Chapter 2 Flashcards
Scripture is also referred to as
Sacred Scripture or the Bible
What is the the written account of God’s Revelation and his relationship with people called?
Divine Inspiration is
the special guidance given by the Holy Spirit to the humn authors of the Bible
Tradition is…
the Revelation of the Good News of Jesus Christ, as lived out in the Church, past and present
God’s truth is communicated through
both the written word of the Scripture and the living message of Tradition.
Tradition includes
the teachings and practices handed on from the time of Jesus through his Apostles to the whole Church. It consists of all the church has learned with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
What God revealed to human beings eventually came to be shared with all people in the writings of
the Bible
The Bible is a collection of how many books?
The 73 books that were written to be part of the Bible were written over a span of
almost 2000 years
The development of the Bible began with
ancient Israelites
Ancient Israelites were also known as
the people of Israel or Hebrews.
In the beginning, people shared their faith in God by
word of mouth
What did the Holy Spirit inspire man to do?
Put their experiences in writing
What is the name of the place people gathered to study scripture?
Epistles are
letters found in the New Testament to the early Christian communities about God’s Revelation in Jesus Christ
Gospels are
the written accounts of God’s Revelation through Jesus Christ
Name a disciple that wrote Epistles
Saint Paul
Do we know the identity of every writer of Old Testament and New Testament?
Saint Jerome is the patron saint of
Scripture Scholars
Saint Jerome’s greatest work was..
his translation of the Bible into Latin (the language of the people of the Roman Empire). His work is still the official Latin translation of the Bible.
Scripture cannot stand alone, it needs
Tradition to shed light on its meanings.
The Church needs both ______ and ________ to understand and live the truth.
Scripture and Tradition
The Deposit of Faith is
all the truth contained in Scripture and Tradition that Christ revealed. It helps the Church to always live the truth.
The living, teaching office of the Church is
the Magisterium
The Magisterium consists of
the Pope and the bishops
Who interprets both Scripture and Tradition for us?
the Magisterium
God reveals the truth, his Divine Revelation, through…
Scripture and Tradition