Comprehensive Predictor 20 Flashcards
Phalen’s Sign
flexion of wrist for 60 seconds r/in tingling/numbness
If verbal attempts are unsuccessful with an aggressive client…
Administer anti-anxiety medication
upper airway infection r/in a BARKING cough`
Acute Pancreatitis patients and diet
NPO to reduce secretion of pancreatic enzymes
Polycystic Ovarian syndrome and blood sugar
↑% DM2
Swan-Ganz catheter, what does it monitor?
Where inserted?
Hemodynamic status
Pulmonary artery
Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Time to become therapeutic
2 expected side effects
1 - 3 weeks
weight gain
sexual dysfunction
BEST sexual practice to avoid STIs
having only 1 partner
Barley, Rye, Rice, Wheat.
Which one of these is gluten free?
Thyroid Hormones (Levothyroxine) on bones
↑ bone loss via resorption
Tuberculosis relationship with the following... Acid-fast Bacillus Sputum Culture Mantoux Skin Test Bacille Calmette-Guerin Vacine Chest X-Ray
used to confirm pulmonary TB if Chest X-ray is positive
MOST accurate screening tool, postive = exposed, but doesn’t confirm active disease
preventative measure
Screens for TB if the AFB is positive
What does a CHANGE AGENT do?
organizes and prepares resources for change
Bilateral Myringotomy Tubes and what do to if they fall out
Surgically placed tubes in children’s ears which let fluid out, this relieves pain/pressure
Call the clinic and report it, DO NOT take the child to the ED (it’s not necessary)
Staple Removal Procedure (CERRR)!
Clean site Examine Remove every other staple Re-examine incision Remove rest of staples
Where to expect abdominal pain with Diverticuli/osis
Disease is usually found in the Sigmoid Colon where there is high pressure of fecal contents
Where should DM patients get MOST of their calories from?
Complex Carbohydrates
Preschooler Indications for Speech Therapy
Mispronouncing words
Seeing letters in reverse
Nasally voice
Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stones, food NOT TO EAT (cause they have oxalates in them)
Sweet Potatoes
Trans-Urethral Resection of Prostate and need to void
Turner’s cause and symptom
Lower back bruising
Murphy/Kurnig Signs C/B
Cefa and Cillin relationship
allergic to one, allergic to another.
Watch for it.
Licorice function
↓ gastric/duodenal ulcers
Feverfew function
↓ headache pain
anti-inflammatory and wound healing
Weight loss
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Physiological Safety Love Esteem Self-Actualization
3 S/S to expect with Chemotherapy
Reproductive Dysfunction
How often do you take vitals on a Hospice Patient?
Positive D-Dimer indicates?
Pulmonary Emboli
Stage 1 HTN
Stage 2 HTN
120 - 139/80 - 89
140 - 159/90 - 99
↑ 160/ ↑100
Traction Patient Care (TRACTION)
Temperature of extremity Rope hang freely Alignment of body Circulation check Type/Location fracture Increase fluid intake Overhead trapeze No weights on bed/floor
Allopurinol (Zyloprim) and Probenecid (Benemid) function.
Treat Gout.
Reduces serum uric acid levels.
Colchicine (Colsalide) function.
Treat gout.
↓ joint inflammation.
Aneurysm patient head elevation (or any ICP/head pressure condition)
15 - 30º
Sick and DM1.
How often to check BS?
What to test?
3 - 4 hrs
4 oz non-caffeinated liquid q30min
Ketones in urine
reducing severity of…
Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) purpose
identify facility responsibilities and channels of reporting