What is the vital area of Anti-air warfare (AAW)
The area which contains mission essential units
What factors determine the AAW destruction area
The vital area to be defended, the maximum range of force AAW weapons, and force disposition
What are the three categories of AAW ships
CV, Air defense, and point defense
In what AAW area will the force detect AAW threats
Surveillance area
What AAW phase of operations is characterized by the task of detecting enemy air platforms and airborne weapons
What degree of threat coverage is required in modern AAW
Almost always the 360 degree threat sector
What is fundamental to AAW preplanned response
Rules of Engagement (ROE)
What are the two phase of AAW operations
Search- Surveillance and engagement
What AAW area provides sufficient warning time for weapons to immediately engage a bogey upon penetrating the destruction area
surveillance area
what AAW zone allows freedom to fighter-interceptors to identify, intercept, and engage hostile aircraft
Fighter engagement zone (FEZ)
What is the primary propose of the AAW axis
as reference orientation for station assignments
What AAW code word means part of a raid or an entire raid penetrated friendly defenses unopposed
What is meant by the AAW code word GRAND SLAM
that an entire raid has been destroyed
What is indicated by the AAW code word SPLASH
That a single bogey or part of a raid has been destroyed
What AAW code word is used to indicate that an aircraft has enough fuel and weapons to accomplish its mission
State tiger
What AIC proword is used to direct an aircraft off station for refueling
What AIC proword is used to direct an interceptor’s heading
What is meant by the AAW code word JUDY
“I have contact and am taking over the intercept”
What is indicated by the AAW code word BITTERSWEET
Means that a special CAP/Missile coordination is required
What proword is used to limit transmission on AAW nets to essential traffic concerning immediation danger to the force
What air control code word denotes magnetic bearing and range to base
What code word indicates friendly aircraft altitude in thousands of feet
ANGELS- Height of friendly aircraft in thousands of feet from mean sea level (MSL)
What is the purpose of the air control code word POGO
Used to direct the aircraft to switch to a designated channel, then to switch to a designated channel if unable to establish communications
What is indicated by the air control code word of POPEYE
Means in an area of clouds or reduced visibility
What is meant by the AIC code word ORANGES (Sweet) or (Sour)
That the weather is suitable or unsuitable for an aircraft mission
What is indicated by the AAW proword of HEADS-UP
That “the enemy got through” or “I am not in a position to engage target”
What is indicated by the AAW proword TALLY HO
that the target has been visually sighted
What is indicated by the term GRIDLOCK
that the coordinate system center of one NTDS unit matches one generated by another
What is indicated by the weapons control status of WEAPONS FREE
the weapons systems may be fired against any target not positively identified as friendly
What is indicated by the weapons control status of WEAPONS TIGHT
That the weapons systems may be fired only at targets identified as hostile
What is meant by the proword WHAT STATE
Used to tell an aircraft to indicate amount of fuel, ammo, and oxygen remains
what air defense warning condition is indicated by warning yellow
that an attack by hostile aircraft is probable
What raid count indicates eight or more aircraft
what radio call is used to warn that a SIDEWINDER launch is imminent
What term is used to indicate a two-interceptor element providing mutual support
What section information has two fighters in a line abreast
line abreast
What is indicated by a formation call of ECHELON LEFT/RIGHT
Denotes a radar picture of two aircraft or groups displaced diagonally
what orders are used to pass AAWC guidance concerning firing doctrine to the force
weapons free, weapons tight, or hold fire
What is the raid count of an element of five or more bogeys
composition many
What are the primary AAW missions that are assigned to the CAP
Destroy hostile aircraft and missiles before they can attack the CVBG and the long-range threat detection and assessment
What is indicated by RED CROWN
The navy GCI ship
What are the advantages of CWC doctrine over fleet doctrine that uses only an AAWC and SSC
The CWC doctrine affords the greater counter a multi-threat environment
What strike warfare aircraft have a limited CAP capability
Both the EA-6E and the AV8B
What are the two types of NAVY CAP aircraft
F-16 and F/A-18
What are the primary advantages of GCI and AEW over CAP employment
Flexibility, extended radar coverage, and extended LOS communications
What net is used for CAP allocation and coordination of air-to-air engagements in long-range AAW
WAR net
What AAW disposition provides for defense in depth, decentralized control, and dispersion when concentration of defense in the general direction is desired
disposition ZV
What is required for defense of depth
long range detection, variety and sufficiency of weapons systems, and speed and responsiveness of weapons systems
What are the principles of defense in depth
energy expended on self-defense cannot be concentrated on the attack, the more often a strike force is attacked- the more likely its destruction, and self- defense of an attacking force is complicated by diversity of AWW defense confronting it
What AAW TDAs are available in the NTCS-A
CHAINSAW planning, surveillance planning, fuel-consumption planning, CAP stationing, AAW surface screening, and IREPs radar-range predictions