commodity fetish in the shrinking world Flashcards
definition of commodities
- commodities are social relations, other relationship to commodities are based off our relationship with other people
Marxs definition of what makes us Human
at makes us human he believes it is our capacity to labour- our ability to shape and transfer the world go to work produce stuff
what has globastion and captilsim done
work produce stuff
Believe to be alienated of the products of our labour
what is catisim in shaping the world
- capitalism is not just for trading goods or an economic system but shapes humanity capitalism is cultural
captilsim and priviate ownership
Capitalism (and wealth) is based on the private ownership of property (land or objects) and the private ‘means of production,’
this leads to distinct alienation between workers and factory owners
what is the commodity fetish
Capitalism (and wealth) is based on the private ownership of property (land or objects) and the private ‘means of production,’
flaws within the commodity fetish
did this diffraction not already exist prior to the opening of shopping malls
relationship between labourers and commoditys
labourers also work, are paid in wages, which they use to buy commodities. Labour is itself a commodity which is bought and sold. Labourers use their own ability to work as a commodity
what do comodites hide
the amount of work that goes in to them
what is the magic of captsilsim
there are no connections between the people who made the products and who busy them blinds people to the amount of labour that goes in to them
what is an example of a commodity fetish and how much co2 production
- Fast fashion industry contributes nearly one quarter of global CO2 emissions.
- Fast fashion is an example of the comodity fetish