Confirmation - Chapter 3 Flashcards
The first 5 books of the Old Testament are referred to as the
Torah (means instruction or law)
In Chapter 5 of Deuteronomy, Moses restates the
10 Commandments and reminds Israelites of all other laws they have agreed to follow.
The true way to follow God’s instruction is to
love God will all your heart, soul and strength.
The word creed coms from the Latin word credo, which means
I believe
Apostolic is
the mark of the Church that indicates that Jesus continues to lead the Church through the pope and the bishops. The pope and bishops are successors of the apostles.
Nicene creed is
the summary of Chistian beliefs developed by bishops at the 1st 2 councils of the Church held in A.D. 325 and 381.
Holy Trinity is
Jesus (God the Son)
God the Father
God the Holy Spirit
God the Father created us out of _____ and to ____ in his goodness.
Our journey begins with
What resulted in Original SIn
Adam and Eve’s act of disobeying God
Al humans are born with ____ _____
Original Sin
God shared hi holiness by sending _______
his son Jesus, to be our savior
Mary was chosen to be mother of God; therefore her conception was without
Jesus was conceived by the power of the _____
Holy Spirit
For 3 years, jesus worked miracles to show the power of the
Kingdom of God
Our faith assures us that Jesus will
come again
On the night before Jesus died, he took bread and wine and transformed them to
his Body and Blood
The church is governed by the pope and all bishops. They re referred to as
the Magisterium (or teaching authority)
God the Father is with us in
our lives.
Jesus is with us during
the Eucharist
The Holy Spirit is with us
during Baptism
The bishops have responsibility to
proclaim God’s message to the people
Jesus established his _______ to make sure we would not be alone
The fundamental truths of our faith is called
the Creed
______ helps us believe the Creed
God the Holy Spirit
What is the statement of our faith
We profess the Nicene Creed at Mass
What is the center of our faith
The Trinity
How did God move us from the state of sin to the state of Grace?
By sending his sin Jesus to be our savior. He reveals God’s love to us and allows us to share in his divine nature.
What are the 4 distinguishing marks of the church
The Church is one, holy, catholic and apostolic.
What is the Communion of Saints?
the Church on earth united with all those who have died and are in Heaven or Purgatory
Who is the most esteemed member of the Communion of Saints?
Mary, the Mother of God
When will we fully understand God’s plan?
At the Last Judgment when Christ returns and pronounces the end of time as w know it.
Particular Judgment is when
God judges us on the good we have done or failed to do
Mary body and soul were taken to heaven in the
People that experience Purgatory are people who die
in friendship with God, but who still need to be purified of their attachment to sin
People who experience the state of exclusion are people who
choose to separate themselves completely from God
Mary is our example of how church will be perfected in
infallible means
free of error, such as the lessons of faith and morals as taught by the pope and bishops
Catholic is
one of the marks of the Church
Ecumenism is the
movement to bring unity to separated Christian denominations
Who founded monasteries and convents?
St Benedict and St Scholastica. It was for people of faith that dedicate their lives in community to serve God and others.
The first five books of the Old Testament are:
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy