CompTIA IT Fundamentals (FCO-U61) # 5 Flashcards

Quiz 5


Which command in SQL is primarily used to modify the structure of an existing database, table, or column?



Overall explanation
The ALTER command in SQL is used to modify the structure of an existing database, table, or column, such as adding or deleting columns in a table or changing the data type of a column. “PERMISSIONS” isn’t a recognized SQL command. It is a concept related to managing user rights and access within a database system, not altering object structures in a database. The DROP command in SQL eliminates existing databases, tables, or indexes. It does not modify their structure. The CREATE command in SQL is used to establish new databases, tables, or indexes. It does not modify the structure of existing ones.

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A software development company has created a new innovative application. Which of the following legal tools should they primarily use to protect the original aspects of their application as intellectual property?



Overall explanation
Patents can protect new inventions, including the original and innovative aspects of software applications. Trademarks protect brand names and logos, not the original aspects of a product such as a software application. Copyrights protect original works of authorship, such as literature, music, and art. While software can be copyrighted in its coding as a literary work, a patent would provide more comprehensive protection for a software invention. While disclosure agreements can protect confidentiality in business relationships, they are not the principal way to secure the rights to a piece of intellectual property.

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Emily is currently developing a complex software system. Why might she prefer to utilize object-oriented programming (OOP) in her project?


To structure the program into modular pieces, making it more maintainable and scalable

Overall explanation
One of the main benefits of using OOP is its emphasis on modularity and encapsulation. Code is grouped into objects, making it easier to maintain, understand, and scale. OOP actually enhances maintainability. By encapsulating data and behavior into objects, updates and modifications can be more controlled and less error-prone. Object-oriented programming doesn’t restrict the type of data that can be stored. Instead, it allows for clearer organization and manipulation of data through classes and objects. Emily would use OOP to decrease code repetition, not increase it. OOP promotes code reuse through inheritance and polymorphism.

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The _____ is a network device that translates data between different networks, often between your home network and the internet.


Overall explanation
A router is a device that connects and directs traffic between different networks. It often facilitates communication between your home network and the broader internet. An IP Address refers to the unique identifier assigned to every device on a network. It does not function as a device to translate data between networks. A modem connects a network to the internet service provider (ISP), but it doesn’t translate data between different networks like a router does. A modem is a device that converts signals from one format to another. In the case of a modem, it converts the digital signals from your computer to the analog signals that can be transmitted over the phone line to your ISP. A MAC Address is a hardware identification number that uniquely identifies each device on a network, but it doesn’t transfer data between different networks.

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Which of the following security measures is specifically designed to detect and remove malicious software from a computer system?



Overall explanation
Antivirus and anti-malware software are specifically designed to detect and remove malicious software, such as viruses, worms, Trojans, and other types of malware. They employ various techniques, including signature-based scanning, behavior monitoring, and heuristics, to identify and eliminate threats from computer systems. Patching updates involve applying software updates and security patches to address known vulnerabilities in software. While important for maintaining overall security, it is not specifically designed to detect and remove malicious software. Changing the default password is a best practice security concept but it will not detect and remove malicious software. While a host firewall is an important security measure, its primary purpose is to regulate incoming and outgoing network traffic for a specific device. It focuses on controlling network communication rather than specifically detecting and removing malicious software.

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Which of the following does the concept of role-based access belong to?


Overall explanation
Authorization involves the assignment of permissions and rights to users, and role-based access is a method of authorization where access rights are granted to users based on their role within the organization. Accounting involves the process of tracking user activities and recording transactions, not the assignment of permissions and rights based on roles. Authentication is about verifying the identity of a user or system, not about assigning permissions and rights based on roles. Non-repudiation provides proof of the integrity and origin of data, not about assigning permissions and rights based on roles.

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The number 42 is frequently used in everyday life and mathematics. What notational system does it belong to among the given choices?



Overall explanation
Decimal is the standard base-10 numbering system used in everyday life and mathematics. It uses ten unique digits from 0-9. The given number, 42, belongs to this notational system. Unicode is a character encoding standard designed to support a wide range of characters, including those from various languages and scripts, symbols, and other writing systems. Unicode represents characters rather than numeric values, so it is not suitable for representing the number 42 in this context. Hexadecimal is a base-16 numbering system that uses digits from 0-9 and letters A-F to represent values. While the number 42 can also be represented in hexadecimal (2A), the question specifies the context of everyday life and mathematics, making decimal the correct answer. Binary is a base-2 numbering system that employs only two base digits (0 and 1). The given number, 42, contains digits outside of this range and is not a binary number.

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Jane visits a website for the first time and her browser displays a warning that the connection is not secure. Which of the following options is MOST likely the problem?


Invalid certificates
Overall explanation
A browser usually displays a warning when the website’s certificate is invalid or expired, suggesting the connection is not secure, which is why this is the right answer. Enabling script blocking won’t trigger a warning about an insecure connection. It may cause certain website features to stop working, but it won’t raise a security alert. Popup blockers prevent unwanted windows from opening. They don’t relate to the security certificate of a website. Different browsers have different ways of handling website security, but an invalid certificate would likely trigger a warning across all browsers.

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Which of the following specifically refers to the unavailability of systems and services due to a loss of electrical power supply?


Power outage
Overall explanation
A power outage refers to the unavailability of systems and services specifically due to a loss of electrical power supply. When the power supply is interrupted or disconnected, the affected systems cannot operate, leading to their unavailability. A denial of service (DoS) attack is a deliberate act aimed at overwhelming a system or network, rendering it unavailable. However, it is not specifically related to a loss of electrical power supply, which is the focus of this question. A system outage is a broader term that can refer to any type of unavailability of systems and services, including those caused by factors other than a loss of electrical power supply. For example, a system outage could be caused by a hardware failure, a software bug, or a denial-of-service attack. Destruction refers to physical damage or harm caused by events like natural disasters, fires, or deliberate acts. While destruction can cause unavailability of systems and services, it is not specifically related to a loss of electrical power supply.

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Alex, an IT specialist at Dion Training, wants to redirect his connection through another server for anonymity. Which of the following options should he configure in his web browser?


Modify proxy settings
Overall explanation
By modifying his proxy settings, the connection will be redirected to the server he wants, providing the desired anonymity. Popup blockers prevent unwanted windows from automatically opening, but they do not grant anonymity. While some extensions might aid in achieving anonymity, the act of adding a new extension doesn’t inherently provide it. Script blockers prevent the execution of client-side scripts, but they don’t provide a means for anonymizing a connection.

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Which type of database commands are used to define and manage the structure of a database, such as creating tables or altering their structure?


Data Definition Language (DDL) commands
Overall explanation
Data Definition Language (DDL) commands. DDL commands are used to define and manage the structure of a database, including creating tables, altering table structures, and defining constraints. They are responsible for managing the schema of a database. Data Query Language (DQL) is not a widely used term in database systems. While queries are an essential part of data manipulation, the term DQL is not commonly used to represent a specific category of commands related to defining or managing the structure of a database. Data Control Language (DCL) commands are used to manage user permissions and access control within a database. They do not directly deal with defining or managing the structure of a database. Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands are used to manipulate data within a database, such as inserting or updating records. They do not directly involve defining or managing the structure of a database.

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Which of the following software is primarily used for creating, editing, and formatting text documents?


Word processing software

Overall explanation
Word processing software is specifically designed to create, edit, format, and print text documents, which includes features like spell check, thesaurus, and templates. Presentation software is mainly used to develop presentations with slides containing text, graphics, videos, and more. It is not primarily focused on text document creation. While database software is an important tool in information management, it is mainly used to organize, store, manage, retrieve, and manipulate data and not for creating text documents. Conferencing software is primarily used for facilitating remote team meetings and does not have capabilities for creating text documents.

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Which notational system is the given number A3F5 a valid representation in?



Overall explanation
Hexadecimal is a base-16 numbering system that uses digits from 0-9 and letters A-F to represent values. The given number, A3F5, employs both valid digits (3 and 5) and letters (A and F) from this system and is, therefore, a valid hexadecimal number. Decimal is the standard base-10 numbering system used in everyday life and mathematics, which uses ten unique digits from 0-9. The given number, A3F5, contains alphanumeric characters that are not within the range of 0-9, making it invalid in this notational system. Binary is a base-2 numbering system that employs only two base digits (0 and 1). The given number, A3F5, contains alphanumeric characters outside of this range, and thus cannot be a binary number. Unicode is a character encoding standard designed to support a wide range of characters, including those from various languages and scripts, symbols, and other writing systems. Unicode represents characters rather than numeric values, so it is not suitable for representing the number A3F5 in this context.

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Which type of software is specifically designed for sharing and collaboration on files among team members in a cloud-based environment?


Document Sharing Software
Overall explanation
Document Sharing Software enables the distribution and collaborative editing of documents in a cloud-based environment, enhancing team collaboration. Dropbox is a cloud-based document sharing software that is known for its ease of use. It offers a simple interface and a variety of features, making it a popular choice for individuals and businesses. Word Processing Software is primarily used for creating, editing, and formatting text documents, without necessarily offering cloud-based collaboration and sharing. Accounting Software is used to manage financial transactions but doesn’t provide a platform for document sharing. Even though Database Software can store a large amount of data and documents, its primary purpose isn’t sharing or collaborative editing of documents.

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Which software type would typically be used to access and surf the internet?


Web browser

Overall explanation
A web browser is used to retrieve, present, and traverse information resources on the internet. This makes it the correct choice. Word processing software is used to create, edit, and print documents, not for internet browsing. Visual diagramming software is used for charting, diagram creation, and visual representation of data, not for browsing the web. Instant messaging software is used for real-time communication, rather than for browsing the web.

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Which device is primarily designed for personal portability and efficient performance of daily tasks, integrating the display, system components, and input/output devices within a single, portable case or chassis?



Overall explanation
Laptops are designed for personal portability and efficiency in performing various tasks including office work, study, research, entertainment, among others. Workstations, while they can also perform everyday tasks, are more aimed unyielding high-performance tasks such as 3D rendering or large-scale computations. IoT devices like thermostats, IP cameras, smart home systems, among others, are made for specific functions as part of a larger connected system, not for personal portability or performance of daily tasks. Servers have a very different function, as their main task is to provide services to other systems, such as hosting web applications or storing data.

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Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of authorization in the context of security?


To assign permissions and access levels
Overall explanation
The primary purpose of authorization is to assign permissions and access levels to users. It determines what actions and resources a user is allowed to access based on their assigned privileges. While ensuring non-repudiation is important, it does not describe authorization. The primary purpose of authorization is not to verify the identity of users. Authentication is the process used to verify user identities. The primary purpose of authorization is not to ensure the availability of resources. Ensuring resource availability is typically addressed through other security measures, such as resilience, redundancy, and resource allocation.

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What feature BEST defines the difference between optical storage and flash drives?


Storage medium
Overall explanation
Optical storage uses light to read and write data, while flash drives use integrated circuit technology. This means the two technologies fundamentally use different kinds of media for data storage. Though physical size can vary, it is not a distinguishing factor between optical storage and flash drives. Both can come in various sizes. While data transfer speeds differ between optical storage and flash drives, it is not the defining difference between these two storage methods. Both optical storage and flash drives can connect to a computer, typically via USB ports. This doesn’t distinguish them, as the method of connectivity is common to many storage devices.

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What should employees consider regarding expectations of privacy when using company desktop software?


Understanding the company’s policies and best practices on software use

Overall explanation
Employees should be aware of and understand the company’s policies and best practices regarding software use. This includes knowing what information is collected and how it’s used, as well as understanding their responsibilities to protect company data. While additional security software might be beneficial, this is usually managed by a company’s IT department, not individual employees. Understanding company policy is crucial. Ignoring software updates and patches can lead to security vulnerabilities, but understanding the company’s policies and best practices on software use is more directly relevant to the question. Using personal email accounts for business communications can lead to data privacy issues and is typically against company policies.

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Sam, a company CIO at Dion Training, wants to set up highly scalable, efficient software architecture, which should also offer the flexibility of adding more layers in case of increasing complexity in the future. Which architecture model should he consider?



Overall explanation
n-tier is the right choice as n-tier architecture allows you to add more layers as needed, providing high levels of scalability and efficiency. While three-tier is a good scalable model, it may not provide the degree of flexibility required for complex applications that demand additional layers. A one-tier architecture is not ideally suited for this requirement as all application components are located in one place without the dynamic nature needed for scalability. Though a two-tier architecture offers some level of scalability, it doesn’t provide flexible degrees for adding more layers in the future.

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Why would a programmer prefer to use a database query language for data storage rather than relying on data structures like arrays and vectors?


Query languages like SQL can manage, manipulate and retrieve large sets of structured data more efficiently

Overall explanation
Query languages like SQL are designed to efficiently manage, manipulate, and retrieve large amounts of structured data, making them a better choice for larger datasets. Arrays take up much more memory and are generally not supported to handle large datasets. Generally, database systems are better equipped to handle larger volumes of data than arrays. While some database systems do support multi-threading and concurrency, this is not the main reason why a programmer would choose a database over arrays for data storage. While data in arrays and vectors could be lost once the program terminates, most programming languages provide ways to persist data stored in arrays. Nevertheless, making data persistent is not a primary reason why query languages would be preferred over arrays for data storage.

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What accurately distinguishes a concurrent license from a single-use license?


Number of users using the software simultaneously

Overall explanation
A concurrent license allows multiple users to use the software at the same time, while a single user license is intended for one user only. Compatibility concerns aren’t a defining distinction between concurrent and single-use licenses as compatibility is an issue that applies to software regardless of the licensing model. Both types of licenses may require product keys or serial numbers for activation, it is not a distinguishing feature. The choice between single-use and concurrent licenses does not normally depend on the software being for a single platform or across platforms.

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Which of the following statements is NOT true about these data types?


A number is a textual data type that can represent both plain and alphanumeric characters

Overall explanation
It is NOT true that a Number is a textual data type. Numbers in programming refer to numeric data types, typically used for mathematical calculations, and cannot hold alphabetic characters. Strings can hold a series of any characters including letters, digits, and other types of characters. A Char can hold any single Unicode-encoded character. The Boolean data type represents only two possible states: True or False.

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You’ve been hired as a database administrator for a large e-commerce company. The company wants to implement a new feature where a customer can rate and review products purchased. The data stored for each review includes review_id, customer_id, product_id, rating (1-5 stars), and review_text. Your task is to design the new “Reviews” table in a way to maintain data integrity and accuracy. Which of the following actions should you take to implement this while also incorporating appropriate constraints?


Apply a PRIMARY KEY constraint to the ‘review_id’ field and a CHECK constraint of (1-5) to ‘rating’ field

Overall explanation
The ‘review_id’ field can uniquely identify each review, making it suitable for a primary key. The ‘rating’ field should indeed be constrained to only allow values between 1 and 5 ensuring data integrity. While it’s important to ensure that the customer_id is not NULL, this approach doesn’t fully address the whole scenario. Other key components like unique review identification and rating boundaries are ignored in this constraint implementation. Applying a foreign key constraint on the ‘rating’ field would not be appropriate. A foreign key is used to prevent actions that would destroy links between tables. The ‘rating’ field does not require a link to another table in this context, and values should be checked within a certain range (1-5), not established as a foreign key. While it’s crucial to apply a primary key for unique identification, the ‘review_text’ field would not be the appropriate choice due to its variability and lack of uniqueness.

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How does branching MOST impact the sequencing of a program?


It alters the sequence based on specified conditions

Overall explanation
Branching can change the sequence of a program by allowing it to execute different code segments based on specific conditions. While branching might add complexity, it does not inherently make the sequence unreadable. Good programming practices ensure readability and organization. Even when using branching, sequences remain a fundamental part of a program, providing structure and flow. Branching does have an impact on sequencing, it allows for non-linear program flow based on certain conditions.

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Which filesystem only allows uppercase filenames?



Overall explanation
FAT32 only supports uppercase filenames. However, some operating systems like Windows display these names as case-insensitive, giving the impression that it supports lowercase names too. Ext4 supports both uppercase and lowercase filenames. The HFS file system supports both uppercase and lowercase filenames. NTFS supports both uppercase and lowercase filenames.

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Which of the following statements BEST describes the primary function of a boolean value in a program?


To represent either a ‘true’ or ‘false’ state

Overall explanation
Boolean values serve to represent one of two states in a program, generally represented as true or false. Booleans are not designed to represent numerical values. Instead, they track two states: true or false Date and time values are not typically stored as Boolean. They are represented using specific date and time data types Booleans are not used to hold text data. String data type is more suitable for such a purpose

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Which of the following processes refers to the conversion of a URL to an IP address?


DNS resolution

Overall explanation
DNS resolution, also known as DNS lookup, is the process where a domain name (URL) is translated into an IP address. This is crucial as computers communicate using IP addresses. IP address assignment deals with designating an IP address to a device within a network. This does not refer to the process of converting a URL to an IP address. Packet transmission involves the process of sending and receiving data, which may be in the form of packets. However, it doesn’t involve the conversion of URLs to IP addresses. SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is a part of the email delivery process. It does not get involved in the conversion of URLs to IP addresses.

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Jacob is working on a project that requires a large amount of data storage. If he’s choosing between kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes, which unit of measurement provides the highest capacity?



Overall explanation
Of the units listed, a gigabyte provides the highest data storage capacity. It is larger than both kilobytes and megabytes. These units each represent different data storage capacities, with a gigabyte being the largest among them. A kilobyte is smaller than both a megabyte and a gigabyte. Specifically, it takes 1,024 kilobytes to make up one megabyte. While a megabyte is larger than a kilobyte, it’s smaller than a gigabyte. It takes 1,024 megabytes to form one gigabyte.

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What is the smallest unit of data in computing?



Overall explanation
A bit is the smallest unit of data in computing. A kilobyte, composed of 1024 bytes, is larger than a bit. A terabyte, equivalent to approximately a trillion bytes, is much larger than a bit. A byte, composed of 8 bits, is larger than a bit.

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What is the primary purpose of accounting as it relates to security?


To track user activities and generate logs

Overall explanation
Accounting, in the context of security, involves tracking user activities, generating logs, and capturing relevant information about user actions. It helps in auditing, monitoring, and investigating security incidents. Ensuring data integrity and confidentiality is an objective of security measures, but it is not the primary purpose of accounting. Authorization is the process of granting or denying access permissions based on the user’s identity and assigned privileges. It is not the primary purpose of accounting. Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of users, but it is not the primary purpose of accounting.


Jason carefully considers compatibility before purchasing any software. In contrast to using cross-platform software, what potential compatibility concern might Jason face using a single-platform software?


Platform restriction

Overall explanation
Single-platform software is developed with a specific operating system in mind. Hence Jason might face issues trying to use it on a different platform. The subscription model used doesn’t necessarily cause compatibility issues. It’s often a payment-related matter. While advanced options avail more features, they don’t inherently lead to compatibility concerns. License infringement relates to unauthorized use or distribution of proprietary software, which is not directly related to compatibility issues.


Benjamin is a software engineer at Dion Marketing Solutions. For an upcoming project, he needs to store the IDs of all the marketing campaigns in a single variable for easy access and manipulation. How should Benjamin accomplish this task in his program?


By using an array to store all the IDs

Overall explanation
An array is a data structure that can store multiple values in a single variable, which can be accessed by their index. This is particularly suitable for such use cases where multiple related values need to be stored and accessed conveniently. Using individual variables for each ID isn’t practical, especially if the number of campaigns is large or can change over time. This approach would also make it more difficult to perform operations on all IDs at once. Although a constant can store a value, it’s not capable of storing multiple values like an array does. Also, constant values can’t be changed once they are set, whereas array elements can be changed. Boolean variables can only store two values, typically true or false, and thus are not suitable for storing multiple numeric IDs.


John is an employee at Dion Training. He handles sensitive customer information as part of his job. One day, he receives an email from an unknown sender claiming to be a customer and asking for their account details. John is unsure how to handle this situation. Which of the following options is the BEST course of action to handle this situation?


Delete the email without responding and report it
Overall explanation
Deleting the email without responding ensures that sensitive customer information is not compromised. John should also report the suspicious email to the appropriate authorities, such as the IT or security department, to investigate the potential security threat. While seeking advice from colleagues can be helpful, it’s not the best course of action in this situation. John should prioritize the security of customer information and handle the email appropriately. Replying to the email and provide the requested account details is not the appropriate action to take. John should never share sensitive customer information in response to an email from an unknown sender. It could be a phishing attempt or an unauthorized request. While consulting with a supervisor is generally a good practice, in this particular scenario, it’s essential for John to take immediate action to protect sensitive customer information. Waiting for supervisor guidance may delay the necessary steps to address the potential security risk.


Which SQL command is MOST suitable for retrieving data from an SQL database?



Overall explanation
The SELECT command is used to retrieve data from a database, making it the most suitable for this operation. The UPDATE command is used to modify existing records in a database, not for retrieving data. The DELETE command is aimed at removing records from a database, not retrieving the data. The INSERT command is used to add new records into a database, not for retrieving existing ones.


Which type of interface would you typically use to connect an external hard drive to a computer?



Overall explanation
USB, or Universal Serial Bus, is a common interface for connecting peripheral devices, such as external hard drives, to computers. NFC, or Near Field Communication, is a wireless technology for short-range communication and is not typically used to connect external hard drives. The RJ-11 connector is typically used for telephone lines, not for connecting peripheral devices to computers. VGA, or Video Graphics Array, is a graphics display system and an interface for connecting monitors, not for connecting peripheral devices like hard drives.


Which of the following password rules is designed to improve the security of a password by adding different character types?



Overall explanation
Increasing the complexity of a password, such as by mixing uppercase and lowercase letters or using symbols, can improve its security. While having a sufficiently long password is a key aspect of password security, it doesn’t refer to adding different character types to the password. Memorability refers to the ability to remember a password, not to the security strength of the password itself. Confidentiality refers to the need to keep a password secret and not share it with others. It doesn’t relate to the composition of the password itself.


Which type of application delivery method does not need internet access yet allows for multiple users?


Local network hosted

Overall explanation
Local network hosted applications are hosted on local networks where multiple users have access. It doesn’t specifically require internet access as the applications are hosted and run on a local network. Web-based application delivery does allow for multiple users and it requires an internet connection to function, making it distinct from the local network hosted, which doesn’t require internet access. Web-based applications are accessed through a web browser and typically do not need to be installed onto a user’s device. Cloud hosting requires internet access to function, as files are saved in a cloud and a service is required to access the application. While locally installed applications do not require internet access, they are installed on individual devices and do not inherently allow for sharing resources or information between multiple users.


Is it possible to use branching statements within loops in the context of programming?


Yes, it allows for better control over loop execution

Overall explanation
By applying branching statements (like ‘if’, ‘switch’, ‘break’, and ‘continue’) within loops, programmers can manage the control flow better. Branching within loops does not necessarily lead to infinite loops. The looping behavior is determined by the logic coded in the loop condition and the implementation of the branching statements. Using branching statements inside loops is a common practice and does not cause syntax errors. Syntax errors are generally associated with incorrect structuring of code. While poorly structured code could make reading and understanding harder, using branching within loops does not inherently make code unreadable. Proper formatting, comments and correct use of branches and loops can ensure the code remains readable.


Which of the following specifically refers to the unavailability or disruption of a specific service?


Service outage

Overall explanation
A service outage specifically refers to the unavailability or disruption of a specific service. When a particular service becomes unavailable or experiences disruptions, it is referred to as a service outage. This is the correct answer as it matches the specific description provided in the question. Destruction refers to physical damage or harm caused by events like natural disasters, fires, or deliberate acts. While destruction can cause unavailability or disruption of services, it is not specifically related to the unavailability or disruption of a specific service. Destruction can impact multiple services or the entire infrastructure. A power outage refers to the loss of electrical power supply, which can impact the availability of systems and services. However, it is not specifically related to the unavailability or disruption of a specific service. Power outages affect the overall functioning of systems rather than targeting a particular service. Hardware failure refers to the failure or malfunction of physical components within information systems. While hardware failures can impact the availability of systems, they are not specifically tied to the unavailability or disruption of a specific service. Hardware failures can affect the overall functioning of systems, including multiple services.


Lisa can’t see contents on most websites she visits. She only sees a blank page or a page filled with text and no graphics. What could be the problem?


Client-side scripting is deactivated
Overall explanation
Websites heavily depend on client-side scripting (e.g., JavaScript) to render their content. Disabling it may lead to websites appearing blank or not displaying correctly, as interactive or dynamic content cannot load. The validity of a website’s certificate wouldn’t affect how the website content is rendered on the browser. It’s primarily concerned with securing data transfer between the browser and the server. A full cache might slow loading times but would not result in displaying only blank pages or text without graphics. Misconfigured proxy settings could block access to certain websites, but they usually don’t result in the issue of websites appearing as text-only or blank pages. They’d more likely lead to a complete webpage loading error.


Which of the following are examples of markup languages? (Select TWO).



Overall explanation
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a markup language that encodes documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a markup language used for creating web pages and web applications. Swift is a powerful, general-purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple, not a markup language. C# is a modern, object-oriented programming language, not a markup language. Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language, not a markup language. Python is a high-level general-purpose programming language, not a markup language.


Which type of network connection utilizes copper or coaxial cables to transmit data?



Overall explanation
Cable connections, also known as wired connections, use copper or coaxial cables to transmit data. These cables are commonly used for Ethernet connections and provide reliable and high-speed data transmission. Wireless connections, such as Wi-Fi or radio frequency, transmit data over the airwaves without the need for physical cables. They do not utilize copper or coaxial cables for data transmission. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) uses existing telephone lines to transmit data. While it can provide high-speed internet access, it does not specifically utilize copper or coaxial cables. Fiber optic connections use fiber optic cables to transmit data, not copper or coaxial cables. Fiber optic cables utilize light signals for data transmission


Which of the following are availability concerns? (Select TWO).


Power Outage
Denial of Service

Overall explanation
Power outages are indeed an availability concern. A power outage refers to a loss of electrical power supply, which can result in the unavailability of systems, services, and data. Without power, the affected systems may be inaccessible or unable to operate, impacting their availability. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are a significant availability concern. A DoS attack aims to disrupt or disable the functioning of systems or services, making them unavailable to legitimate users. By overwhelming the targeted system with excessive traffic or exploiting vulnerabilities, a DoS attack can render a service inaccessible. A man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack is not primarily focused on availability concerns. It involves an attacker intercepting and relaying communication between two parties without their knowledge. While it can impact confidentiality and integrity, it does not directly target the availability of systems or services. Snooping is not directly related to availability concerns. Snooping refers to the unauthorized act of observing or accessing someone else’s private information or activities. While it may impact confidentiality, it does not specifically target the availability of systems or services. Eavesdropping is not directly related to availability concerns. It involves secretly listening to or monitoring private conversations or communications without permission. While it may impact confidentiality, it does not specifically target the availability of systems or services.


Emily is a software developer who is developing a shopping website where users can login, add items to their carts, and check out. She wants the items in the cart to remain even if the user logs out or closes the browser, meaning she wants the cart data to persist. Which of the following techniques should Emily use to ensure the data persistence?


Store cart data in a database
Overall explanation
Storing data in a database will ensure that the cart data remains intact, even when a user logs out or closes their browser. When the user returns and logs in again, the application can retrieve the user’s cart data from the database. Session variables only maintain data while the session is active. If the user logs out or closes the browser, the information stored in the session would be lost. Volatile memory loses its stored information once power is lost, like when the system is shut down or restarted. Therefore, it is not an ideal storage medium for persisting data. Storing data in HTML code would not persist and would be lost once the user closes the session or refreshes the page. Its purpose is not for data persistence.


Mark works in an office with a large open floor plan. The company uses the 802.11ac standard for its wireless network. Some employees, especially those far from the router, complain about the slow internet speed. What is most likely the cause?


The network signal is attenuating due to large distance and possible interference

Overall explanation
In an open floor office, the distance and any physical barriers can contribute to signal attenuation, especially as 802.11ac operates solely at 5Ghz which doesn’t propagate as well over larger distances compared to 2.4Ghz. The 802.11ac standard supports high data transfer rates and is one of the latest standards. Upgrading isn’t likely to solve signal attenuation issues. The use of a captive portal can temporarily disrupt internet access, but it shouldn’t consistently slow down a network’s speed. While using security settings like WPA2 involves some overhead, it does not typically result in noticeably slower network speeds, unless the network is operating at its capacity.


Which of the following are reasons NTFS is generally preferred over FAT32 for modern Windows systems? (Select TWO).


NTFS supports larger files and has better security features

Overall explanation
NTFS is a newer file system than FAT32, and it supports a number of features that FAT32 does not, including compression. NTFS compression can be used to reduce the size of files by up to 50%. This can be helpful for storing large files or for saving space on a hard drive. This is the primary reason why NTFS is preferred over FAT32. NTFS supports much larger file systems and files compared to FAT32 and it includes more robust security features such as file and folder permissions and encryption. NTFS (New Technology File System) supports much larger files than FAT32 (File Allocation Table 32). While FAT32 has a maximum file size limit of 4GB, NTFS supports file sizes up to 16TB. Additionally, NTFS has improved metadata support and allows for file system journaling, which helps to repair file system corruptions without data loss. NTFS has significantly more advanced security features than FAT32, including support for file and folder permissions. These permissions can be used to control access to data at a much more granular level than FAT32 allows. FAT32 was introduced before NTFS, which makes FAT32 more compatible with older systems and certain devices like game consoles or digital cameras. NTFS, however, is generally preferred for modern Windows systems due to its improved performance, reliability, and security features. FAT32 was introduced before NTFS, which makes FAT32 more compatible with older systems and certain devices like game consoles or digital cameras. NTFS, however, is generally preferred for modern Windows systems due to its improved performance, reliability, and security features.


Which of these storage types uses laser technology to read and write data?


Optical storage

Overall explanation
Optical storage devices such as CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs, use laser technology to read and write data, making it the correct response for this question. Solid state drives write data electrically and don’t involve the use of laser technology to read or write data. Flash drives are a type of solid-state storage, and they write data through electronic methods as opposed to using laser technology. Though a NAS could potentially consist of optical drives, the NAS itself does not use laser tech to read/write. Rather, it provides file access services to computer systems.


What might a network engineer be referring to if they talk about attenuation in a wireless network?


Strength of the WiFi signal

Overall explanation
In network engineering, attenuation refers to the gradual loss of signal strength over distance. It doesn’t refer to any of the other options. While critical to network security, data encryption is unrelated to the concept of attenuation. While these can affect signal strength indirectly, they do not directly refer to the concept of attenuation, which is about the signal’s loss over distance. Range refers to the physical distance a WiFi signal can reach, but it doesn’t specifically refer to the loss of signal strength, which is attenuation.


Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the advantages of using fiber optic cables for network connectivity?


More affordable installation costs

Overall explanation
More affordable installation costs is not an advantage of fiber optic cables. In general, the installation costs of fiber optic cables are higher compared to traditional copper or coaxial cables. Higher data transfer speeds are a primary advantage of fiber optic cables. They can transmit data at much higher speeds compared to traditional copper or coaxial cables. Fiber optic cables are immune to electromagnetic interference, which can affect the quality of data transmission in copper or coaxial cables. Fiber optic cables can transmit data over longer distances without significant signal degradation. They have a higher range compared to copper or coaxial cables.


Which of the following is NOT an example of social engineering?


A user installing malware on their computer from a file they downloaded from and untrusted source

Overall explanation
Social engineering is a type of attack that relies on human interaction to trick the victim into giving up their personal information or taking some other action that compromises their security. This is not an example of social engineering because it does not rely on human interaction. The user is not tricked into installing the malware. They simply download it from an untrusted source. A user giving out their personal information over the phone is another common social engineering technique. The attacker calls the user and pretends to be from a legitimate source, such as a government agency or a credit card company. The attacker will then ask the user for their personal information, such as their Social Security number or credit card number. A user clicking on a malicious link in an email is a common social engineering technique. The attacker sends an email that appears to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or credit card company. The email contains a malicious link that, when clicked, will install malware on the user’s computer. A user being tricked into revealing their password is a social engineering technique that relies on the user’s trust. The attacker will often pose as a legitimate source, such as a technical support representative, and will ask the user for their password.


How many Megabytes (MB) are there in one Gigabyte (GB)?


1024 MB

Overall explanation
In digital storage measurements, which are typically based on a binary system (base 2), one Gigabyte (GB) is equal to 1024 Megabytes (MB). This is due to the binary system used in most storage devices, where sizes are expressed as powers of 2. Although it’s close to the accurate number, in the binary system, 1 GB equals 1024 MB, not 1023 MB. This is due to the binary system used in most storage devices, where sizes are expressed as powers of 2. Although in a decimal system (base 10) it might seem logical to assume that 1 GB equals 1000 MB, in digital storage, a binary system (base 2) is used and 1 GB actually equals 1024 MB. 500 MB less than half of the required amount.1 GB equals 1024 MB in the binary system used for digital storage. This is due to the binary system used in most storage devices, where sizes are expressed as powers of 2.


What are the key considerations during the creation step of a database?


What information the database will store, its hosting, and how it will be accessed by clients

Overall explanation
During the creation of a database, it’s critical to define what data it will store, where it will be hosted (either on-premise or in the cloud), and how clients (users or applications) will access it. The visual appearance or color scheme is typically not a concern when creating a database. While the database’s performance is an important factor, it is not the primary consideration during the creation phase. While managing a database lifecycle may include its deletion, the creation phase primarily focuses on defining its content, location, and accessibility.


Sarah is a graphic designer who works with large design files and requires fast data access and storage for her work. She wants to upgrade her computer system with a component that offers faster data transfer rates and improved performance for handling large files. Which type of storage device is MOST suitable for Sarah’s needs?


SSD (Solid State Drive)Overall explanation
An SSD is a storage device that uses flash memory technology to store data. It offers significantly faster data transfer rates, quicker access times, and improved overall performance compared to traditional hard drives. SSDs are commonly recommended for users who require fast and efficient storage for large files, making them the most suitable choice for Sarah’s needs. A cooling system is responsible for dissipating heat and maintaining the temperature within a computer system. While important for overall system health and stability, it does not address Sarah’s specific requirement for faster data transfer rates and improved storage performance. A hard drive is a traditional storage device that uses magnetic disks to store data. While it offers larger storage capacities at a lower cost, it is relatively slower in terms of data transfer rates and access times, which may not meet Sarah’s need for fast data access and improved performance. A GPU is a specialized component designed for graphics processing and rendering. While it plays a crucial role in graphic-intensive tasks, such as gaming and rendering complex visual effects, it does not directly address Sarah’s need for improved data access and storage performance.


In which notational system does the number 101101 represent a valid integer value?


Overall explanation
Binary is a base-2 numbering system that employs only two base digits (0 and 1). The given number, 101101, consists of only 0s and 1s, which indicates it is a valid binary number. Hexadecimal is a base-16 numbering system that uses digits from 0-9 and letters A-F to represent values. Although 101101 can be represented in hexadecimal, the number’s composition of only 0s and 1s suggests it is not a hexadecimal number. Decimal is the standard base-10 numbering system used in everyday life and mathematics, using ten unique digits from 0-9. While the number 101101 can also be represented in decimal, the question specifically states “valid integer value”. Given the presence of only 0s and 1s, it is unlikely to be a decimal number. Unicode is a character encoding standard designed to support a wide range of characters, including those from various languages and scripts, symbols, and other writing systems. Unicode represents characters rather than numeric values, so it is not suitable for representing the number 101101 in this context.


Which terms specifically involve the unauthorized interception of communication? (Select TWO).



Overall explanation
Wiretapping is the act of intercepting and listening to telephonic or digital communications by tapping into the wire or cable carrying the communication. It directly pertains to the unauthorized interception of communication or data, making it one of the correct answer choices. Eavesdropping involves secretly listening to or monitoring private conversations or communications without permission. It accurately describes the unauthorized interception of communication or data, making it one of the correct answer choices. Social engineering refers to manipulating people to gain unauthorized access to information or systems. While it can indirectly lead to the interception of communication or data, it does not specifically involve the act of interception. Snooping refers to the unauthorized act of observing or accessing someone else’s private information or activities. While snooping can involve unauthorized access, it does not specifically focus on the interception of communication or data. Dumpster diving refers to the practice of searching through trash or discarded materials to gather sensitive information or valuable items. It does not specifically involve the interception of communication or data.


What type of encryption is predominantly used to secure data in transit, such as emails or data sent over HTTPS?


Asymmetric Encryption
Overall explanation
Asymmetric encryption is primarily used to secure data in transit over networks, as it allows for secure key exchange and encryption of small amounts of data. Symmetric encryption is often used for encrypting large amounts of data at rest, such as on a hard disk or a mobile device. It’s also used for the actual data exchange in a session after the secure key exchange process is completed using asymmetric encryption. Hashing is primarily used for verifying data integrity and storing passwords securely, not for encrypting data in transit. PKI involves the use of digital certificates for securely exchanging data over networks, but it doesn’t refer to the type of encryption used for data in transit.


How does a schema impact the way a database works and how it is organized?


It defines the structure of the database, including tables, fields, relationships, and constraints

Overall explanation
A schema influences a database by defining its structure. It stipulates the organization of tables, specifies fields, establishes relationships, and sets constraints. It essentially acts as the blueprint for the database. While data security and user authorization are vital components of a database management system, they are typically separate from the schema. A schema doesn’t directly influence the graphical interface of a DBMS. Instead, it primarily impacts the database’s structure and how data is organized, stored, and related. A schema does not manipulate data.


Dion Training wants to improve its product based on user feedback and experiences. Which of the following strategies will BEST enable it to make data-driven business decisions?


Collect, analyze, and interpret user data to inform decision making

Overall explanation
Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting user data helps organizations make decisions that are backed by factual insights rather than assumptions. While intuition can be important, ignoring data often leads to poorly informed decisions. Simply collecting data is insufficient. The true value of data lies in its analysis, which can reveal trends, patterns, and insights. While historical data can provide useful insights, it’s also important to consider current data. Markets and user preferences can change rapidly, so relying solely on historical data may not yield the best decisions.


Which of the following BEST describes the function of “if-else” statements in programming languages?


“if-else” statements are used to dictate the flow of a program based on specific conditions
Overall explanation
“if-else” statements evaluate a condition. If the condition is true, the “if” block of code runs. If the condition is false, the “else” block (if present) runs. “if-else” statements aren’t used to declare variables. They’re conditional statements that control the flow of a program based on certain conditions. Although “if-else” statements can contribute to error handling by dealing with certain conditions, their primary function is not error handling but controlling the flow of a program based on conditions. “if-else” statements don’t inherently create loops. They create conditional branches in a program. While they may be used within loops, they are not responsible for the looping itself.