What is CIC’s primary means of external communications?
Radiotelephone (R/T) {because of its convenience, speed, and simplicity}
Why are sound-powered telephones used on naval vessels?
Because they provide a simple, rugged and reliable communications system throughout the ship
What R/T message indicates an important safety of navigation or meteorological warning is about to be transmitted?
SECURITE- Safety signal (pronounced SECURITAY)
What is the NANCY system of visual communications?
one that uses infrared light that is visible with the aid of equipment designed especially for that purpose
What is the design of the FORM pennant?
To signal an operational purpose formation
What is the purpose of the pneumatic tubes communications system?
to relay written messages between communication stations within the ship
What are the two link-11 frequency bands
the HF band (2-30 megahertz) and the UHF band (225-400 megahertz)
What link -11 frequency band is used to establish a net when the range between units in the net is from 25- 300 nautical miles
High frequency band (2-30 megahertz)
What link-11 frequency band is used to establish a net when the range between units in the net is less than 25 nautical miles
Ultra High Frequency band (225-400 megahertz)
What term is used for the exchange of link-11 data
what is link-16 (S-TADIL J) ‘TIMBER’
A TDMA-based secure, jam-resistant high speed digital data link
What is the radio frequency band for link-16
960-1215 MHz
What is the design of Joint Range Extension (JRE)
Provides a means of exchanging J-series link 16 messages over media other than MIDS/JTIDS, primarily to achieve Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) communication
What is OSIS
a system that combines all existing navy operational intelligence nodes to support tactical operations
What is DAMA
An acronym for DEMAND- ASSIGNED- MULTIPLE- ACCESS which is a 39 channel UHF COMSAT
the shipboard HF/DF system
What is SIGSEC
Signal security which involves efforts taken to protect signal transmission
What is COMSEC
Communication security which involves efforts taken to protect communication from any type of exploitation
What is the term for intentional insertion of electromagnetic energy into transmission paths
Imitative communication deception- ICD
What is the design of the emergency position indicating radio beacon (EPIRB)
its a compact, battery-powered emergency signaling device that emits alert and locate signals continuously for up to 48 hours
What is indicted by the term DESIG
That the letters or numerals which follow are to be interpreted literally
What must precede groups of international code of signals used over a naval voice R/T circuit?
What radio circuit allows a net control station to monitor the use and flow of information
a directed net
what is the design of a command net
that the radio circuit is specifically designated for communications between warfare commanders
Who issues the standard navy-wide EEFI list
Chief of naval operations
normally, who is NECOS of all CIC/CDC nets
the flagship but it may be delegated
what is a GUARD radio watch
its a continuous receiver watch with a transmitter available for immediate use
what is a LISTEN radio watch
a continuous receiver watch
what is the Integrated Voice Communication System (IVCS)
a communications system that is powered by the ship’s generators for use in carrying out the normal administrative regime
what radio circuit is normally used in CIC/CDC for communications between forces meeting at sea
Fleet Tactical (FLT TAC)
What communications are provided by Call-Bell systems
those between stations that normally dont need to exchange information continually
what is a general-purpose communications system used for transmitting orders and information between stations within a ship
multi-channel unit
What CIC/CDC radio circuit is used for maneuvering signals and urgent short tactical messages
task force/task group tactical (TF/TG tactical
What CIC/CDC radio circuit is used to coordinate aircraft and flight information within a controlled airspace
What CIC/CDC radio circuit is used by intercept controllers for the control of fighter airspace
fighter air direction (FAD)
What CIC/CDC radio circuit is used for the exchanging radar and plot information
task force/task group reporting (TF/TG reporting)
What CIC/CDC radio circuit is used for the coordination and control of link 11 information
data system admin (DSA)
What CIC/CDC radio circuit is used to monitor distress calls from military aircraft
military air distress (MAD)
What distress frequency is normally guarded in CIC/CDC for military aircraft
243.0 Military air distress
What distress frequency is normally guarded in CIC/CDC for bridge to bridge
156.8 maritime channel 16
What distress frequency is normally guarded in CIC/CDC for ship to ship
218.2 international maritime distress call
what distress frequency is normally guarded in CIC/CDC for civilian and military aircraft
121.5 international air distress
What is the VHF radio equipment frequency range
115-156 MHz
what is the Hf transceiver frequency range
2-30 MHz
what is meant by the acronym OCTOPUS
refers to a TDS computer
what is meant by the acronym TATTOO
refers to a personal identifier code
what is meant by the acronym ANTEATER
a term for automatic tracking systems, which, in tracking data, use only iff
what is meant by the acronym MACCS
the marine air command and control system automated tactical data system
what are the two modes for operating the secure voice unit
plain voice and cipher
what is provided by the single audio system (SAS) remote channel
the ability for CIC/CDC watch standers to select, monitor, and transmit on a wide variety of external communication circuits
how does a power loss affect the operation of single audio system (SAS) remote channel
it will not function without power
what radiotelephone talker makes required reports to the beachmaster unit (BMU) during an amphibious ship-to-shore movement
the boat control bravo talker
What are the minimum voice communication requirements for a coordinated Mine countermeasures (MCM) operation
Secure voice; FLT TAC/WARN; and Dedication AMCM UHF net for AMCM air control
A properly tuned single-sideband HF transceiver has a reliability range of how many nautical miles
approximately 300
What is the only condition that a single unit may break EMCON
ONLY in a tactical emergency
Why are radiotelephone remotes tagged in CIC/CDC
To ensure that all watch personnel know the nets in use and the equipment assigned
What is the design of standard telephone-talking procedure and circuit discipline
in order to ensure a uniformity of expression, speed accuracy and reliability for all voice communications
What is the purpose of the 20MC multi-channel circuit
used for passing CIC/CDC information on CONN and TFCC
What is the purpose of the IVCS net channel 52
used for lookout reporting
What is the purpose of the sound-powered telephone circuits 61JS
used for passing sonar contact information
What is the purpose of the 29MV multi-channel circuits
To provide one-way communication from sonar to CIC/CDC and CONN