Chapter 12 Med.'s-name, class, actions Flashcards
Class: Antiarrhythmic Actions: Slow AV conduction Indications: 1. PSVT 2. Wide complex Tach's of uncertain type refractory to Lidocaine
Activated Charcoal
Class: Adsorbent Actions: Adsorbs toxins by binding to them to prevent absorption Indications: 1. Poisoning following emesis 2.Emesis contraindicated
Metaproterenol (Alupent)
Class: Sympathomimetic (Beta 2 selective) Action: 1. Bronchodilation 2. Increases heart rate Indications: 1. Asthma 2. Bronchospasm with COPD
Class: Xanthine bronchodilator Actions: 1. Smooth muscle relaxent: Bronchodilation & Vasodilation indirectly results in increased coronary blood flow 2. increased diaphragmatic constrictions 3. Mild diuresis 4. increased cardiac output, chronotropic & inotropic 5. stimulates resp. drive 6. CNS stimulant Indications: 1. Acute Asthma 2. Decompensated COPD 3. CHF 4. Pulmonary edema 5. Bronchoconstriction in anaphylaxis
Class: platelet inhibitor/ antiinflammatory
Actions: Blocks platelet aggregation
Indications: acute chest pain suggestive of MI
Class: Parasympatholytic (anticholinergic)
1.Blocks acetylcholine receptors (decreases parasympathetic tone and thus increases heart rate)
2. Decreases gastrointestinal secretios
1. Symptomatic bradycardia (PVC’s, Hypotension, or decreased LOC)
2. Asystole & symptomatic heart blocks
3. Organophosphate poisoning
Ipratopium Bromide
Class: Anticholinergic (parasympatholytic) Action: 1.Bronchodilation 2. Dries respiratory tract secretions Indications: 1. Bronchial asthma 2. Bronchospasm associated with COPD
Class: Sympathomimetic (adrenergic) & tocolytic Actions: 1. Beta 2 selective: bronchodilator 2. Beta 1 Chronotropic 3. Relaxes Uterine Muscles to suppress contractions Indications: 1. Bronchial Asthma 2. Bronchospasm with COPD 3. Preterm labor
Calcium Chloride 10%
Class: Electrlyte Actions: Increases cardiac contractility Indications: 1. acute hyperkalemia 2. acute hypocalcemia 3. calcium channel blocker overdose 4. antidote to madnesium sulfate OD
Diltiazem (cardizem)
Class: calcium channel blocker
1. Vascular dialation
2. slows conduction through AV node
3. Slows rapid Ventricular rate associated with A-Fib and A-Flutter
4. Dilates coronary arteries (negative inotrope)
1. Rapid Ventricular Rates in: A-fib and A- flutter
PSVT refractory to Adenosine
2. Angina
Class: III antiarrhythmic
Action: prolongs action potential duration in all cardiac tissues
1. pulseless VT & V-Fib
2. Tachycardias refractory to digoxin
3. Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
4. Wide complex tachycardias of unknown etiology
Diazepam (Valium)
Class: Sedative hypnotic Action: 1. Anticonvulsant 2. Skeletal muscle relaxant 3. Sedative 4. General CNS depressant Indications: 1. Generalized seizures 2. Statues epilepticus 3. Premedication 4. Skeletal muscle relaxent
Phenytoin (Dilantin)
Class: Anticonvulsant Action: 1. Decreases neuron excitability thru increasing sodium efflux from neurons Indications: 1. Status Epilepticus 2. Digitalis induced dysrhythmias
Digitalis (lanoxin or digoxin)
Class: Cardiac Glycoside Actions: 1. increases cardiac contractile force 2. increases cardiac output 3. reduces edema associated with CHF 4. Slows AV junction Indications: 1.CHF 2. Rapid A-fib & A- flutter
Diphenhydramine (benadryl)
Class: antihistamine Actions: 1. Blocks histamine receptors 2. Has some sedative effects Indications: 1. Anaphylaxis in conjunction with Epi 2. Allergic reactions 3. Dystonic reactions (extrapyramidal effects: uncontrolled muscle twitching) due to Phenothiazines (Thorazine, compazine, antipsychotics, narcotic potentiators and antiemetics)
50% Dextrose
Class: Carbohydrate Action: elevates blood glucose level Indications: 1. hypoglycemia 2. Coma of unknown origin
Dopamine (Intropin)
Class: Sympathomimetic
1. Increases cardiac contractility
2. Causes peripheral vasoconstriction
3. Increase chronotropic and inotropic effects
4. dilation of mesentaeric & renal arteries promoting urination (reason why Dop. is preferred over NorEpi)
5. Low does action 10mcg/kg/min Alpha Effects
1.Cardiogenic shock
2. Hypovolemic shock refractory to fluid resuscitation
3. Hypotensin secondary to bradycardia post resuscitation
Epinephrine 1:1000
Class: Sympathomimetic Action: 1. Alpha: vasoconstriction: improves coronary blood flow and supports BP in anaphylactic shock 2. Beta 1: inotropic and chronotropic effects 3. Beta 2: Bronchodilation Indications: 1. Bronchial asthma 2. Exacerbation of COPD 3. Allergic reaction
Epinephrine 1: 10,000
Class: Sympathomimetic
1. Alpha: vasoconstriction: improves coronary blood flow and supports BP in anaphylactic shock
2. Beta 1: chronotropic effects, lowers defibrillation threshold, inotropic effects: increase myocardial contractility
3. Beta 2: Bronchodilation
Etomidate (amidate)
Class: Benzodiazepine (sedative/ Hypnotic)
1. Rapid induction of anesthesia with minimal cardiovascular and respiratory effects
2. does not cause histamine release as do other barbiturates On set:10-20 sec Duration: 3-5 mins
Indications: RSI
Fentanyl (sublimaze)
Class: Narcotic analgesic Action: 1. CNS depressant 2. Decreases sensitivity to pain Indications: 1. Acute pain 2. Premedication for RSI
Furosemide (lasix)
Class: Diuretic Action: 1. Inhibits reabsorbtion of NaCl 2. Promotes promt diuresis 3. Vasodilation Indications: 1.CHF 2. Pulmonary edema
Class: Carbohydrate Action: Increases blood sugar levels Indications: 1. Altered mental status 2. History of diabetes controlled by medication
Class: Hormone (antihypoglycemic agent) Action: 1. causes breakdown of glycogen to glucose 2. inhibits glycogen synthesis 3. elevates blood glucose level 4. increases cardiac contractility force 5. increases heart rate Indications: hypoglycemia
Class: IB Antiarrhythmic Action: 1. suppress ventricular ectopy 2. increase ventricular force threshold 3. reduce electrical impulse through heart Indications: 1. Malignant PVC's -a. >6/min b. MI c. Couplets/Salvos or runs of VT d. R-on-T phenomenon e. Multifocal f. Symptomatic 2. VT, VF 3. Wide complex tachycardias of unknown origin
Magnesium Sulfate
Class: Anticonvulsant Actions: 1. CNS depressant 2. Anticonvulsant 3. stabalize muscle cell membrane by interacting with Na/K pumps 4. Smooth muscle relaxent (vaso & bronchodilation) Indications: 1. Eclampsia (toxemia of Pregnancy) 2. Torsades de Pointes 3. Severe refractory pulsess VF/VT 4. Post MI for postphylaxia of arrhythmias 5. Management of acute asthma attacks
Racemic Epi (Phenylephrin Hydrochloride)
Class: Sympathomimetic (adrenergic)
1. Beta 2: bronchodilation: PRIMARY
2. Beta 1: Positive Chronotrope& Inotrope
Indications: Croup (laryngothracheobronchitis)
Morphine Sulfate
Class: Narcotic (opiate) Actions: 1. CNS depressant 2. Analgesic 4. Decrease myocardial O2 demand Indications: 1. severe pain 2. Pulmonary edema
Naloxone (narcan)
Class: Narcotic Antagonist (Opiate)
Actions: Reverses effects of narcotics by competing for opiate receptors
1. Narcotic overdoses including: Morphine, Methadone, Dilaudid, Herion, Fentanyl, Demerol, Paregoric, Percodan, Tylox, Nubain, Stadol, Talwin, and Darvon
2. alcoholic coma
3. To rule out narcotic in coma of unknown origin
Class: Antianginal Actions: 1. Smooth muscle relaxant 2. reduces cardiac work 3. Dilates coronary arteries 4. Dilates systemic arteries Indications: 1. Angina pectoris 2. Chest pain associated with MI 3. Hypertension (Sys. >200 OR Dias >100) 4. CHF
Nitrous Oxide
Class: Gas/Analgesic
Actions: CNS depressant
1.Musculskeletal pain especially fractures
2. Burns
3. Suspected ischemic chest pain
4. Severe anxiety including hyperventilation
Class: Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker
1. Comperes with acetylcholine for cholinergic receptor sites on the postjunctional membrane
2. paralysis of skeleral muscles
3. Onset 1 min Duration 25-30 mins
Indications: RSI
Class: Sympathomimetic Actions: 1. Causes peripheral vasoconstriction 2. Alpha sympathomimetic 3. Mild Beta effects: Increase inotropic effects 4. Increase myocardial O2 demand Indications: 1. Hypotension refractory to other sympathomimetics 2. Neurogenic shock 3. Cardiogenic shock
Class: antihistamine (H1 antagonist) Actions: 1. Mild anticholinergic activity 2. Antiemetic 3. Potentiates actions of analgesics Indications: 1. Nausea & vomiting 2. Motion sickness 3. To potentiate the effects of analgesics 4. Sedation
Class: IA antiarrhythmic Actions: Slows conduction through myocardium by increasing electrical threshold of ventricle, Bundle of His & perkinje system Indications: 1. PVC's refractory to lidocaine 2. VF or VT refractory to lidocaine 3. Wide complex tachycardia
Sodium Bicarbonate
Class: Alkalinizing agent Actions: 1.Neutralizes excess acids 2. Increases pH Indications: 1. Metabolic Acidosis a) Poisoning: Ethylene Glycol OR Tricyclics b) Post Resuscitation 2. Hyperkalemia 3. Promote excreation of Barbiturates 4. Promotes excreation of myoglobin after crush injury or electrocution 5. Status asthmatics 6. Prolonged CPR 7. Severe acidosis refractory to hyperventilation
Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol)
Class: Steriod Actions: 1. Anti-inflammatory 2. Suppresses immune response (allergic reactions) Indications: 1. Severr Anaphylaxis 2. Asthma/COPD 3. Possibly effective as an adjunctive agent in the management of spinal cord injury
Class: depolarizing neuromusclar blocker Actions: 1. Depolarizes skeletal muscle 2. Onset: 60-90 sec 3. Duration 4-5 mins Indications: RSI
Thiamine (B1)
Class: vitamin
Actions: assists in converting glucose into energy
1. Coma of unknown origin
2. Chronic Alcoholism with associated coma
3. Delirium tremens
4. Precursor of D50 to prevent Wernicke’s Encephalopathy (proplem with neurotransmitters in brain which results in retained altered LOC) in alcoholics
5. Beriberi (Thiamine deficiency)
Vasopressin (ADH)
Class: Anti-diuretic hormone Actions: 1. Vasoconstriction 2. Contraction of smooth muscles of the gut Indications: 1. VF/ Pulseless VT 2. Slow or stop GI bleeding 3. Diabetes insipidus
Midazolam (Versed)
Class: Tranquilizer Actions: Sedative/hypnotic Indications: 1. Premedication prior to cardioversion 2. Premedication prior to RSI 3. Acute anxiety states
Lactated Ringer’s (LR)
Class: Isotonic Crystalloid solution
Replaces water and electrolytes
Indications: Hypovolemic shock, Burns, TKO IV
5% Dextrose in water (D5W)
Class: Hypotonic dextrose- containing solution
Hypotonic, it prevents circulatory overload in patients with CHF and renal failure
Actions: provides nutrients in the form of dextrose and free water
1. IV access for emergency drugs
2. For dilution of concentrated drugs for IV infusion
.9% sodium chloride (normal saline)
Class: Isotonic Crystalloid solution Replaces water and electrolytes Indications: 1. Heat related problems 2. Freshwater drowning 3. Hypovolemia 4. Diabetic ketoacidosis 5. TKO IV