Communication and Negotiation Flashcards
What skills do you need to communicate effectively?
Listening skills! To prevent talking over each other. And an ability to recognise your audience and tailor your communication accordingly.
How do you ensure that the frequency of communication is acceptable?
Establish expectations at the outset, inform when I require responses by. Understand that some clients require more communication than others.
What are different ways you could communicate with clients?
Telephone, email, letter, in person, via virtual means eg teams.
When would you choose to use written over verbal?
When there is a great deal of data detail, it is easier to convey this information accurately in a written form for the client to refer to.
What barriers to effective communication have you come across?
Rating cases can become adversarial, I step back when this occurs and remain calm and collected and do not get drawn into unprofessional arguments.
Tell me about your negotiating style
I back up my position with facts whilst highlighting weaknesses in their argument, I note their points but I continue to hold my position when I consider it to be correct.
Why is negotiation important?
In order to be able to resolve matters to both parties satisfaction
What is principled negotiation?
Negotiators rely on objective criteria - a fair, independent standard - to settle their differences
What is a good way to facilitate negotiations in your role?
To acknowledge their points, start by stating where you can agree, before moving on to points of disagreement.
Why do you consider that discussing matters in person can be effective?
Can get to know the other person, can read their body language to gain a sense of where negotiation can go further, can better discuss rental evidence when the other person is seeing it next to you in person and can combine with site visit for joint inspection which allows facts to be agreed more quickly.
What are the alternatives to discussing in person?
Email, telephone call
Why can these alternatives present challenges?
Can’t read the other person’s body language to better determine where there is more room to negotiate
Tell me how you communicate effectively and responsibly using social media
I conduct myself in a way which is responsible which would not cause any damage to my or my company’s reputation.
What do RICS set out as best practise for social media?
DO NOT be discriminatory, dishonest, abusive or threatening, do not bully or harass.
DO use respectful language and remove a social media post if requested by a member
What RICS guidance is this best practise set our within?
Use of social media: guidance for RICS members June 2021
Give me an example of when you have communicated using a complex written report
At Challenge, I write decision notices which can be complex depending on the issues covered. I cover matters in dispute and matters agreed, refer to case law, discuss rental analysis, including photographs and plans.
How have you taken accurate minutes?
I confirmed attendance and apologies, I followed the agenda, I summarised effectively, I noted action points, and promptly sent to chair for approval.