Complete Blood Count Flashcards
What are the 8 parts of a CBC?
- Total RBC count
- Total WBC count
- Pack Cell Volume (PCV)
- Total Protein
- Hemoglobin Concentration
- Reticulocyte count
- RBC Indicies
- Blood Film Evaluation
What are the ways to count Total RBCs?
- manually
- automated
How do you manually count RBCs?
- hemocytometer
- unopette
- always in microliters!
How are RBCs counted automated?
- CBC machine (Laser Cyte)
- counts by size
What is the average size of a canine RBC?
7 microns in diameter
Where is a manual RBC counted?
super square
What is in the Unopette when counting RBCs?
What is in the Unopette when counting WBCs?
acetic acid
What does acetic acid do?
lyses anuclear cells (RBCs)
Where do you count the WBCs when counting manually?
- Corners
- super square
What are the 2 types of WBCs?
- agranulocytes
- granulocytes
What does a decrease in RBCs mean?
What is the normal numbers for RBC count?
always in the millions
What are the normal numbers for WBC counts?
always in the thousands
What messes up manual counting of WBCs?
Nucleated RBCs
What can be confused for WBCs in automated counting?
platelet clumps
What does an increase in WBCs mean?
- infection
- inflammation
What does a decrease in WBCs mean?
- immunosuppression
- overwhelming infection (Parvo)
What is a PCV counting?
% of RBCs in a centrifuged blood sample
What is the only way to determine PCV?
What is Serum?
-clear fluid that comes out of cuts
What does a increased PCV mean?
What does a decrease in PCV mean?
What gives more info: PCV or Total RBC count?
What is the normal PCV range for a canine?
What is the normal PCV range for feline?
Does a normal PCV always mean a healthy patient?
What is the normal color of plasma/serum?
- clear
- straw
What is cloudy plasma/serum?
- lipemic
- fat=chylomicrons
- after eating:post prandial
What is pink/red plasma/serum?
What is creamy pink plasma/serum?
lipemia caused hemolysis
What is yellow plasma/serum?
Where do you measure a PCV?
below buffy coat
What is a hematocrit?
- same as PCV
- more accurate
- %
- Ratio of RBCs Vs. volume of plasma
What is the normal range for Total Protein?
6.0-7.5 g/dL
What is in Total Plasma Protien?
- albumin
- globulin
- fibrinogen
What are Globulins?
- complex group of proteins
- includes antibodies
What is Fibrinogen?
- contains 1/3 clotting factors
- converted to fibrin
What is in Total Serum Protein?
- albumin
- globulins
What does a decrease in Total Protein mean?
liver failure/disease
What does a increase in Total Protein mean?
kidney disease
What is Heme?
What is Globin?
-protein (amino acids)
How is Hemoglobin Concentration counted manually?
What does a decrease in Hemoglobin mean?
iron deficency (anemia)
What is in a molecule of Hemoglobin?
- 4 hemes
- 1 globin
- can hold 4 oxygen molecules
What is the Rule of Thumb for Hemoglobin Concentration?
= 1/3 of PCV
-ex: 36% PCV = 12g/dL (hemoglobin)