Communicable Diseases Flashcards
What is a pathogen?
A microorganism that causes disease
What is direct transmission?
Passing a pathogen from host to new host with no intermediary
What is indirect transmission?
Passing a pathogen from host to new host via a vector
What is transmission?
Passing a pathogen from an infected individual to an uninfected individual
What is a vector?
An organism that carries a pathogen from one host to another
What is Callose?
A large polysaccharides deposit that block old phloem sieve tubes
What is inflammation?
Swelling and redness of tissue cause by infection
What is a mucous membrane?
A specialised epithelial tissue that is covered by mucus
What are primary defences?
Those the prevent pathogen entering the body
What is an antigen-presenting cell?
A cell that isolated the antigen from a pathogen and places it on the plasma membrane so that it can be recognised by other cells in the immune system
What is clonal selection?
Selection of specific B and T cell that is specific to the antigen
A hormone-like molecules used in cell signaling to stimulate the immune response.
What are the types of organisms that cause disease?
What are antibodies?
Specific proteins released by plasma cells that can attach to pathogenic antigens
What is clonal expansion?
An increase in the number of cells by mitotic cell divison
What is the primary immune response?
The initial response caused by a first infection
What is the secondary immune response?
A more rapid and vigorous response caused by a second or subsequent infection by the same pathogen
What is active immunity?
Where the immune system is activated and manufactures it’s own antibodies
What is artificial immunity?
Immunity is that achieved as a result of medical intervention
What is an epidemic?
A rapid spread of disease through a high proportion of the population
What is natural immunity?
Immunity achieved through normal life processes.
What is passive immunity?
Immunity achieved when antibodies are passed to the individual through breast feeding or infection
What is vaccination?
A way of stimulating an immune response so that immunity is achieved
What are antibiotics?
A chemical that prevents the growth of microorganisms. Antibiotics can be antibacterial or anti-fungal
What is synthetic biology?
The re-engineering of biology. This could be the production of new molecules that mimic natural processes, or the use of natural molecules to produce new biological systems that do not exist in nature.