parallel to direction of pull, in a wavy pattern that can be pulled taught
Also contains gel-like ground substance
Fibroblasts located within the fascia
Embedded with nerve endings and mechanoreceptors
What are the mechanical properties and functions of fascia?
Surround muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels and nerves, bind them together and to reduce friction so that they can slide over each other
Important for proprioception as movement will activate mechanoreceptors to send signals to CNS
Shock absorption and sliding functions
What are the key molecules and cells that make up hyaline cartilage? Where is it found?
Chondrocytes, which produce these molecules:
Collagen type II
Proteoglycans and GAGs- proteoglycans sometimes attached to hyaluronic acid by linker proteins
Very hydrated matrix
e.g. Articular surfaces, rib cartilage
What are the key molecules and cells that make up fibrocartilage? Where is it found?
Chondrocytes, which produce these molecules:
Collagen type I
Ground substance, but much less significant
e.g. Intervertebral discs
What are the key molecules and cells that make up elastic cartilage? Where is it found?
Chondrocytes, which produce these molecules:
Lots of elastic fibres/elastin-fibrillin complex
Ground substance
e.g. external ear, epiglottis
Relate the mechanical properties and functions of hyaline cartilage to its function
Very hydrated matrix allows it to resist compressive forces
Forms a layer on both articular surfaces of a joint
Relate the mechanical properties and functions of fibrocartilage to its function
Collagen I and lack of ground substance makes the tissue more rigid, and thus have greater tensile strength- helps to prevent leakage of the gel-like fluid within the nucleus pulposus which applies a lot of pressure on the surrounding annulus fibrosus when compressed
Relate the mechanical properties and functions of elastic cartilage to its function
Elastic fibres give the tissue an additional ability to maintain their shape as they can stretch and then recoil
What are the causes and symptoms of Marfan’s syndrome?
Gene defect in FBN1 gene, which makes fibrillin (glycoprotein component of connective tissue)
The molecular scaffold for elastin of elastic tissue is thus defective, and so elastic tissues are specifically effected.
These cause symptoms such as:
- Growth to abnormally large height and disproportionally long limbs
- lens dislocation in eyes
- cardiovascular issues causing shortness of breath, undue fatigue etc.
Which stem cells differentiate to form the cartilage cells that secrete and degrade the ECM in cartilage?
What cells are present in bone, and what makes up the ECM of bone?
Cells: Osteoblasts, osteoclasts and osteocytes
ECM: collagen type I, hydroxyapatite, proteoglycans
What is the organic, uncalcified portion of the ECM of bone known as?
What is the inorganic component of bone ECM made of, and how is it arranged with the organic component? What aspects of strength do each component contribute?
Hydroxyapatite, which is a phosphate and calcium containing mineral of the apatite group
It associates in orthogonal rods with the lamellar bone (collagen type I fibres arranged in different layers or lamellae in different orientations) to form a crystal lattice
The hydroxyapatite gives the bone compressive strength and rigidity, whereas the collagen gives tensile strength- work together, otherwise hydroxyapatite on its own would be too brittle, and collagen on its own would be too bendy
Outline osteoblast derivation, location, structure and function
Derivation: fibroblast lineage, induced by bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs)
Location: Present in outer portion
Structure: Cuboidal, form single layers, prominent Golgi, extensive RER and many secretory vesicles
- lay down osteoid
- uniquely secrete osteocalcin (involved in binding calcium and mineral ions, as well as being pro-osteoblastic)
- help in osteopontin, osteonectin and bone sialoprotein secretions, which are involved in mineral bindind. Osteopontin also contains RGD sequences perhaps for anchoring osteoclasts to the matrix
- control osteoclast differentiation and action
Outline osteoclast derivation, location, structure and function
Derivation: hematopoietic stem cells –> monocytes –> osteoclasts
Location: On the surface of bone which are undergoing resorption, in pits known as resorption bays
- Polarised cell, with the cytoplasm exhibiting finger-like processes/deep invaginations/ruffled border at the border of the resorption bay, and the other end being a secretory domain
- Periphery of ruffled border surrounded by ring-like cytoplasm
- multinucleate
- cytoplasm contains many secretory vesicles, an extensive Golgi but sparse ER
- mobilise calcium stores within inorganic portion of ECM
- enables tissue remodelling by degrading the minerals and organic matrix so it can be rebuilt
Explain the mechanism by which the mineral phase of bone is broken down
Osteoclast seals of region of bone via binding of cell surface integrins (part of the podosome) to RGD sequences found within the proteins of the matrix
Demineralisation occurs via the secretion of acids, which dissolve the hydroxyapatite
- ->acids obtained by pumping out protons though a proton pump
- ->protons come from the activity of carbonic anhydrase II catalysing the reaction of CO2 + H2O to make carbonic acid, which dissociates to release protons
- ->the dissociation of carbonic acid also releases bicarbonate ions which makes the cytoplasm more negatively charged and alkaline
- ->the HCO3- ions are then exchanged in a HCO3-/Cl- exchanger
- ->the pumping out of protons thus generates a charge accumulation within the cell, which is compensated for by the subsequent pumping out of Cl- ions into the resorption pit through chloride channels, to form HCl in the pit
Explain the mechanism by which the organic matrix of bone is broken down
Osteoclast seals of region of bone via binding of cell surface integrins (part of the podosome) to RGD sequences found within the proteins of the matrix
Certain enzymes to digest the matrix proteins (collagen, glycoproteins, proteoglycans) are released:
- tartrate resistant acid phosphatases
- matrix metalloproteinases
- cysteine proteases
These are then transcytosed out through the secretory domain
Outline osteocyte derivation, location, structure and function
Derivation: Osteoblasts that have been completed surrounded by their own bone matrix
Location: in the calcified bone matrix, occupying lacunae and their interconnecting canaliculi
Structure: Gap junctions between osteoblasts and other osteocytes, found in the cell membranes of finger-like processes of cytoplasm emanating in all directions from the cell called filopodia. Uninucleate
- Provide mechanosensory information in order to induce bone remodelling. Mechanical stress causes osteocytes to send biochemical signals through its cytoplasmic processes and gap junctions to other osteocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Osteoclasts will begin process of bone remodelling and osteoblasts will continue it by placing down new bone, until it’s surrounded in the matrix, at which point it becomes an osteocyte
- Maintain bone mass
What is a lacuna (in bone)?
Space occupied by an osteocyte and its surrounding matrix
What are the two types of bone, and where are they located in relation to one another?
How do they create the perfect balance of strength and lightness?
Compact and cancellous, with cancellous covered by compact
Compact bone is dense with collagen and mineral content in order to provide maximum strength to the points of higher tension (the outer portions of the bone)- but, in order to maintain lightness, the inside of the bone is less compact as it is under less tension containing trabeculae efficiently laid down along lines of tension to reduce overall bone mass without sacrificing strength
What are the branches in the spongey type of bone known as?
What tissue is found between them?
How are they arranged?
Bone marrow
Not randomly, but along lines of stress to make them as efficient as possible
Describe the Haversian System of compact bone
Concentric layers of bone matrix, each layer produced by osteocytes trapped in their individual lacunae, surrounding a central/Haversian canal through which travel blood vessels. There are also intercalated lateral/ Volkmann’s canals, and all these structures together form the Haversian system
What is an osteon?
A single Haversian canal with its associated lamellae of bone
What are the regions between osteons called? What is the outer surface encompassing all these structures called?
Interstitial lamellae
Circumferential lamellae
Why do Haversian systems not form in cancellous bone?
Trabeculae are thin enough for the enclosed osteocytes to be in close contact with the bone marrow (which can provide it with an adequate blood and nutrient supply)
What are canaliculi?
Microscopic canals that link the lacunae of osteocytes so their can be an exchange of molecules. The filopodia of the osteocytes protrude into these canals and link with adjacent osteocytes via gap junctions
What two molecules does bone act as a storage tissue for?
Calcium and phosphate
What are the two ways that bone can develop?
Intramembranous ossification and endochondral ossification
Name and describe the process by which the cartilage model becomes calcified in a long bone
Endochondral ossification:
Primary ossification center
First, a cartilage model of the bone is formed; mesenchymal cells condense and differentiate into chondrocytes, forming the hyaline cartilage model. The chondrocytes hypertrophy, and then secrete the alkaline phosphatase (hydroxyapatite) which precipitates the calcium salts in the matrix.
Bone matrix secreted by the hypertrophied chondrocytes prevents nutrients from reaching them, causing them to degenerate.
Blood vessels simultaneously invade the center of the cartilage model and cause the perichondrium to differentiate into periosteum. As this occurs, chondrogenic cells convert to osteoprogenitor cells.
Osteoprogenitor cells then convert to osteoblasts. Bone matrix secreted by the osteoblasts forms a bone/periosteal collar. The bone collar ALSO prevents nutrients from reaching the hypertrophied chondrocytes, causing them to degenerate.
Osteoclasts, cells that break down bone, arrive and form holes in the bone collar allowing the passage of periosteal buds. Periosteal buds consist of blood vessels, osteoprogenitor cells, and hemopoietic cells.
Osteoprogenitor cells brought to the developing bone through the periosteal buds divide, forming more osteoprogenitor cells. Some of these cells will differentiate into osteoblasts that will continue to form bone matrix on the surface of the calcified cartilage.
As the bone matrix calcifies, it forms the calcified cartilage-calcified bone complex
The bone collar continues to grow in either direction towards the epiphyses and osteoclasts resorb the calcified cartilage-calcified bone complex to widen the marrow cavity.
Secondary ossification center
Secondary ossification centers are found at the epiphyses of long bones. This process is similar to that of the primary center of ossification, but occurs without a bone collar. Instead, osteoprogenitor cells enter the epiphyseal cartilage, differentiate into osteoblasts, and secrete matrix on the cartilage framework. Long bones increase in length at the secondary ossification centers.
What function does appositional growth have in a long bone? Outline the steps/zones in appositional growth
It allows for the growth of a long bone, from the epiphyseal plate
- Zone of resting cartilage found in epiphyseal plates. Here there are a few chondrocytes which make the ECM
- Zone of proliferation found just below the plate, in the direction towards the diaphysis. Chondrocytes divide and form stacks of cells, and secrete new fibres and ECM on the epiphyseal side of the epiphyseal plate
- Zone of hypertrophy where chondrocytes enlarge and mature, again towards the diaphysis
- Zone of calcification where chondrocytes die and matrix is calcified
- Zone of ossification where calcified matrix replaced by bone. Here is where osteoblasts and osteoclasts congregate to make and model the bone
What are the two functions of marrow cavities?
Fat storage
Haematopoiesis (formation of blood cells)