Communication & Professional Practices Flashcards
The purpose of a home inspection is to
A. provide a client with the cost of improving their property
B. provide a client with a list of the property’s problems and causes
C. provide a client with information regarding the property conditions at the time of the inspection
D. provide the client with conclusions about all of the conditions of the property at the time of the inspection
E. provide a client with an understanding of the future conditions and requirements of the home based on a visual inspection
Home inspectors shall
A. observe all components of the home listed in the Standards
B. observe all readily accessible installed systems and components listed in the Standards
C. observe all of the accessible, installed systems and components which are operating at the time of the inspection
D. dismantle installed systems and components as necessary to evaluate their condition
E. evaluate installed systems and components with respect to their effect on market value of the home
Inspections are all of the following except
A. to the Standards
B. technically exhaustive
C. non-destructive
D. non-invasive
E. intended to identify unsafe systems
Home inspection reports must include
A. recommendations to correct or monitor deficiencies
B. life expectancy of components and systems
C. causes of need for major repair
D. methods and materials for repairs
E. cost of repairs
A home inspection must include an evaluation with respect to —
A. suitability of the property for specialized use
B. compliance or noncompliance with codes
C. market value of the property
D. advisability of purchase of the property
E. the condition of the inspected components
A home inspection must include —
A. a report on all components whether observed or not
B. a report on the presence of termites, rodents or insects
C. A report stating which systems and components were not inspected and why
D. A report on cosmetic items, underground items or items not permanently installed
E. Some kind of warranty or guarantee
Inspections must include
A. design analysis
B. a written report
C. architectural evaluation
D. calculations of strength and adequacy of structural members
E. calculation of capacity and efficiency of heating and cooling systems
Home inspectors must
A. not report observations or conditions beyond the Standards
B. not exclude systems from the inspection, even if requested by the client
C. determine the effectiveness of systems designed to remove hazardous substances
D. project operating costs
E. comply with the Standards, even on a partial inspection
Home inspectors must inspect
A. humidifiers and dehumidifiers
B. central air conditioning
C. portable heaters
D. window air conditioners
E. household appliances
According to the Code of Ethics, home inspectors should offer opinions —
A. on any item they observe whether it is in the Standards or not
B. on any item requested by the client
C. only when based on experience and conviction
D. to any party that asks about the report, as long as they have an interest in the property
E. only if financially compensated for those opinions
Home inspectors, according to the ASHI® Code of Ethics, must act in good faith toward
A. everyone
B. the seller
C. the listing agent
D. the selling agent
E. the client (and other interested parties)
Reports can be released to people other than your client
A. as long as they have a legitimate interest in the property
B. if they are the owner of the property at the time of the inspection
C. if they were either the selling or listing real estate agent involved in the transaction
D. only with the approval of the client
E. to only those who have signed a third party liability waiver
Home inspectors
A. must typically pay real estate agents commissions in order to have business referred to them
B. typically receive commissions from real estate agents for providing appropriate reports
C. pay commissions to real estate agents or others only with the clients’ permission
D. receive commissions from others only with the clients’ permission
E. can’t accept or pay commissions to other parties working with the client
Home inspectors
A. must disclose an interest in a business which may affect the client
B. having disclosed any interest in a business which may affect the client, must decline to perform the inspection
C. may use the home inspection to gather referral work in other fields
D. may waive the home inspection fee if a repair contract on the home is subsequently signed between the client and home inspector
E. may collect separate fees from two interested parties, as long as at least one party is aware of it
Select the false statement
A. The home inspection profession has been around since the 1930s.
B. Home inspection started in the eastern United States.
C. Home inspection in North America is unregulated in most areas.
D. It is estimated there were 20,000 to 25,000 home inspectors in North America as of the year 2000.
E. There are roughly 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 homes sold in North America each year.
All of the following are types of inspections that home inspectors typically perform, except
A. pre-purchase home inspection
B. pre-listing home inspection
C. pre-renovation home inspection
D. mortgage inspection
E. legal dispute inspections
Which phrase does not describe a home inspection?
A. Field review of performance
B. Evaluation of physical condition
C. Visual inspection of readily accessible, installed components
D. Appraisal inspection
E. Sampling type inspection
The home inspector’s ultimate obligation is to
A. the buyer
B. the seller
C. the selling agent, if they are a buyer broker
D. the listing agent
E. the home itself
All of the following phrases apply to home inspection except
A. neutral and unbiased
B. paid, whether or not transaction completed
C. a simple practice and business
D. a performance
E. poorly understood profession
The typical length of time for an inspection of a standard home is
A. one and a half hours
B. two and a half hours
C. three and a half hours
D. four and a half hours
E. five and a half hours
All of the following are advantages to having clients attend inspections, except
A. better communication
B. can charge a premium for allowing clients to attend
C. showing is better than telling
D. lowered liability
E. opportunity to adjust expectations
The characteristics of a home inspector include all of the following except
A. specialist
B. technical wizard
C. great communicator
D. actor or performer
E. diplomat
It is important that a home inspector’s shoes
A. are aesthetically compatible with his or her clothing
B. have steel toes
C. have steel soles
D. have rubber soles
E. are slip-on so they can be easily removed when going into a home
All of the following are reasons to write reports, except —
A. the Standards require it
B. it avoids having to make good verbal presentations
C. they help your client review what you have said
D. liability control
E. marketing tool
The advantages of on site reports include all of the following, except —
A. more customized presentation
B. faster reporting
C. you can check what you may have missed while still in the house
D. you are more likely to get paid on site
E. there is no time spent proofreading
reports or remembering houses
The most overused recommended action by home inspectors is —
A. telling clients to provide something that is missing
B. telling people to repair or replace something that is worn out
C. recommending further evaluation
D. recommending that things be improved without giving specifications
E. recommending monitoring of suspect systems
All of the following are limitation statements, except —
A. access was not gained to the roof
B. the attic was inspected from the access hatch
C. we did not enter the room with the sick child at the request of the homeowner
D. the swimming pool is beyond the scope of this inspection
E. the cover on the electrical panel was not removed due to inadequate access
All of the following are priority statements, except —
A. the electrical cleanup work should be done immediately
B. prompt repairs to the gutters and downspouts will help prevent wet basement problems
C. central air conditioning is to be added within the next three years
D. the fireplace chimney should be swept before using the fireplace
E. the sagging beams should be replaced within the next 12 months
Which of the following is required by the ASHI® Standards?
A. Scope
B. Contract
C. Description
D. Cause
E. Implications
Which of the following is required by the ASHI® Standards?
A. Conditions
B. Limitations
C. Life expectancy
D. Priorities
E. Ballpark costs
Which of the following types of statements is required by the common standards?
A. The exterior cladding is brick.
B. The bricks may injure people if they fall.
C. The brick problems are the result of foundation settlement.
D. Caulking and weatherstripping will improve house comfort.
E. Brick repairs will cost $500 — $1,000.
You should avoid using all of the following words or phrases, except
A. satisfactory
B. good condition
C. operable
D. sound
E. no deficiencies noted
Which of the following statement about home inspectors’ liability is true?
A. As long as you provide written reports, you have no liability.
B. You only have liability if you do sloppy inspections.
C. Your liability is greater if your buyers’ expectations are not realistic.
D. Home improvement contractors play no part in home inspector liability.
E. The last-one-in syndrome helps to reduce liability.
All of the following are examples of prevention strategies for limiting liability, except —
A. perform a competent inspection
B. ensure clients’ expectations are realistic
C. define the scope of work in your report
D. describe limitations specific to the home in your report
E. inspect in greater depth on areas where clients have concerns
All of the following are appropriate response strategies limiting home inspectors’ liability, except —
A. respond to complaints as quickly as possible
B. never admit that there is a problem with the home
C. don’t accept as fact anything you are told
D. follow up as quickly as possible
E. don’t argue with the client over the phone on the initial call
Quick walk-through inspections —
A. don’t require reports
B. don’t require a seller introduction
C. increase liability
D. don’t require clients to attend
E. usually meet the requirements of the Standards
All of the following are components of a home inspection EXCEPT
A. preinspection routine.
B. introductory discussion.
C. inspection itself.
D. review of house plans.
An important advantage in arriving early at an inspection is that
A. you are more likely to find a parking spot close to the home.
B. you can evaluate the neighborhood topography and homes.
C. your client can’t accuse you of not doing a complete job because you arrived late.
D. you’ll be able to finish up earlier and get to your next inspection or get home earlier.
The seller introduction
A. is typically done after the introductory discussion with the client.
B. should be done by the listing agent.
C. should be done by the selling agent.
D. is typically done before anyone else arrives.
The introductory discussion with the client
A. should never be done in front of the listing or selling agents.
B. should never be done in front of the seller.
C. should include setting out your goals for the inspection.
D. should never include questions to the client because this will put them on the spot.
If asked questions about the home that are outside your scope you should
A. give clients a vague answer, because you don’t want to damage your credibility.
B. indicate that you haven’t gotten to that part of the inspection yet and, in most cases, the client will forget to ask the question a second time.
C. suggest where the client may get an answer to that question.
D. explain to the client that you are making a presentation, not answering questions.
The inspection
A. should include signing of the contract at the end.
B. should save all of the technical explanation for the end of the inspection.
C. may include two tours of certain parts of the building.
D. should never include a discussion of implications, because of increased liability.
The inspection should
A. be done without the client present, if possible.
B. start with the bad news about the house, in order to get it out of the way.
C. focus on the actions that people must take.
D. include a detailed description of deteriorated or inoperative systems, and how they got that way.
The home inspection
A. includes descriptions and recommendations.
B. should never actually show the client the problem, for fear of scaring him or her off.
C. should only be done if the client accompanies you through the entire inspection, except for the roof and attic.
D. should never compare the subject home against other properties for fear of confusing the client.
The inspection
A. should rely on humor, at least to some extent.
B. should include watching and evaluating clients’ reactions to your comments.
C. should be done as quickly as possible.
D. should be done with the client in the lead asking questions.
E. should include copious note-taking
The macro/micro approach refers to
A. learning to inspect big houses as well as small.
B. using a visual technique and a testing technique.
C. looking at the house from a distance, passively and up close, using a checklist approach.
D. focusing on big problems and ignoring small ones.
Common home inspector mistakes include all of the following EXCEPT
A. going back and checking things you may have overlooked.
B. leaving the heat turned up.
C. leaving appliances turned on.
D. leaving clothes on a bed.
If you see something in a house you don’t recognize and understand
A. don’t mention it in your discussion or written report.
B. explain to the client it’s beyond your scope.
C. advise the client you don’t know, but will try to find out.
D. ask the listing or selling agent what it is.
If there is an argument about whether or not the inspection should proceed
A. explain the benefits of a home inspection to all parties.
B. offer to reduce your fee.
C. offer to perform the inspection without the client.
D. stay out of the discussion.
The closing discussion should include
A. a detailed description of every problem in the home.
B. an opportunity for clients to ask questions.
C. cost estimates.
D. a recommendation to buy, or not buy, the home.
The closing discussion should
A. focus on the area that you know the most about.
B. reiterate the limitations of the inspection.
C. never take place inside the home.
D. introduce the contract.
A listing agent is
A. a person who shows prospective buyers a number of homes.
B. an agent who can only work through a Multiple Listing Service.
C. typically hired by the seller.
D. typically hired by the buyer.
The selling agent is the person who
A. receives the entire commission.
B. typically holds the open house.
C. owns the real estate company.
D. draws up the offer for the buyer.
A conditional offer
A. means that a price has been agreed on, as long as one or more conditions are satisfied.
B. is an initial proposal that is conditional upon the seller signing it.
C. is a sign back offer which will only become valid if the prospective buyer signs it.
D. is illegal in some areas.
An inspection report may include ______________.
A. additional comments beyond identified material defects
B. recommendations
C. images
D. all of these
All of the following should be components of a home inspection, except?
a. Recommendations
b. The reason why certain things were not inspected
c. A structural analysis of the framing
d. Deficiency implications
Which of the following statements is true?
a. A home inspector is required to climb on a roof
b. A home inspector is not required to report causes of conditions
c. A home inspector is required to give a warranty or guarantee
d. A home inspector is required to turn on and operate systems that are shut down
As an inspector, you have an obligation to all the following people, except?
a. The buyer
b. Yourself
c. The listing agent
d. Your friend who is a general contractor
What is one of the top reasons that you would like to have your client be present during the inspection?
a. To be able to recommend potential work for your friend who is an electrician
b. To reduce liability
c. So you try to upsell a separate inspection, such as a swimming pool inspection
d. So you don’t have to write a report later on, you can give him your checklist
A home inspection should be consisted of how many parts?
a. 1: The inspection itself
b. 2: Pre inspection routine and then the inspection itself
c. 3: Inspection and the closing remarks
d. 4: Pre inspection routine, opening remarks, inspection itself, and the closing remarks
“The uneven stairs are a trip hazard.” In the context of a report this would be called
a. Description
b. Cause
c. Implication
d. Recommended action
The Standards require:
a. Conditions and causes
b. Technically exhaustive inspections and descriptions
c. Descriptions and causes
d. Descriptions and conditions
Which of the following best describes the statement shown below that appears in a typical home inspection report? “The water heater is in good condition for its age.”
a. Conclusion
b. Recommendation
c. Description
d. Disclaimer
One who has contracted to be responsible for another or one who assumes responsibilities or debts in the event of default is known as the:
a. Privity
b. Home inspector
c. Client
d. Surety
As a home inspector, you are required to observe and/or readily accessible components of each system. Which of the following is not considered to be a readily accessible component of a room?
a. A receptacle in a closet
b. The doorknob on the closet door
c. A small window
d. Nails or screws in the floor
As an inspector, when you observe a component, you are making this type of examination:
a. Opinion
b. Recommendation
c. Visual
d. Analyzing
If your standard reporting form does not include a section for a defect that you observe, you should:
a. Don’t include it on the report
b. Report the defect verbally and make a note of it on the report
c. Only include it if your client points it out
d. Report the defect verbally but do not have to write it down
A home inspection is supposed to be:
a. Visual inspection only
b. Technically accurate with field measurements
c. Visual and non-invasive
d. Made public knowledge
What is NOT required to establish an agreement between a home inspector and a client?
a. negotiation
b. acceptance
c. consideration
d. offer
An inspection agreement presented to the client after the inspection may be declared invalid. What is the MOST likely reason for declaring such agreements invalid?
a. Inspection agreements must be presented before the inspection begins
b. There was no opportunity to negotiate the agreement
c. There was no exchange of consideration
d. The home inspector breached a duty to present the agreement in a timely manner
“An investigation that involves dismantling, extensive use of measurements, instruments, testing, calculations or other means” could best be described within the Standards as
a. an optional extra-fee inspection
b. technically exhaustive
c. over and above anything necessary
d. a thorough home inspection
e. standard inspection procedure
According to the term ‘inspect’ in the Standards, it would be inappropriate to1
a. use a system’s normal operating controls
b. open a sealed attic access hatch
c. test the full range of a ceiling fan
d. fill up and operate a Jacuzzi tub
e. enter a crawl space that has a dirt floor
According to the Standards, inspectors are required to report on all of the following EXCEPT1
a. things unsafe, deficient or near the end of their lives
b. the causes for the deficiencies
c. the reason the component is deficient
d. recommendations to correct or monitor the deficiencies
e. any component not inspected and the reason why
After the inspection, a real estate agent asks you, “Did you find any problems?” You should
a. politely inform them that you cannot discuss your findings
b. give them only information that may affect the sale of the property
c. give them only information that may pertain to the safety aspects of the property
d. speak on a confidentiality basis and only to the buyer’s agent
e. speak to them openly; if you have done a good job, you have nothing to hide
All of the following are general exclusions in the Standards EXCEPT1
a. determining the presence of termites or other wood destroying organism
b. determining the remaining life of any system
c. describing the insulation in unfinished spaces at conditioned surfaces
d. inspecting common areas in condominium properties
e. inspecting detached structures other than garages or carports
All of the following are recommended when testing systems EXCEPT1
a. turning a thermostat to its highest setting
b. operating a bathroom window (in a bathroom that has an exhaust fan)
c. operating a dimmer switch through its full range
d. removing the fan cover on the furnace
e. test the water pressure relief valve on the water heater
All of the following are required by the Standards when looking at the Electrical system EXCEPT1
a. inspect the service drop
b. describe the voltage rating of the service
c. report on the absence of smoke detectors
d. report on the presence of aluminum wiring
e. inspect all of the installed switches and receptacles
All of the following are required to be inspected on the Interior, according to the Standards EXCEPT
a. the countertops
b. a sampling of installed cabinets
c. a sampling of doors and windows
d. any visible or accessible carpeting
e. the railings
Basic tools for a home inspection include all of the following EXCEPT
a. combustible gas analyzer
b. flashlight
c. ladder
d. binoculars
e. measuring tape
Ethically, home inspectors have an obligation to each of the following EXCEPT
a. the listing agent
b. the neighbors
c. the selling agent
d. the house
e. themselves
For Fireplaces, which of these is required of a home inspector by the Standards?
a. describe the chimney
b. inspect the mantle
c. inspect the fireplace surrounds
d. determine the draft characteristics
e. inspect the presence of a combustion air source
For the Heating system, the Standards say an inspector is to
a. inspect the heat exchanger
b.describe the heating system by its distinguishing characteristics
c. inspect the humidifier
d. determine the adequacy of the heating equipment
e. inspect the electronic air filter
For the Plumbing system, the Standards say the inspector should do all of the following EXCEPT
a. inspect the vent system
b. determine if the water supply is public or private
c. describe the location of the main fuel shutoff valve
d. inspect the water heating equipment
e. describe the location of the main water shutoff valve
If clients want to discuss changes to a home, you should
a. say this is beyond your scope and you are not allowed to do it
b. refer them to a municipal inspector
c. ask the seller whether the changes would be possible
d. ask the listing and selling agents whether the changes would affect the market value of the home
e. discuss the changes away from the seller
If you go to inspect a house and the utilities are off
a. you should refuse to do the inspection because the liability is too great
b. perform the inspection using your flashlight and make assumptions about systems that can’t be tested
c. insist that the agent get the utilities turned before the end of the inspection
d. explain the limitations to your client
e. reduce your fee
It’s important to stay in control for all of the following reasons except
a. you want to stay on schedule
b. you want to stay within your scope
c. it’s important not to omit steps
d. some agents can show you up if you let them talk
e. helps make sure you’ll leave things as you found them
On the Exterior, the Standards require an inspector to look at
a. shutters
b. balconies
c. outbuildings
d. fences
e. saunas
On the Exterior, the Standards require an inspector to look at all of the following EXCEPT
a. awnings
b. exterior wall coverings
c. walkways leading to the entrance
d. fascia
e. vegetation that may affect the house
On the Roof, the Standards indicate the inspector should report on all of the following EXCEPT
a. the roof drainage system
b. the roof shingles
c. the roof flashings
d. the roof antenna
e. the roof penetrations
Regarding the Standards, it can be said that a home inspection is intended to
a. predict the future condition of the house based on past performance
b. provide information based on the conditions on the day of the inspection
c. give technical reasons to support any substantial findings
d. supply evidence pertaining to defective or potentially costly house components
e. help a potential buyer budget for minor and major expenses
The best kind of report to write is one that
a. is neutral
b. persuades the client to buy the home
c. is exhaustive
d. allows the client to back out of the purchase
e. includes input from the real estate agent
The closing discussion
a. should take place before you compile your reports
b. is the time to get the contract signed
c. should never take place in front of the agents
d. should never take place in front of the seller
e. is a brief summary of the key points
The introductory discussion should
a. help to adjust the expectations of the client
b. establish your credibility with the use of a number or technical terms
c. include instructions for your clients to avoid questions since this will pull you from your routine
d. include questions about the clients’ preferred order for inspecting the components of the home
e. include payment of your fee
The Standards apply to buildings and
a. attached garages only
b. detached garages only
c. attached garages and carports
d. garages and carports
e. carports only
The Standards are applicable to buildings
a. with four or fewer dwelling units
b. with six or fewer dwelling units
c. with two or fewer dwelling units
d. with one dwelling unit and an apartment, maximum
e. with residential and commercial units totaling not more than six
What is the estimated number of home inspectors in North America?
a. 5,000 to 15,000
b. 10,000 to 20,000
c. 25,000 to 35,000
d. 35,000 to 55,000
e. 50,000 to 100,000
When reporting the implications of a missing handrail, the inspector should
a. quote a specific code violation
b. discuss the potential danger
c. cite a local bylaw (if known)
d. indicate that the homeowner should take care of the issue
e. include a more general ‘against-most-building-codes’ statement
Which of the following things help to avoid getting overwhelmed by homes?
a. go through as many open houses as you can so you make sure you’ve seen every kind of home
b. if the home is more than 3,000 square feet, bring two inspectors
c. if the home has more than 10 rooms, book the inspection over two days
d. break the home down into small inspection chunks
e. on complicated homes, just check some items and extrapolate from those
Which one of these is acceptable during a home inspection?
a. if a breaker is turned off, it can be turned on to test the circuit
b. a pilot light for a gas fireplace can be re-lit to be sure it is working
c. a winterized house can have the water turned on and later turned back off
d. if the chain on a toilet handle is off, it can be operated manually
e. an electric wall heater is activated with the control knob on the heater
Which one of these is often dealt with subjectively by the courts?
a. the scope of contract
b. the Standard of Care
c. the Standards of Practice
d. the conditions or evaluations
e. the limitations stated in the contract
Which of the following is TRUE with respect to tort law?
a. tort law requires a contract between two parties
b. tort law involves a Standard of Care
c. tort is a helpful act
d. it is always well defined
e. tort law typically relies on the common Standards of Practice
Which of the following is required by common standards?
a. conditions
b. limitations
c. life expectancy
d. priorities
e. ballpark costs
Which of the following is required by common standards?
a. scope
b. contract
c. description
d. cause
e. implications
Which of the following is irrelevant when discussing verbal communications?
a. the message
b. decoding
c. effective listening
d. communication obstacles
e. length of the summary
Which of the following contributes to the home inspector’s liability?
a. the condition of the property never changes after the inspection
b. three hours is not enough to find every issue in the house
c. buyers often sabotage the house
d. buyers often blame the real estate agent for problems with their home
e. insurance companies try to blame home inspectors when there is a claim
When stating in a report that you have no access to the crawlspace, you are in effect
a. giving a description of this portion of the house
b. providing a limitation on your ability to complete the inspection
c. making a recommendation that access should be provided
d. stating an implication that there should be further evaluation
e. describing a condition within the house
When responding to a complaint, it is best to
a. let things simmer
b. respond and resolve quickly
c. give the client some time to cool down
d. discuss the problem over the phone
e. find a solution that you can afford
When reporting things you are told rather than verified yourself, you should
a. ignore them if they can’t be verified
b. include them only if they are minor itmes
c. not worry because they were not your findings
d. only include them if they impact the client’s buying decision
e. indicate the source of the information
What the person hopes to communicate is termed
a. the mediation
b. significant issues
c. the message
d. the remediation
e. comprehensible details
We recommend avoiding all of these types of body language EXCEPT
a. shifting weights
b. speaking quickly
c. avoiding eye contact
d. leaning against a wall
e. being at the same eye level as your listener
Warning the seller of a dangerous situation in a home
a. is one of the Standards of Practice
b. is not a home inspector’s responsibility
c. may fall under your Duty of Care
d. can be used to get out of a deal
e. is not a legal obligation
Verbal communication issues include all of the following EXCEPT
a. encoding
b. decoding
c. communication obstacles
d. size of audience
e. effective listening
Third party liability is
a. the seller is liable if you hurt yourself during the inspection
b. you are liable if your client hurts him or herself during the inspection
c. the real estate agent has an obligation to the buyer, as well as the seller
d. people other than your client relying on your report
e. when a report has to be addressed to more than one person (husband and wife, for example)
There are numerous types of body language that home inspectors should avoid. This one is usually acceptable
a. failure to maintain eye contact
b. speaking quickly or mumbling
c. leaning against a wall when taking
d. standing while your listeners are sitting
e. biting your finger nails
The translation of the sender’s ideas and information into a set of symbols is called
a. personal filter area
b. encoding
c. interpretation
d. common language
e. introspection
The sender in a home inspection verbal communication is most often the
a. client
b. inspector
c. seller
d. listing agent
e. selling agent
The response that the receiver gives the sender after decoding the message is called
a. the answer
b. the verdict
c. interpretation
d. feedback
e. the translation
The response that the receiver gives the sender after decoding the message is called
a. perception
b. initial response
c. feedback
d. perceived response
e. noise
The receiver can also be called
a. the medium
b. the feedback
c. the decoder
d. a paraverbal
e. an emblem
The process of translation and interpretation of the message by the receiver is called
a. negotiation
b. principal interpretation
c. primary interpolation
d. decoding
e. encoding
The person who receives the information and decodes the message is called
a. the client
b. the receiver
c. the encoder
d. the participant
e. the receptor
The person who has the information and who starts the communication is called
a. the secondary communicator
b. the conspirator
c. the sender
d. the orator
e. the primary communicator
The mimic technique
a. involves repetition
b. involves copying presentation of other inspectors
c. involves imitating patterns of the sender or receiver
d. involves only body language
e. involves the complete avoidance of body language
The message in verbal communication is inseparable from
a. body language
b. effective listening
c. feedback
d. medium
e. written symbols
The medium in verbal communication is the
a. spoken words themselves
b. body language
c. sender
d. receiver
e. comprehension
The home inspector may be responsible to
a. the seller
b. the real estate agent
c. anybody who may be impacted by the report
d. the person who actually paid for the report
e. whoever the client shows the report to
The format of the report could be
a. a checklist type
b. a narrative type
c. a combination of both
d. all of the above
e., none of the above
The form of the message, whether it is a text message, a telephone conversation or an email, are all referred to as
a. the report
b. the findings
c. the methodology
d. the decoding
e. the medium
The five basic elements of verbal communication identify, “who, says what, in which way, to whom, with what effect”. The “in which way” element can be described as
a. the medium
b. the responsed
c. the receiver
d. the message
e. the sender
The component of the report that most home buyers are relying on inspectors to identify is the
a. contract
b. limitations
c. conditions
d. causes of conditions
e. cost of the repairs
The advantages of sending a report later may include all of the following except
a. the seller will be happier
b. the report presentation can be better
c. you can do some research
d. you have an opportunity to proofread the report
e. you have more opportunity to include extra items
Reports can either be produced an delivered on-site or written an delivered later. One advantage of an on-site delivery is
a. the real estate transaction can proceed more quickly
b. the presentation can be better prepared
c. there is more time for research
d. there is more opportunity to proofread the report
e. it is easier to include extra articles, illustrations or other additions
Regulators are intended to
a. control the communications
b. repeat the communications
c. enhance the communications
d. control body language
e. control the receiver
Personal filters include
a. encoders
b. decoders
c. technical terms
d. different frames of reference
e. the mediums
Paraverbals include all of the following EXCEPT
a. body language
b. volume
c. tone of voice
d. pitch of voice
e. rate of speech
Over-and-above elements in a home inspection report include all of the following EXCEPT
a. a report summary
b. a client questionnaire
c. description of major house components
d. maintenance recommendations
e. life cycle costs and estimates
Optional report items include all of the following EXCEPT
a. contract
b. scope of work
c. limitations
d. client questionnaire
e. description of components
Of the following report components, which is required (unless they are self-evident)?
a. causes of conditions
b. limitaitons
c. priorities
d. implications of conditions
e. scope of contract
Of the following recommendations, which one is most likely to frustrate your client?
a. further investigation
b. repair
c. improve
d. replace
e. provide
Obstacles to effective communication include all of the following EXCEPT
a. credibility of the sender
b. jargon
c. time constraints
d. poor location
e. repetition
Obstacles to effective communication include all of the following EXCEPT
a. feedback
b. different personal filters
c. semantic differences
d. inappropriate proximity
e. information overload
Noise can be all of the following EXCEPT
a. distracting sound
b. odor
c. distracting mannerism of the sender
d. an uncomfortable environment
e. a problem for the sender only
Name two things, other than words, that express your message to your audience intentionally or unintentionally
a. written reports and emails
b. second hand and third party gossip
c. facebook and twitter entries
d. photographs and illustrations
e. paraverbals and body language
Illustrators, emblems, regulators, adaptors and affect displays are all categories of
a. personal filters
b. body language
c. encoding
d. decoding
e. verbal intonation
a. are drawings used to help explain the communication
b. are examples given to enhance the point
c. are mimic technique
d. typically include technical jargon
e. are gestures used to paint a picture of the point
If you miss a roof defect because you didn’t walk on the roof
a. you could be responsible if your Duty of Care was not exercised
b. you could not be sued because common standards don’t require roof walks
c. you could be protected if your contract is well written
d. you could be protected if you noted the exceptions in your report
e. the local Standards of Care would have no bearing on a court case
If verbal communication is vague or incomplete, clients will often
a. ignore the message
b. fill in the gaps
c. reject the message
d. oversimplify the message
e. use encoding to improve the communication quality
If a condition doesn’t have an implication
a. it is minor
b. the condition may be from a past problem
c. it is not likely safety related
d. it will also not have a cause
e. it shouldn’t be in the report as a condition
Home inspectors may be sued for
a. failing to meet the terms of their contract
b. failing to meet a Standard of Care
c. neither 1 or 2 above if they have both been explained prior to the inspection
d. one of 1 & 2 above, but not the other
e. both 1 & 2 above
Feedback is
a. decoding the message
b. encoding the message
c. the receiver’s response to the sender
d. the rejection of a message by a personal filter
e. a verbal communication technique involving mimicking
Encoding is
a. the translation of technical jargon
b. the interpretation of the sender’s message
c. the conversion of the sender’s thoughts into words
d. one of the obstacles to communication
e. a result of effective listening
Emblems are
a. typically flags
b. informal sign language
c. reference cards that can be used to describe points being made
d. words that have more than one meaning
e. involve geographical representations
Distracting mannerisms, odors, and even articles of clothing can all distort communications. In the communication equation, these would all be examples of
a. noise
b. bad manners
c. berriers
d. breakdowns
e. poor technique
Different personal filters, jargon and information overload, are all
a. reasons you may not get recommended
b. errors in judgement
c. signs of a nervous sneder
d. issues that can be overcome
e. obstacles to effective communication
Decoding is
a. the receiver’s process of understanding the message
b. the correction of problems created by a language barrier
c. the simplification of the message by the sender
d. an effective listening skill
e. a way of sending the message without using a medium
Communication is the transfer of information and comprehension through
a. written means and structures
b. oral methods an instructions
c. an interpreter
d. simple and concise language
e. the use of common symbols
Communication is
a. transmission of information by a sender involving verbal symbols and body language
b. the receipt of information by a receiver including decoding and feedback loops
c. the message itself delivered in its own medium, irrespective of the sender and receiver
d. transfer of information and comprehension through the use of common symbols
e. a combination of verbal written communication that yields maximum understanding
Common report elements include all of the following EXCEPT
a. maintenance tips
b. cost estimates
c. filing systems
d. a scope of work
e. appraisal
Common report components include all of the following EXCEPT
a. a report summary or executive summary
b. plan review
c. body of the report
d. evaluation of physical conditions
e. recommended action
Code reference
a. enhance your credibility
b. reduce your liability
c. should be avoided
d. are straightforward
e. are required by common standards
By providing ballpark costs in a report, inspectors are
a. guilty of conflict-of-interest
b. giving clients an excuse to back out of a deal
c. exposing themselves to another layer of liability
d. establishing more credibility to the rest of the report
e. completing one of the required report components
By providing an estimated time in which a component of the house may have to be replaced, the inspector is
a. explaining his limitations
b. completing one of the requirements for report writing
c. giving a life expectancy
d. providing he has done a thorough inspection
e. prioritizing necessary repairs
Another component that isn’t common to the body of the report is
a. implications of conditions
b. recommended trades
c. limitations
d. priorities
e. recommended actions
An inspector should NOT reference an electrical code during an inspection because
a. the code may be obsolete
b. one part of the code may contradict another part of the code
c. common standards prohibit it
d. that city officials cover the code in their scope of responsibility
e. clients will expect you are an expert in all codes
All of these are reasons reports are needed EXCEPT
a. common standards require it
b. the real estate professionals require it
c. to control your liability
d. to help the client
e. to use as a marketing tool
All of the following would be considered a secondary element of verbal communication EXCEPT
a. personal filter area
b. accuracy
c. encoding
d. decoding
e. noise
All of the following help improve communications EXCEPT
a. being empathetic to the receiver
b. remaining in motion while talking
c. using repetition
d. encouraging trust
e. creating an effective listening environment
All of the following help communication EXCEPT
a. feedback
b. appropriate message delivery rate
c. the use of different filter areas
d. appropriate timing
e. simple language
All of the following contain scope statements EXCEPT
a. the home inspection was done to the Standards
b. the home inspection was performed for the seller
c. the inspection included the heating and air conditioning systems at the request of the client
d. the inspection addressed only those issues requested in the attached letter from the client
e. the house an garage were inspected, but the coach house was not
All of the following contain implication statements EXCEPT
a. the oversized fuses should be replaced to reduce the hazard of fire
b. the polarity of the receptacles in the living room should be changed to protect against electrical shock
c. the faucet below the rim of the tub is a cross connection
d. the undersized floor joists will result in springy floors
e. the lack of roof drains will shorten the life of the flat roof membrane
All of the following contain description statements EXCEPT
a. the asphalt shingle roof is 10 to 15 years old
b. the poured concrete block foundations are bowing inward
c. the wood roof trusses show no evidence of deflection
d. the aluminum siding is dented in several areas
e. the crawlspace was not accessible
All of the following contain condition statements EXCEPT
a. the overhead service entrance conductors are aluminum and rated for 100 amps
b. the garage door operator should be adjusted to reverse when hitting an obstruction as it closes
c. missing chimney flashings should be provided
d. the leak below the kitchen sink should be repaired promptly to avoid damage to the structure below
e. the inoperative ground fault circuit interrupter should be replaced to improve electrical safety
All of the following contain cause of condition statements EXCEPT
a. the central air conditioning system was not inspected due to the outdoor temperature
b. the cracked heat exchanger is a result of the leaking humidifier above the furnace
c. the wooden sill plate was damaged by insect activity
d. the inadequate rise of the stairs is an original design problem
e. the soffit vents have been obstructed by the blown-in insulation
All of the following contain action recommendations EXCEPT
a. the chimney should be swept before use
b. we recommend further investigation of the soil and footings under the northwest corner of the building
c. the galvanized steel chimney flashings should be painted to extend their life
d. staining the siding will protect it from water damage
e. the undersized gutters may result in wet basement problems
All of the following are verbal communication issues EXCEPT
a. time of day
b. sender
c. receiver
d. message
e. feedback
All but one of these are common components of the body of the report EXCEPT
a. scope or contract
b. descriptions
c. conditions or evaluations
d. causes of conditions
e. inspector’s qualifications
All but one of the following are techniques for improving communications
a. use repetition
b. be empathetic to the listener
c. ensure the timing of the message is appropriate
d. empower the receiver to feel authoritative
e. encourage trust to enhance credibility
After a client complains to a home inspector, a common scenario finds
a. that there actually is no problem
b. that the problem is easily remedied
c. the inspector making an insurance claim
d. the problem has been identified in the report
e. the client is usually wrong
Affect displays
a. are illustrations used to help communication
b. are a type of feedback
c. are unintentional emotional displays
d. independent of body position or posture
e. can only be used by the sender
Adaptors are NOT
a. stress induced
b. biting fingernails
c. tapping fingers
d. consciously controlled
e. repetitive body motions
A homeowner is more likely to follow through with a recommendation if
a. they understand the implications
b. the cause of the condition is explained
c. the expense is minimal
d. the fix can be done quickly
e. a detailed remedy is laid out
“The water heater is leaking.” Within a report this would be classified as a
a. description
b. condition
c. recommended action
d. problem
e. priority