Concept 5: The Health Benefits of Physical Activity Flashcards
What is linked with metabolic syndrome?
According to research, regular physical activity can strengthen cardiovascular health in which of the following ways?
reducing sudden death from ventricle fibrillation
According to the CDC, 80% of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes cases and 40% of cancers could be prevented by eliminating smoking, inactivity, and
poor eating habits
Which is TRUE of physical activity and the heart?
Fit people have lower resting heart rates.
What is the “silent killer?”
High blood pressure
The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrate that people who are physically active and fit
generally have better immunity.
Which of the following slows the heart rate and helps the heart work efficiently?
parasympathetic nervous system
what is angina pectoris
chest or arm pain
T or F: Physical activity increases bone density
Congestive heart failure, stroke, and hypertension are all forms of
cardiovascular disease(CVD)
The deposition of materials along the arterial walls
Diseases or illnesses associated with lifestyle or environmental factors, as opposed to infectious diseases
Chronic Diseases
Associated with lack of physical activity or too little regular exercise
Hypokinetic Diseases or conditions
A broad classification of diseases of the heart and blood vessels that includes CHD, high blood pressure, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)
Hardening of the arteries due to conditions that cause the arterial walls to become thick, hard, and nonelastic
The blocking of the coronary blood vessels; sometimes called heart attack
Coronary Occlusion
Diseases of the heart muscle and the blood vessels that supply it with oxygen, including heart attack
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
All fats and fatty substances
Fat-carrying proteins in the blood
peripheral vascular disease
a lack of oxygen supply to the working muscles and tissues of the arms and legs, resulting from decreased blood flow
the inability of the heart muscle to pump the blood at a life sustaining rate
congestive heart failure
low density lipoprotein (LDL)
A core of cholesterol surrounded by protein; the core is often called “bad cholesterol”
High blood pressure; excessive pressure against the walls of the arteries that can damage the heart, kidneys, and other organs of the body
A condition in which the brain, or part of the brain, receives insufficient oxygen as a result of diminished blood supply; sometimes called apoplexy, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
A blood substance that picks up cholesterol and helps remove it from the body; often called “good cholesterol”
High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
Represents the pressure in the arteries at its highest level just after the heart beats
Systolic Blood pressure
Circulation of blood to the heart muscle associated with the blood-carrying capacity of a specific vessel or development of collateral vessels (extra blood vessels)
Coronary collateral circulation
The branch of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for activity by speeding up the heart rate
Sympathetic Nervous System
A traumatic emotional experience that is likely to affect the human organism physiologically
Emotional Storm
A sticky, threadlike substance that, in combination with blood cells, forms a blood clotA
type of blood fat associated with increased risk for heart disease
The branch of the autonomic nervous system that SLOWS the heart rate
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Pressure in the arteries at its lowest level just before the next beat of the heart; often called “resting pressure”
Diastolic blood pressure
A hormone secreted by the pancreas that regulates levels of sugar in the blood
An abnormal growth of tissue confined to a particular area; not considered to be cancer
Benign Tumor
A condition that occurs when insulin becomes ineffective or less effective than necessary to regulate sugar levels in the blood
Insulin Resistance
Malignant tumor
An uncontrolled and dangerous growth capable of spreading to other areas; considered to be cancerous
When this is low, the body’s cells resist insulin and sugar levels are not regulated effectively
Insulin Sensitivity
Diseases/illnesses or health conditions caused, or contributed to, by too much physical activity
Hyperkinetic conditions
A condition associated with low bone density and subsequent bone fragility, leading to high risk for fracture