Component 1 Booklet 3 Flashcards
What is economies of scale?
As the business grows the cost per unit falls
What are inferior goods?
A good that decreases in demand as a consumers income rises and rises in demand as consumer income falls
Example-Payday loans
What is Market Size?
The total number of sales of all businesses in the market
What is a Service Market?
It offers a service and is intangible therefore you can’t touch,taste,smell or see it you experience it instead
What are normal goods
A good that increases in demand as consumer income rises and falls when consumer income decreases and price remains constant.
Example-Most every day goods-Chocolate
What are luxury goods?
Similar to normal goods but are expensive and often scarce.
Increases in demand as consumer income rises and decreases when it falls
Example-high end sports car
What are monopolies?
Key characteristics
- single producer/seller
- large barriers to entry
- 25% or more market share
- they were much more common 30 years ago than now as there used to only be really one gas supplier,telephone supplier etc
What is a Product Market?
This is tangible therefore you can see,taste,touch,smell it
And can be:
- consumer
- trade
- commodities
What is a trade market?
Sellers target their goods/services at other businesses
Example:Colleges buying stationary
What is a consumer market?
Sellers target goods/services at the end user(usually is the general public)
Example-The Cereal Market
What is a Mass Market?
Sellers target a whole market in the same way
What is a Niche Market?
Sellers target a smaller segment of a larger market where customers have specific needs/wants
What is a global market?
Buyers are targeted by businesses based anywhere in the world(either via e commerce or direct selling)
What is a Local Market?
Buyers are targeted by locally based businesses usually based on where they live,work or socialise
Why is competition healthy to have within markets?
- drives up standards and quality
- keeps prices down for consumers
- gives the buyer a wider range of choice
- can force innovation
What is competition?
The level of rivalry between different sellers seeking the same buyers at the same time.
What is a Market?
Where buyers and sellers interact(directly or indirectly) to trade goods,services or money.
What is Oligopolistic Competition?
Key characteristics
- a few dominants in the market
- strong brand identity
- prices stable over long periods
- Barriers to entry exist
-many large industries are oligopolistic in nature.Example-Supermarkets or Department stores
What is Monopolistic Competition?
Key characteristics
- large number of small businesses in competition
- few barriers to entry
- products similar but still differentiate from each other
- each business tries to offer something different but are all essentially competing for the same customers.
What is Perfect Competition?
Key characteristics
- Large number of businesses competing
- No ones business is large enough to influence others
- no market leader/price maker
- no barriers to entry/exit
What is a seasonal market?
•Goods/services where there are large variations in sales based on the time of year
What are Market Trends?
Changes that have or are occurring in the market
Why is market share so important for a business?
- The greater the share the more likely the stability of the brands performance in a market place
- A product with a low share is vunrable to things like pricing policies of competitors,promotions by competitor firms and loyalty to stronger brands.
How can businesses work on increasing their market share?
- sell a wider range of products
- improve quality of products
- more promotional offers/advertising
- increase number of stores
- take over/merge with another company
- innovation(differentiate from competitors)
- strengthen customer relations.E.G:loyalty cards
How do you calculate market share?
Sales sold by company
_________________________ x100
total sales sold in market
What is Market Share?
- the proportion of the market that a company has
* The proportion of a total market value held by each company or product
What are demographic changes?
Demographic=age,gender,religion etc
Population demographic changes-
•ageing population or baby booms
What are technological changes?
Example-DVDs,mp3 players,vinyl
What are social changes?
•Change In trends,tastes and fashions
How do you calculate market size(per period)?
Number of units sold in market
Average selling price in market
What are economic changes?
•changes in disposable income
caused by:interest rates,inflation,exchange rates
What is Market Value?
- The total value of all sales in the market
* Measured In Pounds,Dollars and Euros
What is Market Growth?
•The extent of which a market is growing in size
How is Market Growth measured?
•measured by total value of spending and looking at growth/decline from previous year.
What is Market Volume?
The total number of products/services sold in a market
What is B2B and B2C?
•B2B is business to business.
For example-Trade Markets
•B2C is business to consumer
For example-Consumer Markets
What is differentiation?
A way of telling products apart(where products have slight differences)
What is homogenous?
There is no difference between the goods sold by one business or any other business
What is a price taker?
Businesses must accept the going price of the market place
What is a price maker?
Companies that have significant influence over prices charged for products/services
What are cartels?
An agreement amongst businesses to keep prices high
Example-Airline industry’s and supermarkets
What are some examples of consumer exploitation?
- false/misleading adverts
- cartels/collusion
- price fixing
- restricting competition
- unethical practises
- if a product/service does not fulfill its purpose.E:G-quality issues
What is Market Segmentation?
Dividing a market into sub groups with common features(needs/wants) so that specific products/services can be accurately targeted at each segment
What rules apply to market segmentation?
- all segments must have critical mass
- segments must be recognisable so they are different enough to make producing worthwhile
- must be targetable
What is critical mass?
You have to have a large enough segment to produce for therefore Got to have enough people in the market
What are the 3 types of market segmentation?
- Demographic
- Psychographic
- Geographic
What is Demographic Market Segmentation?
Segmented based on age,social class,gender,income
Example-Banks offer different accounts to different age groups
What is psychographic market segmentation?
Allows targeting of groups on personality and emotionally based behaviour-attitudes,opinions and lifestyles.
Example-Differentiating cars by emphasising different features-safety and capacity of family car.
What is Geographic Market Segmentation?
Segmented based on regions of the country-rural,urban,suburban.
Global marketing often requires different products for different countries
Example-Global brands such as McDonalds and Coca Cola require different ingredients in different countries
What are benefits of market segmentation?
- can enhance the profits for businesses
- more opportunity for business to grow-market expansion
- enables business to better match customer needs
- can enable a business to increase market share through more competitiveness
What is Target Audience?
Who your product is aimed at