Community Dental Health Flashcards
Dental Practice Vs. Community Dental Health.
EvaluationSurvey DiagnosisAnalysis Treatment PlanningProgram Planning TreatmentProgram Operation PaymentFinance EvaluationEvaluation/appraisal
Focuses on health problems of international status.
World Health Organization.
Focus on health problems of national population.
Focus on health problems of state populations; consult with local health departments.
Focus on health problems of local population (county/city).
What is epidemiology?
Provides general understanding for critically interpreting new information in literature.
What is an endemic?
Disease that occurs regularly in a population as a matter of course.
An unexpectedly large number of cases of disease in a particular time and place.
What is a pandemic?
Outbreak of disease over a wide geographical area such as a continent.
Number of live births
Rate of an illness in a population.
number of deaths in a population.
number of new cases in a population at risk during a particular period of time.
Number of new and old cases of a disease in a population in a given period of time.
Incidence rate calculated for a particular population for a single disease outbreak.
Descriptive Studies
describes an epidemic with respect to person, place, and time. Who, Where, When.
Aimed at testing hypotheses?
Analytical Studies
Retrospective Study (case control study)
seeks to compare those diagnosed w/a disease with those who do not have.
A cohort is classified by exposure to one or more specific risk factors observed into the future to determine the rate at which the disease develops.
Prospective study.
Longitudinal study
group is observed over a long period of time.
Group has the experimental treatment (intervention) withheld; receive a placebo.
Control groups.
Treatment Groups
group that receives the experimental treatment.
Researcher remains uninformed and unaware of the identities of treatment and control group members to prevent bias.
Double Blindness
neither the researcher nor the subjects know whois receiving treatment.
What indices can be reversed?
Gingivitis indices.
What indices are irreversible?
Caries and periodontal indices.
Decayed, Mising, Filled teeth or Decayed, Missing, Filled Surfaces. Irreversible and involves permanent teeth.
decayed, need for extraction, filled teeth. Irreversible and measures caries in primary teeth.