Common Prefixes Flashcards
A-, An- ex: apnea
Without, from
Ab- ex: abnormal
Away from
Ad- ex: adhesion
toward, to, near
Aden- ex: adenitis
Pertaining to gland
Ana- ex: anastomosis
Up, toward, apart
Anti- ex: antiseptic
against, opposing
Bi- ex: bilateral
Two, double, twice
Circum- ex: circumoral
around, about
Contra- ex: contraindication
opposed, against
Derma- ex: dermatitis
Dia- ex: Diagnosis
through, completely
Dys- ex: dyspnea
Difficult, bad, painful
Ecto- ex: ectopic
outer, outside
Edem- ex: edema
Endo- ex: endometrium
Within, inner
Ep-, Epi- ex: epidermis
upon, on, over
Erythro- ex: erythrocyte
Red (red blood cell)
Hemi- ex: hemiplegia
Hyper- ex: hyperplasia
Excessive, above
Hypo- ex: hypotension
under, deficient
Infra- ex: infrascapular
below, beneath
Inter- ex: intercostal
Intra- ex: intralobar
Macro- ex: macroblast
Micro- ex: microdrip
Para- ex: Parathyroids
beside, beyond, after
Per- ex: perforation
Through, excessive
Peri- ex: periosteum
Poly- ex: Polyuria
Many, Much, Excessive
Post- ex: postpartum
After, behind
Pre- ex: prediastolic
Before, in front of
Retro- ex: retroflexion
Backward, Behind
Semi- ex: semilunar
Sub- ex: subdiaphragmatic
Under, beneath
Supra- ex: Supraventricular
Above, superior, excess