Concepts of Health and Wellbeing- Unit 1 Flashcards
What is health?
This is a positive concept that suggests well being rather than illness or disease. It can be influenced by lifestyles factors
What is ill-health?
This is a state in which an individual is unable to function normally
and without pain which can be physical or mental. Ill-health may be about the presence of something negative
like a disease or the absence of something positive
like adequate nutrition.
What is disease?
This is a diagnosic label
given to a set of signs or symptoms which are short term or long term. It is a condition or process which can affect the functioning of the body
physically and/or mentally eg CHD or Alzheimers disease.
What is a stress related illness?
This refers to a set of signs or symptoms which has come about as a direct result of exposure to short term or long term stressor
eg. Headaches fatigue, palpitations, anxiety and stress. Stress can impact the body
eg immune system or digestive system.
What is mental health?
This is not just the absence of mental health
but a form of subjective wellbeing
. It is an individuals sense of being able to cope, being in control
of his/her life, being able to face challenges
and take responsibility
What is mental illness?
This describes behaviour which is generally regarded as abnormal and inexplicable
within the expected patterns of behaviour associated with particular roles in society. Mental illness has been linked to chemical changes in the brain
which produce abnormal often undesired behaviour
. Eg violent mood swings
How are physical needs met in a hospital?
Assisstance with personal care
such as help getting to bath/shower or bed bath
needs by providing assistance with rehabilitation
How are intellectual needs met in a hospital?
Language needs
could be met by providing info to patients in a variety of languages or through interpreters
Mental stimulation
staff providing patients with newspapers, books, TV
How are patients emotional needs met in a hospital?
Positive self esteem
by allowing patient to personalise room or space
staff can listen to patients who want to talk or provide more formal counselling
How are social needs met in a hospital?
accessible time for visiting hours to allow family/friends to visit
Engage in conversation
staff with patient
How is physical needs met in a nursery?
encouraging appropriate toileting behaviour such as proper hand washing
Develop fine/gross motor skills
by providing suitable play activities eg slides or building blocks
How are intellectual needs met in a nursery?
staff could ask child questions that make them think or puzzle activities
Learning, knowledge and understanding
staff follow the curriculum for their age group eg recognising numbers
How are emotional needs met in a nursery?
staff could ask children for their opinions and address them appropriately and reassure them etc
staff could celebrate various religions and cultures
How are social needs met in a nursery?
Encourage co-operation by giving child particular roles in structured play
Behave appropriately by sitting at table and using cutlery properly or take turns and share
How are physical needs met inna nursing home?
Mobility needs staff could provide assistance with walking and rehabilitation
Personal hygiene providing assistance with washing, dressing, feeding
How are intellectual needs met in a care home?
Mental stimulation staff could provide books or newspapers
Language needs providing info in Braille for the blind or interpreter for those who first language isn’t English
How are emotional needs met in a nursing home?
Respect staff could ask patients about their needs and listen to their opinions
Support let them make their own decisions such as what to wear
How are social needs met in a nursing home?
Wider community staff could contact hair dressers
*Group recreational activities such as painting, sewing or gardening
Potential negative impact of health on psychological wellbeing?
Individual may be going through a breakdown of relationships and low self esteem or be suffering from mental health issues.
Potential positive impacts of health on psychological well being?
High self esteem as they feel well and so good self concept
Sense of autonomy - may feel in control because lifestyle choices are resulting in good health
Postive emotions
Feel confident being able to cope with demands
Potential positive impact of ill-health on psychological wellbeing?
Individual may display resilience in that they are going to make the best of their life
Individual may be spiritual and get comfort
Individual may get comfort from friends and family and stay positive
Potential negative impacts of ill-health on psychological wellbeing?
Individual may have low self esteem as may look unwell
No sense of autonomy so negative self concept as not in control and may feel guilty as life style choices
Negative emotions
Lack self confidence unable to cope with daily demand
How can ill-health impact an individuals education?
A sick adult may drop out of their course if they fall behind
Results in education may suffer as loose concentration due to worrying
Individual may miss out on opportunities for higher education eg. nursing courses attendance
How can ill-health impact a families education?
Brother and sisters of someone ill may worry and lose conc
Family members miss days off school as need to care
A child of a parent who is ill could get more help with homework than in past - improve attainment
How can ill-health impact an individuals employment?
Cutting down hours or giving up work
Performance effected
Chances of promotion affected due to worry
How can ill-health impact a families employment?
Negatively effect performance
Take time off for care
Chances of promotion affected due to worry
How can ill-health impact an individuals income?
May have less due to sick pay
May get income from other sources such as benefits
Use income in different ways such as travel
How can ill-health impact a families income?
May find income is reduced due to no overtime
Income from other sources as parent leave work
Use income in different way such as accessing care
How can ill-health impact an individuals leisure activities?
Give up some activities altogether due to poor health
Change the type to suit their illness eg cancer patient may paint instead of sport
Lack the time to attend because of treatment
How can ill-health impact a families leisure activities?
May not participate in as many due to care responsibilities
Not do as many as a family group as individual is too ill to go
Give up altogether eg memberships in clubs for full care at home
How can ill-health impact an individuals relationship?
Difficult to sustain due to tiredness
Lack confidence to make new friends and lose contacts with existing friends
May come closer to family eg parents as appreciation
How can ill-health impact a families relationships?
Children of ill family may have fewer friendships as ill parents cant cope with other children being there
Partners may see less of their friends as ill person needs as much support as possible
Family relationships strengthened with extended family and friends may rally around to support them