Comservatism Thinksrs Flashcards
An audit society should balance of human need to lead a free life
Humans are needy, vulnerable, and easily led astray
Freedom without order would have disastrous consequences on human society
Argued that, under circumstances, where people are equal and three, I did not have to answer to higher authority humans would Xzibit, restless desire
“War of Everyman against every man”
The best help for peoples attempts, peaceful life is under strong government authority
Edmund Burke
Change has to be undertaken with great caution, mindful of the delicate balance, inherent in an organic society
Tradition must be respected as it represents practices passed down from one generation to the next
Argued that the fundamental problem was the French Revolution, was that represented an attempt to create a new society with abstract principles, causing chaos and tyranny
The state resembles a living organism
Necessary change must be done, preserving political stability and social harmony
Micheal Oakeshott
Peoples actions must be guided by pragmatism
There is an ideologies, oversimplified complex situations
Modern society is unpredictable and complex
People do not have mental faculties to make sense of a complex modern world
Considered the brutal fascist and Communist regimes were clear examples of human rationalism being misguided
Parliamentary government in Britain are developed pragmatically
Ayn rand
Achieving happiness must be peoples highest, moral aim
Objectivism was her most important contribution to political thought
Reason provides the fundamental basis of human life
Endorsed, ethical individualism that claimed rational pursue with self interest is morally right
She rejected government, welfare and wealth, distribution programs
Condemned all forms of personal altruism
Argued, unrestricted expression of human rationality is compatible with the free market
Called for uncontrolled, unregulated, laissez-faire economy
Robert Nozick
Individuals own their bodies, talents, abilities, and labour
Do you assumption that individuals are inviolable end in themselves, gives them rights to their lives liberty and the rewards resulting from the labour
An individual must not be forced against their own will to work for another’s purposes
Taxis levied to fun, state welfare programs is immoral
The only morally justified state is a night watchman state
Self ownership is based on the ideas that individuals own themselves
Self ownership, opposes, taxation to fund welfare