congress def test Flashcards
2 houses
session of congress
establishes the time that Congress comes together conducts business
when congress suspends its work until the nest session
a short break within the session
midterm elections
congressional elections held in non presidential election years
voting districts that are drawn to the advantage of the political party that controls the state legislature
the person running, who also currently hold the office (running for re-election)
people that voted for you
a person in congress who is a delegate worried about what people back home think about an issue and will vote that way
they follow their own beliefs and worry less about what their constituents think
do what is best for their party
try to balance all factors to come up with the best decision
floor consideration
to be considered upon by the full membership of the House or Senate
oversight function
the process by which congress checks to see if the executive branch is carrying out the policies that congress has set by law
members of congress can mail letters and other materials postage-free
president pro tem
almost always the most experienced member of the senate
party caucus
a closed meeting of the members of each party in each house
majority leader
floor leader from the party that holds the most seats
minority leader
floor leader from the party that holds the least amount of seats
assist the floor leaders and act as a go-between the floor leaders and the “regular members”
committee chairperson
members who head standing committees in each chamber
standing committee
permanent committees n which all similar bills can be sent