Common Words Flashcards
A girl
Une fille. Une fee
A boy
Un garçon
A man
Un homme
Un ome (long o)
A woman
Une femme. Une fam (cross between short e and short a)
A (masculine)
A (feminine)
A (some - plural)
Un (a)
Une (a)
Des (some)
Conjugation of Étre. To be as in i am she is you are…
Je suis. I am Nous Sommes We are
Tu es. You are. tu e Vous étes You (formal) or you all are. Vous et
il / Elle/ On / tout le mond est. He, she, it, everyone is. Ay
ils / Elles sont They are. Sone
It is (singular)
They are (not he or she plural)
C’èst. Say
Ce sont. (Like de and le) sont
……………..M. M. b4 vow. F.
this/that ce cet cette
Sa Se Set
these/those ces ces ces
—- say ————
could mean either, to distinguish as this add -ci
Ce livre-ci
To distinguish as that add -là
Ce livre-là
The plural of c’èst
These are, they are, or are they
Ce sont
Sir (like le and de) sone
I (short i)
Dans. As in dawn without the n. Daw
he, she, or it Is
E (short e)
There are two tables
il y a deux tables
There is
There are
il y a.
Of Morocco
du Maroc. do mar rock
A suvenier or memory
un souvenir. A sue ven year
There is a memory (or souvenir) of Morocco
il y a un souvenir du Maroc. il ya a sue vin year do mar rock
There are of books
il y a des livers. There are of books. Day Libra
say it
Dit-on. Deet own (like dawn without the d)
Write it
L’écrit-on. Lay creet on (like dawn without the d)
How do you
Comment. Coo mon
That is, what is that
Qu’est-ce que c’est
Du for masculine singular nouns
De la or de l’ (when used in front of a noun starting with a vowel or most words beginning with the letter “h”) for feminine singular nouns
Des for plural nouns d’ (when used in front of a noun starting with a vowel or most words beginning with the letter “h”)
What is in
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans le studio?
Kess keel lee own don le studio
I don’t know
Je ne sais pas
I don’t understand
Je ne comprends pas.
Je ne Comb prome pa
How do you say ________?
Comment dit-on ________?
Coo mont deet own
How do you write it?
Comment l’écrit-on?
Co mont lee creet own
The accent mark in Noël
Tray ma
Accent mark in Tréme
Accent aigu
Accent marks in Une langue étrangè
Accent Aigu. Accent grave.
Accent mark in Dîner
Accent circonflexe
Accent mark in français.
cé cédille
Say si (short i) deeya
Ah pose str off
Trait d’union
Tray du yone
The word
le mot
Le mo (long o)