What is an amphibious operation
an attack that is launched from the sea by naval and landing forces embarked in ships or craft involving a landing on a hostile shore
What are two major disadvantages of staging an amphibious operation
first, combat power ashore starts from a zero capability, and secondly there is great vulnerability during the early phase of the assault
What are the advantages of an amphibious operation
Mobility (ability to land wherever chosen) and flexibility (ability to select time and method)
What is the primary type of amphibious operation
amphibious assault
What is a temporary amphibious landing that is always followed by a planned withdrawal
amphibious raid
what is the primary mission of an amphibious assault
establishing a landing force on a hostile shore
what is the majore difference between an amphibious raid and an amphibious assault
an amphibious raid is a temporary landing followed by a planned withdrawal whereas an amphibious assault is the establishing of a landing force on the shore
How is an amphibious withdrawal different from both an amphibious raid and an amphibious assault
it is a withdrawal from rather than a landing on a hostile shore
What type of amphibious operation is intended to delude the enemy into taking action unfavorable to him/her
amphibious demonstration
How does an amphibious demonstration differ from both an amphibious assault and an amphibious raid
the amphibious demonstration is only a show of force- no landing is made
What are the goals of an amphibious operation
to prosecute further combat operation; to obtain a site for an advanced base; and to deny use of the area and its facilities to the enemy
What are the five amphibious operation phases
planning embarkation rehearsal movement and assault
at what point does the planning phase of an amphibious operation commence
with the initiating directive
What would preclude launching an amphibious operation
insufficient logistic support available to the ATF and enemy reserce foruce outside the objective area can be used to support the enemy ashore
what are three characteristics of supporting amphibious operations
ordered by a higher authority; uses forces other than those assigned to CATF; and usually outside the area of CATF responsibility
What ATF forces must be superior to enemy forces before any amphibious operation should be launched
surface and submarine forces (ASUW/ASW); air forces (AAW); and landing forces over enemy forces ashore (GCE)
What must occur before an amphibious operation can be launched when enemy forces are superior to the landing force of the ATF
The total force available must be superior in strength to the enemy forces
At what point is the adequacy of an amphibious plan determined
during the rehearsal phase
When does the amphibious assault phase begin
when the major assault forces arrive in their assigned positions in the objective area
What steps are involved in terminating an amphibious operation
CATF and Commanding Landing Force (CLF) must agree that the mission is accomplished; CATF then reports accomplishing the mission to higher authority; and the higher authority orders termination of the operation and disposition of the forces
What condition must be met to terminate an amphibious operation
mission completion as stated in the initiating directive
The touchdown report is made on what net
Bravo net
What are the objectives of the advance amphibious force
destroy all enemy installations that could oppose the landing; support mine clearing and underwater demolition operations; and prepare the way for landing operations
What is a class E target classification
one that designates installations that will not be destroyed because of humanitarian reasons or future use by own forces, unless specifically targeted by the CATF
What charge is used for defilade fire
a reduced charge
What proword indicates an error was noted during read back on supporting arms coordination nets
‘WRONG’ followed by the error correction
Where will you find special instructions concerning NSFS communications
In the COMM ANNEX to operation orders or OPTASK COMMS
What information is supplied to Weapons plot during a DIRECT FIRE mission by CIC/CDC
Advisory data such as elevation to target and terrain, coaching director into designated targets, relaying spotter information, etc
On a shore bombardment chart, how is terrain steepness interpreted
Brown contour lines that are closer together indicates the steeper the slope
Why should the gun target line (GTL) marked on the grid spot converter be checked often during an air spotter mission
Because, depending on the relative motion of the aircraft, the gun target line may change with each salvo
What is the reference line for converting spots to north/south, east/west, on the grid spotter converter
the Y-axis, or black line oriented 000-180
What order is always used to save firing and navigation data for future reference
Record AS target
Which radar feature discriminates between close-in landing craft and sea return
The sensitivity time control (STC) feature
What is the purpose of the supporting arms coordination report ‘Ammunition summary’
To allow CATF to know the status of NSFS ammunition stocks
What is the opportunity mission report
a report of each unscheduled mission fired at a target of opportunity (used by SACC)
Which landing craft class is used for control purpose or to support clandestine SEAL operations
LCPL class
What amphibious ships are best suited for designation as a MAJOR casualty receiving and treatment unit
LPH, LHA, LHD classes
What amphibious ship has secondary aviation and casualty receiving capabilities command and control facilities, and functions as the primary control ship for boat operations
LPD class (flag configured)
What is the largest landing craft class that is used to transport heavy vehicles, equipment, cargo, and troops in the amphibious assault
What is the basic landing craft organizational unit
Boat groups which are organized to support each battalion landing team (BLT) designated beach
What is the authorized command relationship between the supporting force commander and CATF
Direct coordination during operations, the CATF coordinates planning as planning authority and is the supported commander
How are boat waves numbered for assault operations
Shoreward to seaward (first wave, second wave, etc)
What is represented on an LCPL by the zero flag displayed over a colored flag
Boat group commander for a colored beach
What officer coordinates LST employment and waterborne ship to shore movement on two or more beaches via the respective PCOs
The central control officer
Who recommends terminating boat operations to CATF when weather and/or surf conditions indicate
Primary control officer
Which control element is prepared to assume PCO duties in an emergency and is normally associated with landing a battalion landing team (BLT) over a numbered beach
secondary control ship
Who uses the call sigh ‘ CLAPPER RED’
The red beach boat group commander
Which net is the beach boat operations net that is used for administrative control of boats and touchdown reports
The boat bravo net
From where are assault waves dispatched
Line of departure (LOD)
What is included in the assault area
Beach, boat lanes, landing ship areas, transport areas and fire support areas