Cell Division, Cell Diversity and Cell Differentiation Flashcards
What is cytokinesis?
Cytoplasmic division following nuclear division, resulting in two new daughter cells.
These daughter cells are genetically identical to each other and their parents.
Once mitosis is complete, the cell splits into two, so that each new cell contains a nucleus.
In animal cells, the plasma membrane folds inwards and ‘nips in’ the cytoplasm.
In plant cells, an end plate forms where the equator of the spindle was, and new plasma membrane and cellulose cell-wall materials are laid down on either side along this end plate.
What is interphase?
Phase of cell cycle where the cell is not dividing, it is subdivided into growth and synthesis phases.
What is Mitosis?
A type of nuclear division that produces daughter cells genetically identical to each other and to the parent cell. They are also genetically identical to each other.
What are the purpose of cell-cycle checkpoints?
To prevent uncontrolled division that would lead to tumors (e.g. cancer).
To detect and repair damage to their DNA ( for example damage cause by UV light)
They ensure that the cell cycle cannot be reversed.
The DNA is only duplicated once during each cell cycle.
Stages of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle:
M phase G0 (gap 0) phase G1 (gap 1) phase- the growth phase S (synthesis) phase of interphase G2 (gap 2) phase of interphase
M Phase:
A checkpoint chemical triggers condensation of chromatin. Halfway through the cycle, the metaphase checkpoint ensures that the cell is ready to complete mitosis.
Cell growth stops. Nuclear division (mitosis) consisting of stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.
Cytokinesis (cytoplasmic division).
G0 Phase:
A resting phase triggered during early G1 at the restriction point, by a checkpoint chemical. Some cells e.g. epithelial cells lining the gut, do not have this phase.
In this phase, cells may undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death), differentiation or senescence.
Some types of cells (e.g. neurone) remain in this phase for a very long time or indefinitely.
G1 Phase:
A G1 checkpoint control mechanism ensures that the cell is ready to enter the S phase and begin DNA synthesis.
Cells grow and increase in size.
Transcription of genes to make RNA occurs.
Organelles duplicate
Biosynthesis e.g. protein synthesis, including making the enzymes needed for DNA replication in the S phase.
The p53 (tumor suppressor) gene helps to control this phase
S Phase of interphase:
Because of the chromosomes are unwound and the DNA is diffuse, every molecule of DNA is replicated. There is a specific sequence to the replication of genes: housekeeping genes- those which are active in all types of cells, are duplicated first. Genes that are normally inactive in specific types of cells are replicated last.
Once the cell has entered this phase, it is committed to completing the cell cycle.
DNA replicates
When all chromosomes have been duplicated, each one consists of a pair of identical sister chromatids.
This phase is rapid, and because the exposed DNA base pairs are more susceptible to mutagenic agents, this reduces the chances of spontaneous mutations happening.
G2 Phase of interphase:
Special chemicals ensure that the cell is ready for mitosis by stimulating proteins that will be involved in making chromosomes condense and in formation of the spindle.
Cells grow
What are chromatids?
Replicates of chromosomes
What is Prophase?
The chromosomes that have replicated during the S phase of interphase and consists of two identical sister chromatids, now shorten and thicken as the DNA supercoils. The nuclear envelope breaks down. The centriole in animal cells divides and the two new daughter centrioles move to opposite poles of the cell. Cytoskeleton protein (tubulin) threads form a spindle between these centrioles. The spindle has a 3D structure and is rather like lines of longitude on a virtual globe. In plant cells, the tubulin threads are formed from the cytoplasm.
What is Metaphase?
The pairs of chromatids attach to the spindle threads at the equator region.
They attach by their centromeres.
What is Anaphase?
The centromere of each pair of chromatids splits.
Motor proteins, walking along the tubulin threads, pull each sister chromatid of a pair, in opposite directions, towards opposite poles.
Because their centromere goes first, the chromatids now called chromosomes, assume a V shape.
What is Telophase?
The separated chromosomes reach the poles.
A new nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes.
The cell now contains two nuclei each genetically identical to each other and to the parent cell from which they arose.
What is Meiosis?
Sexual Reproduction
A type of nuclear division that results in the formation of cells containing half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell.
What are homologous chromosomes?
Matching chromosomes, containing the same genes at the same places (loci). They may contain different alleles for some of the genes.
There are 46 chromosomes in the human body cells. 23 from each parent.
Why is Meiosis significant in the life cycle?
Sexual Reproduction increases genetic variation because it involves the combining of genetic material from two unrelated individuals of the same species, by the process of fertilization.
Genetic Variation within a population increases its chances for survival when the environment changes.
What are the stages of Meiosis?
Prophase 1 Metaphase 1 Anaphase 1 Telophase 1 Prophase 2 Metaphase 2 Anaphase 2 Telophase 2
Prophase 1:
The chromatin condenses and each chromosome supercoils. In this state, they can take up stains and can be seen with a light microscope.
The nuclear envelope breaks down, and spindle threads of tubulin protein form from the centriole in animal cells.
The chromosomes come together in animal cells.
Each member of the pair consists of two chromatids.
Crossing over occurs where non-sister chromatids wrap around each other and may swap section so that alleles are shuffled.
Metaphase 1:
The pairs of homologous chromosomes, still in their crossed over state, attach along the equator of the spindle.
Each attaches to a spindle thread by its centromere.
The homologous airs are arranged randomly, with the members of each pair facing opposite poles of the cell. This arrangement is independent assortment.
The way that they line up in metaphase determines how they will segregates independently when pulled apart during anaphase.
Anaphase 1:
The members of each pair of homologous chromosomes are pulled apart by motor proteins that drag them along the tubulin threads of the spindle.
The centromeres do not divide, and each chromosomes consists of two chromatids.
The crossed-over areas separate from each other, resulting in swapped areas of chromosomes and allele shuffling.
Telophase 1:
In most animal cells, two nuclear envelopes form around each set of chromosomes, and the cell divides by cytokinesis. There is then a short interphase when the chromosomes uncoil.
Each new nucleus contains half the original number of chromosomes, but each chromosome consists of two chromatids.
In most plant cells, the cell goes straight from anaphase 1 into prophase 2.
Prophase 2:
If the nuclear envelopes have reformed, then they now break down.
The chromosomes coil and condense, each one consisting of two chromatids.
The chromatids of each chromosome are no long identical, due to the crossing over in Prophase 1.
Spindles form.
Metaphase 2:
The chromosomes attach, by their centromere, to the equator of the spindle.
The chromatids of each chromosome are randomly arranged.
They way that they are arranged will determine how the chromatids separate during anaphase.
Anaphase 2:
The centromeres divide
The chromatids of each chromosome are pulled apart by motor proteins that drag them along the tubulin threads of the spindle, towards the opposite poles.
The chromatids are therefore randomly segregated.
Telophase 2:
Nuclear envelope form around each of the four haploid nuclei.
In animals, the two cells now divide to give four haploid cells.
In plants, a tetrad of four haploid cells is formed.
Meiosis produces genetic variation by…
Crossing over during Prophase 1 shuffles the alleles.
Independent assortment of chromosomes in anaphase 1 leads to random distribution of maternal and paternal chromosomes of each pair.
Independent assortment of chromatids in anaphase 2 leads yo further random distribution of genetic material.
Haploid gametes are produced, which can undergo random fusion with gametes derived from another organism of the same species.
What is differentiation?
Process by which stem cells become specialised into different types of cells.
Erythrocytes and Neutrophils:
Erythrocytes- carry oxygen from the lungs to respiring cells.
- They are very small, so have a large SA:V. This means that oxygen can diffuse across their membranes and easily reach all regions inside the cell.
- They are flexible. They can change shape so that they can twist and turn, as they travel through very narrow capillaries.
- Most of their organelles are lost at differentiation. This provides more space for the many Haemoglobin molecules.
Neutrophils- ingest the invading pathogens.
- They are about twice the size of erythrocytes, and each neutrophil contains a multilobed nucleus.
- They are attracted to and travel towards infection sites by chemotaxis.
- Their function is to ingest bacteria and some fungi by phagocytosis.
The many mitochondria carry out aerobic respiration. The ATP provides energy for the undulipodium (tail) to move and propel the cell towards the ovum.
Because spermatozoa are small but long and thin, they can move easily.
Once the spermatozoon reaches an ovum, enzymes are released from the acrosome. The enzymes digest the outer protective covering of the ovum. allowing the sperm head to enter the ovum.
The head of the sperm contains the haploid male gamete nucleus and very little cytoplasm.
Epithelial Cells:
Epithelial is lining tissue. It is found on the inside and outside of the body.
Squamous epithelial cells are flattened in shape.
Many of the cells in epithelium have cilia
Palisade Cells:
Palisade cells- closely-packed photosynthetic cells within leaves.
- they are long and cylindrical, so they pack together closely but with a little space between them for air to circulate. carbon dioxide in these spaces diffuses into the cells.
- they have a large vacuole so that the chloroplasts are positioned nearer to the periphery of the cell, reducing the diffusion distance for carbon dioxide.
- they contain many chloroplasts for photosynthesis.
- they contain cytoskeleton threads and motor proteins to move the chloroplasts.
Guard Cells:
Guard cells- in the leaf epidermis, cells that surround the stomata.
- Light energy is used to produce ATP
- The ATP actively transports potassium ions from surrounding epidermal cells into the guard cells, lowering the water potential.
- Water now enters the guard cells from neighbouring epidermal cells, by osmosis.
- The guard cells swell, but at the tips the cellulose cell wall is more flexible, and it is more rigid where it is thicker. The tips bulge, and the gap between them, the stoma enlarges.
- As these stomata open, air can enter the spaces within the layer of cells beneath the palisade cells.
- Gaseous exchange can occur, and the carbon dioxide will diffuse into the palisade cells. This maintains a steep concentration gradient.
- Oxygen produced during photosynthesis can diffuse out of the palisade cells into the air spaces and out through the open stomata.
Root Hair Cells:
Root Hair Cells- epidermal cells of young root with long-hair like projections.
- The hair-like projection greatly increases the surface area for absorption of water and mineral ions, such as nitrates, from soil into which it projects.
- Mineral ions are actively transported into the root hair cells, lowering the water potential within them and causing water to follow by osmosis, down the water-potential gradient.
- The root hair cells have special carrier proteins in the plasma membrane to actively transport mineral ions.
- They produce ATP, needed for active transport
What is tissue?
A group of cells that work together to perform a specific function or set of functions.
What are the types of tissues in animals?
There are four main types of tissue:
Epithelial or lining tissue-lines free surfaces in the body such as skin, blood vessels, digestive system and the respiratory system.
Connective tissue- these hold structures together and provide support e.g. blood, bone and cartilage
Muscle tissue- made of cells that are specialised to contact and cause movement
Nervous tissue- made of cells specialised to conduct electrical impulses.
Types of Cartilage:
Hyaline cartilage forms the embryonic skeleton, covers the end of long bones in adults, joins ribs to the sternum.
Fibrous cartilage occurs in discs between vertebrae in the backbone and in the knee joints.
Elastic cartilage makes up the outer ear (pinna) and the epiglottis (flap that closes over the larynx when you swallow).
Types of muscle tissues:
Skeletal muscles- packaged by connective tissue sheets, joined to boned by tendons, these muscles when they contract cause the bones to move.
Cardiac muscles- makes up the walls of the heart and allows the heart to beat and pump blood.
Smooth muscles- occurs in the walls of intestine, blood vessels, uterus and urinary tracts, and it propels substances along these tracts.
What are organs?
A collection of tissues working together to perform a function or related functions.
What are the types of plant tissues?
Epidermal tissues- consists of flattened cells that lack chloroplasts and form a protective covering over leaves, stems and roots.
Vascular tissues- transport tissues (e.g. Xylem and Phloem).
Meristematic tissue- contains stem cells. It is found at the root and shoot tips, and in the cambium of vascular bundles. Meristems have thin walls containing very little cellulose, do not have a large vacuole and do not have chloroplasts.
What are the types of plant organs?
Leaf- for photosynthesis
Root- anchorage in soil, absorption of mineral ions and water. Storage e.g. carrot, parsnip, dahlia and swede roots store carbohydrates.
Stems- support. Holds leaves up so that they are exposed to more sunlight. Transportation of water and minerals. Transportation of products of photosynthesis. Storage of products of photosynthesis e.g. potato tubers store in starch, rhubarb stems store sugars and polysaccharides.
Flower- sexual reproduction
The digestive system:
Made up of: oesophagus, stomach, intestines plus associated glands the liver and the pancreas
Function: nutrition to provide ATP and materials for growth and repair.
The circulatory system:
Made up of: heart and blood vessel
Functions: transport to and from cells
The respiratory system:
Made up of: airways and lungs, plus diaphragm and intercostal muscles.
Functions: breathing and gaseous exchange excretion
The urinary system:
Made up of: kidneys ureters and bladder
Functions: excretion and osmoregulation
The integumentary system:
Made up of: skin, hair and nails.
Functions: waterproofing, protection, temperature regulation
The Musculo-skeletal system:
Made up of: skeleton and skeletal muscles
Functions: support, protection and movement
The immune system:
Made up of: bone marrow, thymus gland, skin, stomach acid and blood.
Functions: protection against pathogens
The nervous system:
Made up of: brain, spinal cord and nerves
Functions: communication, control and coordination
The endocrine system:
Made up of: glands that make hormones, e.g. thyroid, ovaries, testes and adrenals
Functions: communication, control and coordination
The reproductive system:
Made up of: testes, penis, ovaries, uterus, vagina
Functions: reproduction
Lymph System:
Made up of: lymph nodes and vessels
Functions: transports fluid back to the circulatory system and is also important in resisting infections.
What is an organ system?
A number of organs working together to carry out an overall life function.
What are stem cells?
An unspecialised cell able to become any type of cell in an organism.
They divide by mitosis and provide mire cells that can then differentiate into specialised cells, for growth and tissue repair.
They are described as pluripotent.
They are able to express all their genes.
Stem cells can come from embryos, an umbilical cord blood, adult stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells.
They can be used in bone-marrow transplants drug research and developmental biology.