inaqequate perfusion
shortness of breath
increase co2 in blood
intrapulmonary shunting
blood returning to left side of heart unoxygenated
arterial air embolism
air in pulmonary vasculature

cardiogenic shock
heart fails to pump——> pulmonary edema
pulmonary edema
backup of blood into the lungs because left cant remove as fast as right gives (from cardiogenic shock)
fluid in alveolar sacs
s/s= dyspnea, rapid shallow breaths, sudden attack of rresp distress, coughing, cold sweats, tachycardia, cool cyanotic skin

too much fluid in tissues leads to swelling
pericardial effusion
collection of fluid between pericardial sac and myocardium
can lead to cardiac tamponade

cardiac tamponade
fluid in pericardial sac creates extreme pressure that doesn’t allow adequate filling of heart

obstructive shock
mechanical obstruction prevents aquate blood to fill chambers of heart
pulmonary embolism
blood clot formed in vein breaks off and lodges in pulmonary artery
no gas exchange in blocked area
s/s= cyanosis, dyspnea, tachycardia, tachypnea, hypoxia, chest pain, hemotypsis

distributive shock
widespread dilation of vessels, blood pools, less perfusion
septic shock
severe infection: toxin damages cellular wall= increased permeability
neurogenic shock
spinal cord injury damages nervous system that contracts/dilates vessels= vessels dilate
absence of sweating, normal HR during hypertension, normal skin
anaphylactic shock
person reacts violently to a substance they have been sensitized to, dilation
s/s= urticaria, angioedema, wheezing, hypotension, n/v, ab cramps
cyanosis is late sign
psychogenic shock
sudden nervous system reaction, temporary dilation, syncope
hypovolemic shock
inadequate amount of fluid in system
hypoxic tissues
cough up red blood
mass of blood collected in the tissue beneath skin

red blood in urine
vomiting blood
black, tarry stool containing digested blood
nose bleed
cells move into damaged area to begin repair
wbc and lymphocytes fight pathogens
cells release histamine (dilate vessels)
crush syndrome
after 4 hours, muscles die and release harmful substances into surrounding tissue
compartment syndrome
edema+ swelling= increased pressure in soft-tissue injuries
circulation problem
s/s= extreme pain, pallor, less sensation and power

wound of superficial layer
jagged cut, tears tissue
sharp, smooth cut
injury seperates layers of tissue, creates flap
organs protrucde
superficial, 1st degree, burn
epidermis, red, no blisters
partial-thickness, 2nd degree, burn
epidermis and some dermis
moist, mottled, white to red

full-thickness, 3rd degree, burn
all layers, maybe muscles and bones too
dry, leathery, white, dark brown
no feeling

pupils arent equal
retinal detachment
retinas detach from choriod and sclera
mandible fracture
teeth misalligned, chin numb
maxillae fracture
face swollen, face bones unstable
conjunctiva inflammed and red
bleeding into anterior globe
blow-out fracture
fracture to orbit bones
double vision
anterior epistaxis
from septum
slow bleed
posterior epistaxis
drain into throat
linear skull fracture
depressed skull fracture
frontal and partial bones susceptible
brain fragments in head
s/s= loss of conciousness

basilar skull fracture
extension of liner fracture
s/s= racoon eyes, battle sign, csf drains

open skull fracture
skull is open
coup-contra-coup injury
hit object and recoil back

cerebral edema
swelling of brain tissue
from coup contrecoup
intracranial hemorrhage
bleeding inside brain
increased ICP

epidural hemtoma
blood accumulating between outside dura matter inside skul
from linear fracture
s/s= immediate loss of consciousness, pupils fixed and dilated

subdural hematoma
blood accumulating under dura matter
s/s= venous bleeding, slurred speech, fluctuating LOC

intracerebral hematoma
bleeding within brain tissue
subarachnoid hematoma
bleeding where CSF circulates
s/s= sudden severe headache, increase ICP

axial loading injury
load applied vertically on spine
simple pneumothorax
doesnt result in major changes in cardiac physiology
air in space between lungs and chest wall
s/s= increased reps rate
accessory muscles use
low O2 sat
subcutaneous emphysema
tension pneumothroax
significant air in pleural space
collapses lung, pushes mediastinum
s/s= JVD, cyanosis, tracheal deviation

blood accumulating in pleural space
s/s= shock s/s, ex bleeding

flail chest
3+ ribs fractured in 2+ places
= chest detatched
s/s= paradoxical motion

pulmonary contusion
bruised lung
pulmonary alveoli fill with blood

traumatic asphyxia
sudden chest comprssion—–> increased chest pressure

commotio cardis
sudden, direct blow to chest
from fast ball/object

laceration of great vessels
causes fatal hemorhagge
s/s of shock and chest wound
gastric distention
s/s of external bleeding
increase HR, increse RR, hypotension
poor gen appearance, no response to stimuli
s/s of shock
significant blood loss, cant control
significant MOI
s/s of internal bleeding
local contusion/ eccymosis
tender abdominal, guarding, rigidity, pain
older= dizzy, weak
later signs= tachycardia, n/v, thirst, cold clammy skin, shallow rapid breathing, dull eyes, dilated pupils, weak pulse, hypotension, altered LOC
toxic gas inhalation s/s
cherry red, blood ox is normal
carbon monoxide poisoning s/s
faintness, anxiety, abnormal vitals, headache, seizures, paralysis coma, n/v, impaired LOC
cherry red

eye injury following head injury s/s
one pupil larger
eyes not moving together
eyes cant follow
bleeding in sclera
blast injury to eye s/s
loss of vision
foreign bodies
ruptured tympanic membrane s/s
severe pain, hard to hear, ringing in ear
facial fracute
direct blow to mouth/ nose
bleeding mouth, can’t swallow
laryngeal injury s/s
respiratory disress
cant swallow
s/s of increased ICP
MAJOR= increase systolic BP, low pulse rate, irregular resps
cheyne-stokes or biotic respirations
s/s of traumatic brain injury
irregular respirations
s/s of chest injury
local pain that increases when breathing
rapid weak pulse, hypotension
bruising, penetratoion
subcutanous emphysema
infection of the peritoneum( lines ab cavity)
s/s= severe ab pain, tender, muscle spasm
later- bowel sounds diminish, n/v, ab distention

abdominal trauma s/s
rigidity, bruising around belly buttoms (periumbilical bruising)
s/s spleen injury
left shoulder pain
s/s liver injury
pain to right shoulder
appendix inflammation s/s
pain in RLQ
galbladder problem s/s
pain under ribs on right side
between shoulder blades
open abdominal injury s/s
pain, tachycardia
later- shock s/s, hypotension, cool clammy skin, changed LOC, ab distention
hollow organs injury s/s
ruptured diaphragm s/s
dyspnea, SOB
kidney injury s/s
flank pain, contusion, laceration, hematoma
fractured rib cage or vertabrae
s/s of penetrating ab injury
n/v, pain during ovement
s/s of damaged internal female genitalia PREGANT
shock, contractions, hypotension
external female genital injury s/s
extreme pain, vag bleeding
urinary bladder injury s/s
blood at uretral opening
trauma to lower ab or pelvis
blood in underwear
rectal bleeding s/s
blood in underwear
blood in stool
non displaced fracture
simple fracture

comminuted fracture
bone broken in 2+ segments

epiphyseal fracture
fracture occuring in growth section of child bone
leads to growth abdormality
greenstick fracture
incomplete fracture in children

incomplete fracture
doesnt run completely through bone
pathologic fracture
weakened bone fracture
spiral fracture
caused by twisting force creating spiral break

transverse fracture
straigt across bone from direct blow
grinding sensation when bone ends rub together
s/s of dislocation
marked deformity
pain, tenderness
locked joint
impaired circulation to limb (numb?)
when joint it twisted/stretched beyond normal range of motion
injuries to ligaments and tendons
s/s= guarding, swelling/eccymosis at joint, pain prevents normal movement

stretching/tearing of muscles and tendons
s/s= pain, swelling and bruising,
no deformity
snap sound, sharp pain with movement, weak muscle, point tenderness

clavicle injury
s/s= pain in shoulder, swelling and point tenderness
child= pain in entire arm
scapula injury
well protected, probably other issues
s/s= abrasion, contusion, swelling, limited use of arm
AC seperation
dislocation of AC joint
s/s= clavical stick out, pain, point tenderness

shoulder dislocation
dislocation of glenohumeral joint
s/s= gruadring, humeral head protrudes, numb patch on shoulders or hands
fracture to distal humerus
supracondylar or intercondyalar
s/s= rapid, severe swelling
dislocation of elbow
ulna and radius displaces posteriorly
s/s= locked joint, forearm flexed at arm
fracture of ulna (olecranon process)
s/s= lac, abras, unable to extend elbow
distal radius fracture
colles fracture
s/s= silver fork deformity

pelvis fracture s/s
tenderness/ instability when palpating
posterior hip dislocation s/s
knee joint drawn up to chest
thigh roated inwards
general hip dislocation s/s
severe pain in hip
resistance to joint movement
tender hips
proximal femur fractures
common in elderly
s/s= lie with leg externally rotated
injured leg is shorter
femoral shaft fracture
s/s= deformity
external rotation
imb shortens
knee ligament injury s/s
pain in joint
cant use extremity
swelling, ecymosis
point tenderness
knee dislocation
true emergency
s/s= pain in knee
knee gave out
limited range of motion
fracture about knee
local tenderness, swelling, deformity
dislocation of patella s/s
ankle injury s/s
swelling, pain, tenderness
foot injury
often translated up to spine
s/s= significant swelling
usually little deformities
external route of admin
enter though digestive system
parenteral route of admin
enter way other than digestion
IO injection
though bone in bone marrow
indication- nasea
contra- active vomit, hypersensitivity, 1st trimester pregnancy
route- oral tablet
dose- 4mg
action- sterotonin antagonist
SE- fatigue, dizzy, H, flushing, hiccups
oral glucose
action- increase glucose
indic.- hypoglycemia
contra- can’t protect airway
route- buccal
dose-15-25 grams
SE- none
buccal route
held in cheek
trade- bayer, bufferin
action- anti-inflamm, anti- platelete cogaulant
ind- chest discomfort
contra- max dose, allergy
dose- 324 mg
SE- upper GI and ulcer irritation
indic- chest discomfort
cont- <100 systolic, ED meds (cialis, viagra)
route- sublingual
dose- 4mg, 3-5 mins, 3 max
SE- burning taste, H, BP drop
action- SNS mimic
indic- analphylaxix
cont- none
route- IM
dose- .3mg adult, .15 ped
SE- tachycardia, n/v, H, dizzy
activated charcoal
action- binds to toxins
cont- cant swallow or follow directions, acids or alkalines
route- ingestion
dose- 1gm/kg
SE- aspiration, black tarry stools
trade- narcan
act- opiod antagonist
ind- resp depression
cont- hypersensitivity
route- intranasal
dose- .5-2 mg
SE- tachycardia, n/v, pulmonary edema
ind- dyspnea, shock, spo2 <93
contra- hyperoxia, normoxia, AMI, stroke,neonate
dose- 1-15 lpm
route- inhalation
SE- vasocontriction
action- bronchodilator
ind- dyspnea
cont- max dose given
route- inhalation
SE- tachycardia, n/v, dry mouth, tremors
action- bronchodilation
ind- dyspnea, wheezes
contra- underlying cardiac condition
route- nebulizer
dose- 2.5 mg in 3ml buller
SE- tachycardia, termors, dry mouth, N/V
toxin inhalation s.s
burning eyes
sore throat
cough, weezing, hoarseness, stridor
chest pan
dizzy, confusion
altered LOC
injected poison s/s
weakness, dizzy, fever, chills, unresponsive, easily excitd
delerium tremors
from alcohol withdrawl
CNS depressant
s/s= nasuea, vomiting
sedated, unconcoious
sedative-hypnotic drug
CNS depressant
s/s= similar to alcohol
abused inhalants
inhaled by huffing
s/s= SEIZURES, altered LOC, loss of brain function, vFIB
hydrogen sulfide
s/s= n/v
low LOC
CNS stimulant
dilated pupils
paranoia/ delusion
synthetic cathinones
bath salts
teeth grinding, apatite loss, muscle twitching, lip- smacking, confusion, gi conditions, paranoia, H, tachycardia
marijuana s/s
hallucinogens s/s
hypertension, tachycardia
anxiety, paranoia
dilated pupils
dry, red skin
cholinergic agents
oversimulate PNS
salvation, drooling, runny nose, excessive pee
aspirin OD s/s
n/v, hyperventilation, ear ringing, anxiety, tachypnea, hyperthermia
disorganized quivering of ventricles leads to no forward blood flow and cardiac arrest
rapid contraction of ventricles doesnt allow normal filling of heart
collapsed alveoli
s/s of inadequate breathing
AMS, anxious or somulent (fatigued)
abdormal resp rate and rhythm
skin is pale cool cyanotic
adventitious breath sounds
struggling to speak
accessory muscle use
tripod position
pursed lips, nasal flaring
inflammation/swelling of upper airway
usually children
s/s= cold s/s, cough, low-grade fever for 2 days

inflammation of epiglottis from bacterial infection
s/s= SUDDEN, look ill, sore throat, high fever, tripod position, drooling, stridor (LATE)
resp syncitial virus (RSV)
infction to lungs and breathing passages
young children
s/s= dehydration
RSV infection leads to inflammation of bronchioles
mostly boy kids
infection of lungs, from RSV
bronchioles bloked, alveoli fill with fluid
s/s KIDS = rapid labored breaths, grunting, wheezing, cyanotic lips or fingers

bacterial pnemonia
quicker, sever symptoms
high fever
s/s of adult pnemonia
dry skin, dspnea, cough, chest discomfort, H, n/v
viral pnemonia
gradual, less severe symtoms
whooping cough
airborne bacterial infection, mostly children
s/s KID= fever, whoop inspiration sound, bad cough, vomit
s/s ADULT= no whoop, severe upper resp infection can lead to pnemonia
influenza type a
direct contact with droplets
s/s= fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, H, fatigue
can lead to pnemonia
bacterial infection spread by cough
can remain dormant and come active, can affect any organ
s/s= fever, coughing, night sweats, weight loss
SEVERE= shortness of breath, productive sputum, blood suptum, chest pain
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COPD, slow dilaation/destruction of airway and alveoli from chronic bronchial obstruction
emphysema and chronic bronchititis
COPD form
loss of elasticity in lungs leads to broken, stretched alveolar membranes
barrel chest, crackling chest sounds

chronic broncititis
s/s= produce suputum, chronic cough, difficulty expelling air, wheezing, crackles, diminished breath sounds
rhonchi and crackles (dry lung sounds) are indicative of
pulmonaary edema
wheezes and chronic asthma (dry lung sounds) are indicative of
acute spasm of bronchioles from increased mucus production and swelling of mucus lining
s/s= wheezing (lower airway ob)
SEVERE- no lung sounds, cyanosis, reps sisters, anaphylaxis

hay fever
aka allergic rhinitis
allergic response to something outside
s/s= runny nose, sneeze, congestion, sinus pressure
spontaneous pneumothorax
air in PLEURAL SPACE from a medical condition
from emphysema, asthma, chronic lung illness
s/s= dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain (sharp pain on side when respuiration)
pleural effusion
collection of fluid outside lung in PLEURAL CAVITY causing dyspnea
s/s= sudden dyspnea, shortness of breath, decreased breath sounds

over-breathing makes co2 level below normal
contricted blood vessels
s/s= anxiety, dizzy, numbness, air hunger, tingling ext, carpopedal spasms, chest pain

cystic fibrosis
genetic disorder that predisposes to repeated lung infections
from thick mucus

snoring breath sounds indicate
partial upper airway obstruction
wheezing breathing sounds indicate
lower (bronchi) airway obstruction
crackling breath sounds indicate
congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema
ronchi/rattling chest sounds indicate
pnemonia, bronchitis
stridor sounds indicate
partial trachea obstruction
rales (crackling, bubbling) breath sounds indicate
electrical pulses start in ____ and go to ____
sympathetic nervous system does this to the body
dilate vessels in mucles
contricts vessels in digestive dystem
parasympathetic nervous system does this to the body
dilate vessels in digestive system
coronary arteries supply blood to
heart muscle
carotid artery supplies blood to
head and brain
subclavian artery supplies blood to
upper extremities
brachial artery supplies blood to
lower arms and hands
iliac artery supplies blood to
groin, pelvis, legs
femoral artery supplies blood to
lower legs and feet
trouble breathing when laying down
decreased blood flow to heart
calcium and cholsetoral bruild up on vessels, obstructing blood flow and ability to contract/dilate
blood clot from atherosis breaking loose
block in artery from atherosis creates myocardial damage (cant revive)
s/s= sudden weakness, n/v, sweating, crushing chest pain, pain in lower jaw, back, arms
irregular heart beat, syncope, dypnea, pink seputum
sudden death

acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
group of symtoms caused by myocardial ischemia
angina pectoris
brief time of myocardium not getting enough oxygen
from exertion and resolved with rest
s/s= crushing, squeezing, pain under sternum, 3-8 minutes, shortness of breath, n/v, sweating

congestive heart failure
after AMI, heart is do damaged that it can’t keep up with return flow of blood
tachycardia, left ventricle enlarges
pulmonary edema or dependent edema
dependent edema
swelling in feet, pitting in body
hypertensive emergency
sys > 180
s/s= H, strong pulse, ringing in ears, n/v, dizzy, warm skin
aortic aneurysm
aorta wall weakens
dissecting aneurysm
blood flows between layers of aorta
s/s= sudden chest pain, tearing pain
cardiac arrest
complete cessation of cardiac activity
absence of carotid pulse
diabetes metillus type 1
immune system produces antibodies against beta cells
missing insulin, glucose cant enter cells
s/s= polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, fatigue
diabetic ketoacidosis
fat is metabolized from lack of glucose in cells, ketones produces
s/s= generalized illness, body aches, n/v, AMS
type 2 diabetes
resistance to effects of insulin
s/s= recurrent infection, change in vision, numb feet
can lead to HHNS
s/s= hyperglycemia, AMS, dehydration, visual/sensory deficit, partial paralysis, muscle weak, seizures
hyposomolarity (conc blood from dehydration)
dry, warm skin
sickle cell disease
inherited blood disorder creating abdomally shaped RBC
s/s= hypoxia, joint pain, swelling extremities, vision issues, organ damage, anemia, gallstones, jaundice, splenic dysfunction
decreased ability to clot after injury
(deep vein) thrombophilia
blood clots spontanously develop
s/s= pain, leg swelling, SOB, chest pain
tension headache
muscle contractions in head and neck from stress
s/s= squeezing, dull, ache
migraine headache
from changes in vessel size at the base of the brain
s/s= history of migraines, pounding, throbbing, pulsating, n/v, flashing lights, partial vision loss
sinus headache
from pressure because of fluid accumulation in sinus cavities
s/s= cold-like, nasal congestion, cough, fever
a headache is life threatening if it is accompanied by
stiff neck
following head trauma
cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
interruption of blood flow to brain
ischemic stroke
blood though cerebral arteries is blocked by clot (thrombosis or embolus)
s/s= loss of movement on opposite side of clot, varied

hemorrhagic stroke
blood vessel ruptures, accumulated blood creates clot that prevents blood flow
s/s= sudden onset severe headache

transient ischemic attack (TIA)
brain blood flow obscured from atherosclerosis or clot
resolves on own within 24 hours
left hemisphere stroke
aphasia (can’t produce/understand speech)
right hemisphere stroke
trouble moving muscles on left side
postictal state of seizure
5-30 mins
weak, exhaustion, sleepy
surge of electrical activity in the brain
tonic-clonic seizure
aka generalized seizure or petit mal
sudden loss of conciousness followed by chaotic muscle movement
s/s= tachycardia, hyperventilation, sweating, salvation, unconsciousness, severe twitching
partial seizure
aka focal seizure
one part of the brain, less intense
simple partial (focal) seizure
no change in LOC
s/s= numb, weak, dizzy, visual or sensory defecit, undramatic twitching, brief paralysis
complex partial (focal) seizure
abdormal environment interaction
s/s= lip smacking, eye blinking, isolated convulsions/jerking, repetitive behavior
febrile seizure
sudden fever and seizure in children
loss of bladder/ bowel control
aura stage of seizure
distorted emotions
tonic stage of seizure
stiff body
epileptic cry
back arched
clonic stage of seizure
jerky movements
frothy saliva
blinking eyes
causes of AMS
head injury
med complication
infection in brain or bloostream
FAST neumonic for stroke assessment
facial droop, arm drift, speech, time of normalcy
behavioral crisis/psych emergency
severe impairment in daily activities or actions inappropriate to the public
s/s= agitated, violent, uncooperative, dangerous
organic (physical) brain syndrome
brain has physical damage to tissues
functional (psycological) brain sydrome
brain is normal physically
psych disorder effects body functions
state of delusion, out of touch with reality
s/s= beligerent, angry, silent, withdrawn
excited delerium
aka agitated delerium or exhaustive mania
impairment in cognitive function
s/s= disorientation, hallucination, delusions, hypertension, tachycardia, diaphoresis, dilated pupils
positional asphyxia
physical position restirics chest wall movements or causes airway obstruction
lateral decubitis position
one arm above head
for physically uncooperative patients
manic depressive
severe mood swings
drugs: lithium, halperidol, thorazine
s/s= helplesness
anger, fear
avoidance of reminders
dissociative PTSD
person tried to find a way to escape event and internal distress
irritation of the peritoneum
inflammation of small pockets at weak areas in muscle walls
spike in temperature

inflammation of the gallbladder from gallstone blocking pathway

parteil peritonitis
pain to touch, pressure, heat, cold
visceral peritonitis
deep pain, referred pain, generalized, less severe
peptic ulcer disease
protective layer eroded, acid eats into organ
s/s= burning, gnawing stomach pain after eating, n/v, belching, hematemesis, melena
form and block outlet
complete block= cholecystis
c/c= constant severe pain, n/v, indigestion, boating, gas, belching
inflammation of appendix
s/s= pain in umbilical area, n/v, anorexia, fever, chills, rebound tenderness
GI hemorrhage
symptom of other disease
upper tract- hematemis
lower tract- melena
gastroesophageal reflux disease
spinter between espohagus and stomach opens and stomach acid moves into esophagus
s/s= heartburn, pain swallowing, feels like object is stuck, n/v, mouth sores
esophageal varicies
pressire surrounding esophagus increases from liver failure
bleeding from esopagus
s/s= sudden pain near sternum or esophagus, diff swallowing, hematemisis, hypotension, s/s of shock
mallory-weiss tear
tear between esophagus and stomach, leads to severe bleeding and death
s/s= VOMIT, bleeding
infection and diarrhea
n/v, upset stomach, cramping, fever, anorexia
bulges in colon wall turn into pouches that collect feces
creates inflammation and infection
s/s= ab pain, fever, body aches, chills, n/v
swelling/inflammation of blood vessels surrounding rectum
s/s= blood during defecation, itching, small mass on rectum
bladder infection
aka UTI
s/s= lower ab pain, frequent urination, pain around bladder
kidney failure
loss of ability to create waste
acute or chronic
kidney stone
s/s= flank and groin pain, hard to relieve pain, n/v, hematuria
protrusion of organ or tissue
serious s/s of insect stings
bronchospasm, wheezing, chest tightness, coughing, dyspnea, anxiety, GI complains, hypotension
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
infection of upper female reproductive organs
s/s= generalized ab pain, foul-smelling discharge, pain during sex, fever, n/v, anorexia
most common STD
s/s= lower ab paain, low back pain, n, fever, pain during sex, bleeding off period
bacterial vaginosis
overgrowth of abnormal bacteria
s/s= itching, burning, fishy discharge
bacteria grows rapidly in warm areas
s/s women= painful urination, yellow bloody discharge, odor, blood during sex
rectal infection s/s
anal discharge
painful bowel movement
s/s of date rape drugs
can’t remember events
weak, confused
loss of conciousness
loss of muscle compliance
gestational diabetes
during preganacy, resolves after delivery
in people who haven’t had diabetes before too
pregnancy induced hypertension
s/s=H, visual abnormality, hand feet edema, anxiety, n/v
seizures as a result of preeclampsia
supine hypotensive syndrome
compression of vena cava by uterus while laying supine
ectopic pregancy
fetus growing outside uterus in fallopian tubes
missed period, pain in lover ab
abtruptio placenta
placenta prematurely seperates from wall of uterus from hypertension or trauma
s/s=severe ab pain, vag. bleeding
placenta previa
placenta develops over cervix and comes out first
first stage of labor
end-cervix dilated
longest (16hrs)
s/s= bloody show, water breaking
false labor
aka baxton hicks contractions
regular contractions
change in position can alleviate pain
small fluid leakage
true labor
stonger more frequent contractions
changing position doesnt help pain
water breaking
fetus descendng into pelvis
second stage of labor
begin-fetus enters birth canal
third stage of labor
end-delivery of placenta
contractions continue
up to 30 mins
cephalic position
head first delivery
nuchal cord
umbilical cord around the neck
firm, grapefruit size mass in lower abdomen that is the upper end of the uterus
vertex position
head first dlivery
breech position
butt first delivery
limb presentation
single arm or foot delivery
spina bifida
defect where spinal cord or meninges protrude from newborn
s/s of pediatric decreased perfusion
pallor, weak distal pulses, delayed cap refil, cool hands and feet
fontanelles bulging means
increased ICP
fontanelles sunken means
PAT components
appearance, work of breathing, circulation to skin
the bad B’s of pediatrics
bradycardia, bradypnea
early s/s of pediatric resp emergency
combative, restless, anxiety
later s/s of pediatric resp emergency
chest rises less, less effors, cyanosis, pallor, altered LOC, apnea periods, bradycardia
partial upper airway obstruction s/s
decreased breath sounds
partial lower airway obstruction s/s
pediatric asthma s/s
wheezing, cyanosis, resp distress
ped pneumonia s/s
rapid breathing, grunt/wheeze, nasal flaring, hypothermia, fever
ped epiglottisis s/s
look sick, sore throat, high fever
ped bronchiolotis s/s
dehydration, SOB, fever, RSV history
ped pertussis s/s
common cold, whoop sound
ped shock s/s
tachycardia, poor cap refil, change in LOC
ped meningitis s/s
fever, altered LOC, apnea, cyanosis, stiff neck, irratble, bulging fontanelle
shaken baby syndrome
head bleeding and c-spine damage
sudden infant death syndrome
no cause of death known
apparent life-threatening event (ATLE)
baby resumes breathing when stimulated
cyanosis, apnea, unresponsive
order of bruise color
red, blue/purpe, green,yellow, brown
common conditions in geriatrics (3)
hip fractures, fallls, clots from sedentary behavior
geriatric pulmonary embolism s/s
tachycardia, sudden dyspnea, cough, syncope
heart enlarges in geriatrics
vascular stffening of geriatrics is from
hypertension and arterioslecrosis
right side heart failure s/s
fluid backs up into body
JVD, ascites (fluid in abdomen)
peripheral edema
enlarged liver
left side heart failure s/s
fluid back up into lungs
pulmonary edema
roles, crackles
SOB, hypoxia
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
attack of resp distress at night in reclined position
from left side heart failure
leading cause of geriatric death
age-related hearing loss
chronic, slow developement
disorientation, short attention span, loss of cognition
delerium geriatrics
sudden change in mental status
disorder of motor nerves
muscle cramps, weakness, spasm, loss of coordination and balance
disorder of sensory nerves
tingling, numb, itching, pain, burning
disorder of autonomic nerves
change in BP and HR, constipation, bladder dysfunction, sexual dysfunction
general s/s of GI issues
pale/yellow skin, thing skin, edema, hypertension, fever, tachycardia
from less metabolism of thyroxine as a geriatric
s/s= slow HR, fatigue, dry skin, weight gain
joints loose flexibility
forward curling of back
decubitis ulcers
pressure ulcers, bed sores
cut off blood flow
taking multiple perscription medicatins
GEMS for geriatrics
geriatric patients
environmental assessment
medical assessment
social assessment
autism spectrum disorder
impairment of social interaction
down syndrome
genetric chromosomal effect (triple 21)
intellectual impairment
sensorineural deafness
nerve damage from damage to inner ear
conductive hearing loss
faulty transmission of sound waves
cerebral palsy
poorly controlled body movement
possible epilepsy
spina bifida
incomplete closure of spinal collumn
latex allergy
some paralysis
tracheostmy tubes
around stoma
prone to secretion obstruction
gastrostomy tubes
food into stomach
draines excess CSF
vagus nerve stimulators
treatment for epilepsy that isn’t medication
colostomies, illesostomies
create opening in intestines for waste removal
urine drains from stoma in abdominal wall
direct contact
cyclical motion of warm rising, cool falling
liquid to gas
body cooling mecahnism
heat delivered by radiant energy
cool in, warm out of body
core temp below 95
cyanosis, shivering
mild hypothermia
shivering, foot-stamping
constricted blood vessels, rapid breathing
moderate hypothermia
loss of coordination, stiffness, coma
slowing resps, weak pulse, dysrhythmias
confused to unresponsive
severe hypothermia
apparent death
cardiac arrest
skin freezes but deeper tissues are unaffected
immersion foot
aka trench foot
prolonged exposure to cold water
s/s of local cold injuries
blanched skin, cold, loss of feeling and sensation
tissues are frozen and permanently damaged
s/s= hard wavy feel, firm to frozen, blisters, swelling, necrosis
heat cramps
first sign of hyperthermia
change in electrolyte balance leads to cramps
s/s= muscle cramps, dehydration
heat exhaustion
temp 104
hypovolemia from loss of water and electrolytes
faint, dizzy
excessive sweating
cool, pale, clammy
rapid, weak pulse
muscle cramps
heat stroke
tissues are destroyed
temp 106
throbbing headache
no sweating
red, hot, dry
rapid, strong pulse
may loose conciouness
diving reflex
slowing of the heart
descent emergency
sudden increase in pressure
ruptured tympanic membrane
ascent emergencies
air embolism
decompression sickness
air embolism ascent emergency s/s
blotching, froth, severe pain, dyspnea, dizzy, n/v, cough, cyanosis
decompression sickness
nitrogen bubbles obstruct blood vessels
abdominal and joint pain, patient bends over
dysbarism injury
s.s caused by atmospheric pressure vs pressure of gasses in body
acute mountain sickness
diminish ox pressure in air over 5,000 feet
s/s= H, lightheaded, fatigue, loss of appetite, N, SOB
pulomary edema, 8,000 feet
s/s= SOB, cough, pink suputm, cyanosis, rapid pulse
cerebral edema
s/s= severe headache, ataxia (loss of muscle cordiation), fatigue
indirect effects from lightning are called
splash effects
mild lightning strike
loss of conciousness, amnesia, confusion, tingling, superficial brn
moderate lightning strike
seizures, resp arrest, dystrhythmias, superficial birn
severe lightning strike
cardiac arrest
massive muscle spasms
black widow spider bite
localized pain, muscle spasms, dizzy, n/v, rashes, tight chest
brown recluse spider bite
swollen, tender, pale, mottled, large ulcer
pit viper s/s of envenomation
burning pain at site, eccymosis, severe bleeding, weak, n/v, sweating, seizures, fainting, changed LOC, shock
rocky mountain spotted fever
7-10 days after
n/v, h
cardiresp arrest
lyme disease
first: flu-like, bullseye rash
layer: swelling of joint