Community Mental Health Flashcards
Layers of Mental Health System in Canada
National Health Care in Canada
Provincial Health Ministries
Local Health Integrated Networks
Mental Health Promotion
- enable people to increase control and to improve their health
- enhance the capacity of individuals and communities to take control over their lives
- foster supportive environment and individual resilience while showing respect for culture, equity, social justice, interconnections and personal dignity
Two key concepts of MH promotion
- a person, group or community’s sense of control over life
- ability to manage or cope with significant adversity or stress in ways that are not only effective, but may result in increased ability to respond to future adversity
- health promoting goals
- restructure negative cognitions
Kirby Senate Report, 2006
mental health system is fragmented and the effect is significant
- 14 billion annual economic burden
- 2nd leading cause of hospital use among those aged 20-44 (high productivity period)
- MH transition fund
- Canadian MH Commission
- housing and community services
Initiatives and Projects
Anti-Stigma Campaign
- Bell’s “Let’s talk” initiative
National MH Strategy
Knowledge Exchange Centre
Homelessness ($110 mil from Fed)
Advisory Committee Projects
- child and youth
- First Nations
- Seniors
- Workforce
National MH Strategy
Six Strategic Directions
- promote mental health across lifespan
- foster recovery and well-being for people of all ages
- provide access to the right combination of services
- reduce disparities in risk factors and access, strengthen the response to needs
- Work with First Nations, Inuit and Metis
- Mobilize leadership, improve knowledge and foster collaboration
Value Based definition of Community Mental Health
- support and respect human rights and dignity
- based of expressed interest, respect right to self-determination
- provide needs-based services to promote wellness, improve QoL
- involve consumers
- provide service in least restrictive environment
- easy access
Models of Care in the Past
Medical-institutional Model
- disease, diagnosis and treatment
Community Model
- psycho-social rehabilitation, community integration, develop support network
- not based on value-based definition because
a. power remains in professional’s hands
b. focus on deficit and dependence on services
c. ignore social determinants
Key Elements to Best Practice
- assertive outreach
- continuous, round the clock, time unlimited, individual support
- services provided in the community, reduce barrier
- provision of flexible support
- effective in reducing hospitalization
Housing Supports
- use of various housing types dispersed widely in the community
- provision of flexible individualized support
- consumer choice
- assistance in locating and maintaining housing
- no restrictions on length of time
Consumer Survivor Initiative Best Practice
programs run for and by people with mental illness
- peer/mutual support
- advocacy
- cultural activities
- knowledge development and skills training
- public education
- educating professionals
Support for Consumer Survivor Initiatives
participation in self-help is associated with
- reduced hospitalization
- reduced other service use
- increased knowledge, information and coping skills
- increased self-esteem, confidence, sense of well-being and of being in control
- stronger social networks and support