Define occlusion?
Slide 3
List the difference between Natural and Artificial teeth? [14]
Slide 4-5
List 7 requirements of complete denture occlusion?
Slide 6
Types of complete denture occlusion? [3]
Slide 7
Define Balanced occlusion?
Slide 8
Facts about balanced occlusion? [3]
Slide 9
Name the two types of balanced occlusion?
- protrusive balance occlusion
- Bilateral balance occlusion
Explain protrusive occlusal balance
Slide 10
Explain bilateral occlusal contact?
Slide 11
List five factors that affect balanced occlusion? [5]
Slide 12
Hanau’s Quint
Explain Condylar guidance? [3]
Slide 14
Explain plane of occlusion?
Slide 17
The plane of occlusion can be altered to maximum of?
10 degrees
Define Compensating curves?
Slide 19
Name the types of Compensating curves?
- Antero-posterior curve= Curve of Spee
- Lateral curve= Curve of Monson & Wilson
Define Curve of Spee
Slide 20
What is the significance of the curve of Spee?
Slide 22
When the patient moves their mandible forward, the posterior teeth set on this curve will continue to remain in contact, avoiding disclusion
Define curve of Wilson?
Slide 24
This curve is convex downwards
The lower posterior teeth are inclined lingually showing buccal prominence
These will bring them into heavy occlusal contact with the buccal cusp of upper posterior during lateral movement on the working side
Explain curve of monsion?
Extending the curve of spee and Wilson of all cups and incisal edges
Curve of occlusion in which each cusp and incial edges touches or conforms to a segment of a surface of a sphere of 8 inches in diameter with its center in the region of the glabella
Classification of edentulous jaws?
Page 4 on document
Explain Class 1?
Explain Class 2?
Immediately post extraction
Explain Class 3?
Well rounded ridge with adequate height and width
Explain Class 4
Knife-edge ridge with adequate height but inadequate width
Explain Class 5
Flat ridge with inadequate height and width
Explain Class 6?
Depressed ridge with some basalar loss evident
Explain Cuspal Inclination
Slide 25
List three advantages of Balanced occlusion?
Slide 29
Disadvantages of Balanced occlusion?
Slide 30
Define Monoplane occlusion?
An occlusal arrangement where the posterior teeth have masticatory surfaces without cuspal height
Slide 31-32
Advantages of Monoplane Occlusion
Slide 33
Disadvantages of Monoplane occlusion?
- Poor Appearance
- Lack of positive intercuspatiom
- No vertical component to aid in shearing during mastication
Define Lingualized occlusion
Slide 35
Disadvantages of Lingualized Occlusion
- Wearing of maxillary lingual cusp and mandibular Fassa
- More challenging teeth arrangement than Monoplane
Advantages of Lingualized occlusion
Slide 37