Chapter 2- Workforce Safety and Wellness Flashcards
wellness is a state of complete …, …, and … well-being
mental; physical; social
stress is any event, thought, or action perceived as a
… refers to the tactics that have been shown to alleviate or eliminate stress reactions
stress management
your body’s three sources of fuel- .., .., and ..– are consumed in increased quantities during times of stress, particularly if physical activity is involved
carbs; fat; protein
the quickest source of energy is …, taken from stored … in the liver
glucose; glycogen
protein, drawn primarily from …, is a long-term source of fuel
tissues can use … for energy
the body conserves … durings tress
other nutrients that are susceptible to depletion are the … and …. that are not stored byt he body in substantial quantities
vitamins; minerals
to perform efficiently, you must eat … food is the fuel that makes the body run
nutritious food
limit your consumption of …, …, …, and …
sugar; fats; sodium; alcohol
complex carbs rank next to … in their ability to produce energy. ex are pasta, rice and vegetables. these are among the most … sources for long-term energy production
simple sugars; reliable
… are also easily converted to energy, but eating too much can lead to obesity, cardiac disease, and other long term health problems
fats should be limited to … of calories, and intake should focus on … and … fats while avoiding … or .. fats
10%; monounsaturated; polyunsaturated; saturated or trans
when you are in good … you can handle stress more easily
physical condition
regular exercise will increase your … and ..
strength; endurance
exercise will help you maintain sufficient strength to lift … and …
patients; heavy equipment
sleep should be .. and …
regular; uninterrupted
eight straight hours of sleep may not be possible, but three … of 2 to 3 hours each will provide similar effects
sleep episodes
routine exercise will promote the needed … for restful sleep
an infectious disease is caused by … within the body
a communicable disease can be spread from … to … and from one … to another
person; person; species
infection risk can be minimized by: …, …, …
immunizations; protective techniques; handwashing
pathogen: a … that is capable of causing disease
…: the presence of infectious organisms or foreign bodies on or within objects such as dressings, water, food, needles, wounds, or a patient’s body
…: a situation in which a person has had contact with blood, body fluids, tissues, or airborne particles in a manner that may allow disease transmission to occur
… (PPE): protective equipment that an individual wears to prevent exposure to a pathogen or a hazardous material
personal protective equipment
routes of transmission:
direct; indirect; airborne; foodborne; vector-borne
all emts are trained in handling
blood-borne pathogens