Confirmation - Chapter 2 Flashcards
God had promised to take care of the Israelites if they
obeyed him
Because the Israelites refused to follow God’s plan, what happened?
Their Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed and they were forced to live in the distant land of Babylon.
who is God’s messenger to the Israelites?
the prophet Ezekiel
What did God promise the Israelites through Ezekiel?
That they will become his people again and return home. He will forgive their sins and fill their hearts with Spirit.
What does being born with Original Sin mean?
That we have been born in exile, apart from God.
God keeps his promises and is always
ready to bring us back to him
How does God bring us back to him?
Through the Sacraments of Initiation
What are the Sacraments of Initiation?
Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
What is a covenant?
a promise
God made a covenant with Abraham and Sarah. What was it?
God asked them to leave their home and family for a land he would give them. For their sacrifice, God would make Abraham the leader of great nation of God’s people.
God made another covenant through Moses. What was it?
The Israelites promise to obey God’s commandments and in return, he would care for them and be their God.
God made another covenant with us through
Jesus, his son.
What was God’s covenant with us through Jesus?
That he would sacrifice his only son for our sins and that it would be eternal.
At the Last Supper, Jesus formed a new covenant with…
his blood
Jesus formed a community by his ________, _________ and ________.
Death, Resurrection and Ascension
Jesus new community is called
his church
Jesus Church was made up of people who believed in him, followed his teaching and kept his commandment of ________ ______.
Loving God
people who follow Jesus are called
What are signs of the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives?
The Sacraments
What marks us as Christians?
Sanctifying _________ helps us follow the directions of the Holy Spirit
We promise to try to be like Jesus when we accept God’s _______
The sacrament of ____________ strengthens the gifts we receive in Baptism.
_________ is the oil used in Baptism and Confirmation
What will help you get closer to God
studying the faith
What event did God and jesus send the Holy Spirit to fill Jesus disciples the Spirit’s grace?
What were the 4 characteristics of the Spirit filled community?
Community - living and praying together
Message - learning from the Apostles and proclaiming the good news
Worship - Praying in temple and breaking bread Jesus did
Service - loving one another; caring for the poor
People who wanted to belong in the Christian community prepared to enter during
the Easter vigil
What is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults?
When adults are initiated into the church by celebrating all 3 sacraments at the Easter Vigil
What is given to us during the 3 sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist)?
Divine Life or Grace
What happens during Baptism?
we are freed from orginal sin.
During Baptism, we form a covenant with God. What do we promise God?
That we will try to be like his son Jesus.
Baptism marks us permanently as
What is the new life we receive during Baptism called?
sanctifying grace
We are _____ in Baptism, _________ in Confirmation and ____________ by the Eucharist.
born, strengthened and nourished
What is necessary for salvation?
In Confirmation, you affirm your _________ promise
The Sacrament of Confirmation ______ ______ ________
seals your Baptism.
What completes Christian initiation?
We continually renew our participation in Christ’s saving Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension through the
Name some ways to live your life as Jesus’ disciple
pray and celebrate the sacraments
Live the gospel
Study the faith
Turn to catholics for support and guidance
What does a sponsor do?
He will offer you guidance as you prepare for confirmation and present you to the bishop as a person ready to be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
What did Saint John Neumann do?
He was appointed Bishop of Philadelphia in 1852 and established over 200 catholic schools by 1860. He also established new parishes at a rate of almost one a month.
We should all treat one another with ______
Confirmation brings us closer to church and ___________ the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Who wrote to the Israelites who were living far from home and feeling removed from God?
the prophet Ezekiel