Concussion Flashcards
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a blow to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly back and forth.
True or False: All concussions result in loss of consciousness.
List three common signs of a concussion.
- Headache 2. Confusion 3. Dizziness
What should a coach do if they suspect a player has a concussion?
Remove the player from the game or practice and ensure they are evaluated by a medical professional.
Fill in the blank: The _____ protocol is used to assess and manage concussions in athletes.
What is the minimum time a player should be symptom-free before returning to play after a concussion?
24 hours
True or False: Coaches are required to have training in recognizing concussion symptoms.
What is the primary goal of concussion management protocols?
To ensure the athlete’s safety and prevent further injury.
Which organization provides guidelines for concussion management in Minnesota?
The Minnesota Department of Health
What is the purpose of a baseline concussion test?
To assess an athlete’s normal cognitive function so that any changes can be identified after a concussion.
Name one cognitive symptom of a concussion.
Difficulty concentrating
Fill in the blank: Coaches must provide _____ education regarding concussions to players and parents.
What should be included in a coach’s concussion management plan?
Emergency contact information, protocols for assessing symptoms, and return-to-play guidelines.
True or False: An athlete can return to play the same day they sustain a concussion.
What is one physical sign of a concussion?
Balance problems
What is the acronym for the assessment tool used for concussions?
SCAT (Sport Concussion Assessment Tool)
What should a coach document after a suspected concussion incident?
The incident details, symptoms observed, and actions taken.
Name one emotional symptom of a concussion.
What is the role of a certified athletic trainer in concussion management?
To evaluate athletes for concussions and assist in their management and recovery.
Fill in the blank: A player diagnosed with a concussion must go through a _____ process before returning to play.
Graduated return-to-play
What is one long-term risk of returning to play too soon after a concussion?
Second Impact Syndrome
True or False: It is acceptable for a coach to allow a player to continue playing if they say they feel fine after a hit.
What factor increases the risk of sustaining a concussion?
Previous history of concussions
What should a coach do if a player shows symptoms of a concussion during practice?
Immediately stop practice and remove the player for evaluation.
What is one visual symptom of a concussion?
Blurred vision
How often should coaches be trained on concussion awareness and management?
What is the primary focus of the Minnesota Concussion Law?
To protect youth athletes from the risks of concussions.
Fill in the blank: A _____ is a medical professional trained to diagnose and manage concussions.
What is one common misconception about concussions?
That they only happen in contact sports.
What is the most important step a coach can take to prevent concussions?
Educating players about the risks and signs of concussions.
True or False: All athletes recover from a concussion within a few days.
What type of testing may be conducted after a concussion?
Neurocognitive testing
What is one behavioral symptom of a concussion?
Mood swings
What is the purpose of a concussion awareness program?
To educate athletes, coaches, and parents about the risks and management of concussions.
Fill in the blank: Coaches must ensure that players have _____ before returning to play after a concussion.
Medical clearance
What is a common recovery strategy for athletes after a concussion?
Gradual return to normal activities
True or False: A headache is the only symptom of a concussion.
What is the recommended action if an athlete experiences worsening symptoms after a concussion?
Seek immediate medical attention.
What role do parents play in concussion management?
To monitor their child for symptoms and ensure they follow recovery protocols.
What is one common physical sign of a concussion during a game?
Loss of coordination
What is one reason why youth athletes may not report concussion symptoms?
Fear of being removed from the game.
Fill in the blank: The _____ test is often used to help evaluate cognitive function after a concussion.
What is the purpose of the ‘return-to-play’ protocol?
To safely reintegrate an athlete back into sports after a concussion.
True or False: Concussions can only occur in contact sports.
What is one potential complication of a concussion?
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
What is the first step in managing a suspected concussion?
Remove the athlete from play.
What symptom may persist for weeks or months after a concussion?
Post-concussion syndrome
Fill in the blank: Coaches should develop an _____ plan for concussion management.
What is the role of the Minnesota State High School League regarding concussions?
To provide guidelines and resources for concussion management in high school sports.
True or False: Athletes should be encouraged to ‘tough it out’ after a head injury.
What is one key component of a concussion education program for coaches?
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of concussions.
What does the acronym ‘KSI’ stand for in relation to concussions?
Kinetic Sports Injury
What is an essential part of follow-up care after a concussion?
Monitoring symptoms and progress.
Fill in the blank: A coach must report any suspected concussion to the _____ immediately.
Athletic director
What factor is crucial in an athlete’s recovery from a concussion?
Rest and gradual return to activity.
What should be done if a player displays confusion after a hit?
Remove them from play and seek medical evaluation.
What is one common emotional response following a concussion?
What is the purpose of concussion baseline testing?
To provide a reference point for evaluating changes after a concussion.
True or False: Concussions can affect anyone, regardless of age.
What should players be encouraged to do if they experience concussion symptoms?
Report their symptoms to a coach or medical staff.
Fill in the blank: The _____ is responsible for ensuring that concussion protocols are followed.
What is one reason why youth sports may have a higher incidence of concussions?
Lack of awareness and education about concussions.
What is a common misconception regarding concussion symptoms?
That they appear immediately after the injury.
What should be the first action taken if a player is suspected of having a concussion?
Remove them from the game or practice.
What is the recommended approach for returning to school after a concussion?
Gradual return with accommodations as needed.
What is a concussion?
A type of traumatic brain injury that impairs normal brain function due to movement within the skull from a blow to the head or body.
True or False: A concussion only occurs when there is a loss of consciousness.
What percentage of athletes actually lose consciousness with a concussion?
Less than 5%
What are common signs observed by coaching staff that may indicate a concussion?
- Loss of consciousness (even if brief)
- Seizure
- Increasing sleepiness
- Worsening headache
- Persistent vomiting
- Dazed or stunned appearance
- Confusion about assignment or position
- Forgetful
- Uncertainty of game, score or opponent
- Clumsy movements
- Slow response to questions
- Mood, behavior or personality changes
- Inability to recall events prior to hit or fall
- Inability to recall events after hit or fall
What are some symptoms reported by an athlete that may indicate a concussion?
- Headaches or “pressure” in head
- Nausea or vomiting
- Balance problems or dizziness
- Double or blurry vision
- Sensitivity to light
- Sensitivity to noise
- Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy or groggy
- Concentration or memory problems
- Confusion
- Emotions of “not feeling right” or “feeling down”
What should be done if an athlete exhibits signs of a concussion?
The athlete must be removed from play and closely observed.
Fill in the blank: The first step in recovering from a concussion is _______.
What is the ‘Heads Up’ 4-step Action Plan for suspected concussion?
- Remove the athlete from play
- Ensure the athlete is evaluated by an appropriate health-care professional
- Inform the athlete’s parents/guardians about the possible concussion
- Keep the athlete out of play until cleared by a health-care professional
What is a common misconception about concussions?
That they are minor head injuries and do not need to be taken seriously.
What is the recommended protocol for returning to play after a concussion?
Follow a step-wise protocol with provisions for delayed return to play based on symptoms.
What are the progressive steps in a return to physical activity program after a concussion?
- Step 1: Light aerobic exercise (5 to 10 minutes)
- Step 2: Moderate aerobic exercise (15 to 20 minutes)
- Step 3: Non-contact training drills in full uniform
- Step 4: Full contact practice or training
- Step 5: Full game play
When should you call 911 when related to a concussion?
Call 911 if there is loss of consciousness, seizure, increasing sleepiness, worsening headache, or persistent vomiting.
What are the potential consequences of returning to activity too soon after a concussion?
Increased risk for repeat concussion, slowed recovery, or severe swelling and bleeding in the brain.
What academic adjustments may be necessary for a student following a concussion?
- Decreasing homework
- Allowing extra time for assignments/tests
- Taking breaks during class
Fill in the blank: Athletes should never try to _______ a concussion.
[tough out]
What is the recommended duration for rest after a concussion?
Typically 24-48 hours but may require longer.
What should parents and coaches avoid doing when an athlete has signs of a concussion?
Encouraging the athlete to ‘play through’ the symptoms.
True or False: A concussion can be diagnosed using MRI or CT scans.
What should you do if you think you have a concussion?
Don’t hide it, report it, take time to recover.
These steps are crucial for ensuring proper care and recovery.
List three common symptoms of a concussion.
- Headache or ‘pressure’ in head
- Nausea or vomiting
- Balance problems or dizziness
True or False: All concussions are serious.
This emphasizes the importance of treating concussions with seriousness.
Fill in the blank: A symptom of a concussion can include sensitivity to _______.
[light or noise]
What symptom might indicate confusion after a concussion?
Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy.
These feelings are often reported by individuals with concussions.
Name two visual symptoms associated with concussions.
- Double vision
- Blurry vision
What is a less common symptom that one might experience after a concussion?
Just not ‘feeling right’ or ‘feeling down’.
Which symptom of a concussion relates to cognitive function?
Concentration or memory problems.
These issues can significantly impact daily activities.
What is a concussion?
A type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body.
How can concussions occur besides direct head trauma?
From a blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.
What are the immediate effects of a concussion on brain cells?
Stretching and tearing of brain cells, damaging them and creating chemical changes in the brain.
What should coaches watch for to recognize a possible concussion?
A forceful bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body and any signs or symptoms of concussion.
What are common symptoms reported by athletes after a concussion?
- Headache or pressure in head
- Nausea or vomiting
- Balance problems or dizziness
- Double or blurry vision
- Sensitivity to light
- Sensitivity to noise
- Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
- Concentration or memory problems
- Confusion
- Just not feeling right or feeling down
What are signs observed by coaching staff that indicate a concussion?
- Appears dazed or stunned
- Is confused about assignment or position
- Forgets an instruction
- Is unsure of game, score, or opponent
- Moves clumsily
- Answers questions slowly
- Loses consciousness (even briefly)
- Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes
- Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall
- Can’t recall events after hit or fall
What are some danger signs of a concussion that require immediate medical attention?
- One pupil larger than the other
- Is drowsy or cannot be awakened
- A headache that gets worse
- Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination
- Repeated vomiting or nausea
- Slurred speech
- Convulsions or seizures
- Cannot recognize people or places
- Becomes increasingly confused, restless, or agitated
- Has unusual behavior
- Loses consciousness (even briefly)
True or False: Playing with a concussion is safe and shows strength.
What should a coach do if a concussion is suspected?
Keep the athlete out of play and ensure they are evaluated by a health care professional.
What information should be recorded by a coach for health care professionals after a concussion?
- Cause of the injury and force of the hit
- Any loss of consciousness and duration
- Any memory loss immediately following the injury
- Any seizures immediately following the injury
- Number of previous concussions
How long can symptoms of a concussion last?
Days, weeks, or longer for some athletes.
What is the risk of a repeat concussion occurring before full recovery?
It can slow recovery or increase the chances for long-term problems.
Fill in the blank: Young children and teens are more likely to get a concussion and take _______ to recover than adults.
What are the five steps in the gradual process to help an athlete return to play after a concussion?
- Baseline: No concussion symptoms
- Step 1: Light aerobic exercise
- Step 2: Moderate activities with body or head movement
- Step 3: Heavy non-contact physical activity
- Step 4: Return to practice and full contact in controlled practice
- Step 5: Return to competition
What should coaches insist on to help prevent concussions?
Safety comes first, ensuring athletes follow safety rules and wear the right protective equipment.
True or False: A helmet makes an athlete immune to concussions.
What should concussion policy statements include?
- Commitment to safety
- Brief description of concussion
- Information on when athletes can safely return to school and play
What is a concussion?
A concussion is a brain injury.
Are all concussions serious?
Yes, all concussions are serious.
Do most concussions occur with loss of consciousness?
No, most concussions occur without loss of consciousness.
What can cause a concussion?
A bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body.
Where can concussions occur?
In any sport or recreation activity.
What should be done when a concussion is suspected?
Remove the athlete from play and evaluate for signs and symptoms.
What are common symptoms of a concussion?
Headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion, balance problems.
True or False: Athletes who have had a concussion are at increased risk for another one.
Who should evaluate an athlete for a concussion?
A health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussion.
What is a danger sign of a concussion?
One pupil larger than the other.
Fill in the blank: A repeat concussion that occurs before the brain recovers can lead to _______.
long-term problems.
What should be done after a concussion occurs?
Keep the athlete out of play until symptom-free.
What is the importance of communication about concussions?
To raise awareness and educate about prevention and recognition.
What should athletes do if they suspect a concussion?
Report it to the coaching staff immediately.
What is the role of coaches in concussion prevention?
Educate athletes about concussions and enforce safety protocols.
What should be included in a concussion action plan?
Identification of a health care professional and communication protocols.
What is the recommended action if an athlete loses consciousness?
Seek immediate medical attention.
What is a common misconception about playing injured?
That it shows courage or strength.
Fill in the blank: Concussions can happen during _______ and _______.
drills, practices.
What should parents be informed about regarding concussions?
The importance of taking every concussion seriously.
What are some signs of a concussion observed by coaching staff?
- Appears dazed or stunned
- Confused about assignment
- Forgets an instruction
What is a potential consequence of not recognizing a concussion?
Increased risk of long-term brain problems.
What should be done during the preseason regarding concussions?
Check concussion policies and involve school officials.
What type of tests can be conducted to assess brain function?
Baseline testing or neurocognitive tests.
True or False: Most people with a concussion recover quickly and fully.
What should be the first priority when dealing with concussions?
Your teen’s safety is our first priority.
What is important to communicate to teens regarding playing after an injury?
It’s not smart to play injured.
What should parents learn about concerning concussions?
Signs and symptoms of concussion.
When can a teen return to play after a concussion?
When a health care professional says s/he is symptom-free.
What should parents do if they suspect a concussion in their teen?
Alert the teen’s coach to any known or suspected concussion.
What should be carried to practices and games to help identify concussions?
A list of symptoms and the action plan.
How can school staff support concussion management?
Work as a team with health care professionals and parents.
What should be established among coaches of different sports?
A monitoring and communication plan.
What is ideal to have during athletic activities?
A health care professional available.
True or False: All concussions are serious.
What should coaches distribute to athletes and parents?
Educational materials about concussion.
Fill in the blank: A concussion can happen in any _______ or recreational activity.
What is a key aspect of concussion communication with parents?
Discuss potential dangers and prevention.
What can enhance the reputation of the school?
Keeping students safe and healthy.
What type of injuries does the CDC report focus on?
Nonfatal Traumatic Brain Injuries from Sports and Recreation Activities.
What is the purpose of a concussion policy in schools?
To prevent, recognize, and correctly respond to concussions.
What are some organizations involved in concussion management?
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American College of Sports Medicine
- National Athletic Trainers Association
What is a common misconception about concussions?
That they are not serious injuries.