Common Sales Objections Flashcards
Won’t have time to integrate everything with the carriers
Half of clients don’t have any carrier integrations with us because:
-doctor recommendations are independent from carriers and TPA’s
-We have easy member-initiated claims submission process that doesn’t require carrier info
I don’t want to penalize my employees if they forget to search with Garner, or remembers that we have the solution
Those who don’t still have coverage with underlying medical plan
Keep in mind: Our ongoing comm/marketing strategy throughout the year, keep Garner front and center for ee’s
My employees don’t have the money to pay upfront and wait for a reimbursement from Garner
Understand paying OOP can be a pain point
-Virtually all medical have some sort of OOP responsibility at POS
-Ex: Copay plan - paying at Dr. office or Rx - HDHP - Rx at POS
With Garner, member are still going to have OOP expenses at POS, similar to what they have today
-But, enhancement is going to be if they see doctors we recommend
-reimburse them for expenses:
1. provider richer benefit
2. lower/eliminate their OOP expense
Lots of members have been seeing the same specialist and doctors for over 20 years and they’re not going to want to make a switch
We can include add’l CC:
-existing PCP,
-CoC for specialists,
-POT (pediatricians, OBGYN’s, therapists)
Case-by-case: Standard for A+C clients, can also look for AO
-Some flexibility in what we can include in HRA
Isn’t there going to be a charge or additional cost if we set up a claims feed?
-depends on vendor, carrier, size of the group
Seen groups get creative
-negotiate fees, could get waived
-Use tech credits from carrier to offset some of cost
If client doesn’t want absorb those fees:
-Go with member-initiated claims sub. process
-doesn’t require any extra cost
Do you guys have a card or debit card that members can use so they don’t have to come out of pocket for their expenses?
Paytient card is available ($1,000 LOC) ($4 PEPM)
-If not an option…
Seen lot of success with current claims submission process where,
-members submitting themselves, getting checks in mail, or direct deposit
-If claims feed is set up, members are getting reimbursed faster after we receive claim
Used, HRA in the past, didn’t go well. Can we offer Garner with no incentive?
In early days, actually rolled out Garner with just recomm. platform/no HRA
-Reality was, single digit engagement rates
-Probably seen those same #’s across the industry w/ care navigation programs
What makes Garner unique in market
-Don’t offer recomm. platform w/o HRA
-HRA key to our engagement, creating more steerage to Top Doctors
-Driven by meaningful financial incentive: help lower OOP expenses, eliminate financial barrier to care
My carriers rank their providers too, with a star or heart I think. What’s the difference between Garner and my carrier program?
Since we’re not insurance company, but ITP
-allow us to agg. CD from pretty much every source
-310 million patients/75% all claims
-For reference, average Tier 1 carrier program only look at 90 million patients
Our approach to analytics
-Over 500 quality and cost metrics
-Decisions provider make throughout EOC
-Trad. model: 73 metrics
Combo of amount of data + analytics (lot more granular)
-allows for higher realized claims savings: 27% saving/EOC
-traditional ranking model: 7%
Lots of my employees live in rural locations. I assume that’s gonna make it hard to find doctors that are in network?
Garner compares doctors to their local peers
-help members find the best doctors close to them
Our formula balances: cost, quality, and distance
-We also set max distance based on what’s reasonable for someone to drive, considering:
1. Volume of speciality
2. Location, zip code
We have an HRA today, but it’s actually a split deductible (HRA doesn’t pay until certain deductible is met). Why would we want to move to something that’s going to pay first, isn’t that more costly?
Oftentimes, ee’s don’t get to take advantage b/c its at end of high deductibles
-sort of further cost shifting
We know incentivizing members first dollar is key:
-leads to higher engagement
-lowers total cost of plan: by getting members to higher quality providers from start
-27% savings EOC
We totally get controlling cost of funding HRA
-could be why split deductible HRA is used
-How Garner is different: our pricing is all-inclusive of claims funding: Employers know exactly how much they’re going to pay for the HRA
What happens with navigating a bunch of folks to same set of doctors? If everyone is seeing a Garner top physicians, won’t that impact access to those providers?
We take patient availability into consideration
-algo recognizes when Dr. offices accepting new patients
-Also have call center confirming availability
-We’ll update our tool to surface add’l top doctors on self-serve
Concierge team can help members over the phone/chat to help find docs with openings
I have a feeling Garner is going to be hard to communicate to our members. How does that all work?
We do heavy lifting around engagement
-Implementation KO call with assigned AM
-WW employers to determine best way to communicate with pop.
We have experience working with diverse workforces
-Do several things: home mailers, on-site meetings, text messages, email campaigns
Comms not only during OE, continue to deploy throughout year, keep Garner front and center
I work with a lot of employers who don’t want to add any more benefits, this seems like Garner falls in that category
We don’t require changes to carriers or networks
-ww underlying plan/networks
-not all our offerings require employers make plan changes
-ww employers of all size in non-disruptive way
-We do heavy lifting to get going. Just need:
-Eligibility to know who’s enrolled in the plan
-Set up billing and ACH funding to collect incentive dollars
Other than that, we do the heavy lifting
My employees have been confused by similar solutions in the past, I feel like it’s going to be the same story with Garner
We have lots of experience communicating to all types of workforces
-Have entire marketing playbook deployed during OE and thru year
We understand employers communicate in different ways
-Actually have BoB engagement rate of 45%
-presentations, emails, texts, mailers
Highlight concierge team
-Chat and phone available
-Help explain the program, how to find best doctors, and get reimbursed
I’m worried about employees perception that this is a limited network and I’m basically forcing them and telling them which doctors to see. Is that right?
You’re actually not replacing underlying network the client has
-members still have freedom of choice to see any in-network provider
If they want to take advantage of financial incentive, be reimbursed for OOP
-Have to see a GTD that will ultimately be subset of network
-We’ll help them identify docs either through self-service or concierge team