Conflict in Families Flashcards
What are some different levels of the hierarchy of conflict?
(conflict pressure at the highest) Crisis Problem Solving (the top two levels are likely negative communication ) Decision Making Need for Decision (この時点で、conflict=disagreementが発生する) Expression of Feelings Discussion of Ideas Exchange of Daily Events (ここから3つ目までは、normal life conversation and interactions)
What is conflict?
A disagreement that is usually extended over a period of time.
☆conflict itself is not healthy or unhealthy.
What is conflict resolution?
How individuals, couples, and families resolve disagreement.
What is linear causality model?
(initiation): my response is just a direct reaction to your negative communication
Shifts blame to partner
What is Circular causality model?
(escalation): I respond negatively to my partner who then in turn responds even more negatively to me
What is harsh startup?
When you start a conversation in a severe, sharp, or accusing way(いきなり怒り出す)
Explain different styles of intimacy dances (dance of anger).
Dance of anger - two people in the romantic relationship project anxiety
・Issue is closeness and boundaries
・Distancer’s projected self is anxiety about closeness
・Pursuer’s projected self is anxiety about abandonment
・Issue is control and structure
・Overfunctioner’s projected self is anxiety about losing control, (e.g. competence)
・Underfunctioner’s projected self is anxiety about gaining control (responsibility)
Explain 5 different styles of conflict resolution.
Competitive Style: tend to be aggressive and uncooperative, pursuing personal concerns at the expense of the other. Direct confrontation and try to win. 相手のことではなく、自分が解決したい問題に焦点が当たってしまう。
Collaborative Style: are highly assertive in regard to reaching their goals but have a great deal of concern for the other person. Tend to burn out on relationships.問題解決にエネルギーを使いすぎてしまう。どちらか片方がcontrolling communicationをして相手を説き伏せてしまうことがある。
Compromise Style: identified with the statement “you have to be satisfied with part of the pie”, or “when disagreements occur, you each have to give a little.” Less time consuming. 最高の解決方法に結びつかない。
Avoidance Style: Nonassertive and passive behaviors. Sidestepping and withdrawing from the conflicts. 自分の問題も相手の問題もできるだけ解決を避ける。相手に、問題を気にかけていない、気にしなさすぎると思われて、これがbackfireになりやすい。
Accommodating Style: Nonassertive but cooperative. Put aside personal needs and wants and think about the other’s need first. もしaccommodatorが非を行った人だったら問題がスムーズに解決するけれど、こちらが正しいのに、それでも相手に合わせてしまうことがあるので、その場合は問題になる。Also, could reduce creative options to solve the conflicts.
What is true about anger?
Anger can produce feelings of strength and power.