Concrete noun Flashcards
nước vôi
vách đá
echo /ˈekəʊ/
=reverberate /rɪˈvɜːbəreɪt/ vang nhiều
tiếng vang
sở chỉ huy
giao lộ
doanh trại
curriculum curricula
chương trình giảng dạy
dictum dicta
châm ngôn
datum data
dữ liệu
phenomenon phenomena
hiện tượng lạ,hiện tượng(người)
a belief or set of beliefs held by a group or organization that others are expected to accept without argument
giáo lý
basis bases
1. on a … basis the way things are organized or arranged; how often something happens
We are in contact on a regular basis.
to be employed on a permanent/temporary/part-time basis
Fatal accidents occur on our roads on a daily basis.
on a day-to-day/weekly/monthly basis
Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
All members of the committee work on a voluntary basis.
2.[singular] the reason why people take a particular action
on the basis of something She was chosen for the job on the basis of her qualifications.
We made our decision on the basis of the information we had.
on the basis that… Some movies have been banned on the basis that they are too violent.
On what basis will this decision be made?
3. the important facts, ideas or events that support something and that it can develop from
The basis of a good marriage is trust.
basis for something This article will form the basis for our discussion.
The initial talks were intended to provide a basis for negotiations.
as a/the basis for something These results will serve as a basis for more detailed research.
Their advice is used as a basis for decision-making.
căn cứ,điều dựa vào,tần suất
analyse /ˈænəlaɪz/
analysis /əˈnæləsɪs/ analyses
analytic /ˌænəˈlɪtɪk/
phân tích
hypothesize theorize
hypothesis theory
hypothetical theoretical theology theological theorem
giả thuyết thần học,định lý
penny pennies pence
đồng xu