Chapter 61 Emergency Vehicle Operations Flashcards
Bariatric Ambulance
ambulance designed to transport morbidly obese patients
Due regard
principle used when driving an emergency vehicle of ensuring that all other vehicles and citizens in the area see and grant the emergency vehicle the right of way
Fixed positioning
Establishing a single location in a central point to station an emergency vehicle, such as a fire station
Fixed-winged aircraft
an airplane
Stretcher or cot used to transport patients
Hot load
loading a patient into a helicopter while the rotors are spinning
Jump kit
a hard sided or soft sided bag used by paramedics to carry supplies and med’s to the patients side
Landing zone
An area used to land a helicopter that is 100ft x 100ft and free of overhead objects
Medically clean
Response area
the geographic area assigned to an emergency vehicle for responding to the sick and injuried
Rotor-wing aircraft
a helicopter
Specialty center
a hospital that has met criteria to offer special care as a burn center, level 1 trauma center, stroke center, or pediatric center
Stair chair
a collapsible, portable chair with handles on the front and back used to carry patients in sitting position down stairs
Free of any living organism
System status management (SSM)
Dynamic process of staffing, stationing, and moving ambulances according to projected call volumes
Type 1 ambulance
Regular truck cab and frame with a modular ambulance box mounted on the back
Type 2 ambulance
Van-style ambulance
Type 3 ambulance
a van chassis with a modified modular back
Unit hour utilization (UhU)
Mathematic calculation used to determine the effectivness of an ambulance; one call per hour= 1 UhU