Commit to be Fit Flashcards
name the health-related components of fitness
1) muscular strength
2) muscular endurance
3) cardiovascular/aerobic endurance
4) flexibility
5) body composition
muscular strength
muscles ability to exert a single maximum amount of force
- standing long jump, vertical jump, 1 rep max. tests
muscular endurance
ability of a muscle/muscle group to sustain or repeat a force over a long period of time without fatiguing
- push ups, sit ups, wall sits until faliure
aerobic/cardiovascular endurance
body’s capacity in participate in continuous physical activity over a long period with the functioning of the heart, lungs, blood vessels and blood to supply oxygen to the body efficiently.
- yo-yo test, beep test
use of joints through a wide range of motion to prevent muscle stiffness, soreness and injury e.g. sit and reach, trunk rotation
body compositon
combination of fat, bone, muscle and tissue that make up body e.g. skin-fold test, bmi
what are the skill related components of fitness?
1) balance
2) agility
3) coordination
4) muscle power
5) reaction time
remain in a state of static and dynamic equilbrium and in control of body e.g. stork stand test
ability to start and stop and change directions quickly without losing balance e.g. illinoise, t-test
link a series of actions into a single flowing movement with the right timing and accuracy e.g. alternative hand wall toss
muscle power
exert maximal force in short time while accelerating e.g. 50m sprints
reaction time
response to stimulus quickly to signal that movement is required e.g. online click test or ruler test
what are goals?
guide, focus or something to work towards and emerges from feelings or desires for self-imporvement and driven by commitment and motivation
SMARTER goal setting
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timeframe, Evaluate, Reward
fitness activity guidelines
physical activity: 60 min moderate to vigorous, aerobic and vigorous 3 days a week, several hours of light exercise
sedentary behaviour: 120 min of recreational screen time, break up long periods of sitting
strength: muscle and bond strengthening activities 3 days per week
sleep: 8-10 hr
barriers to fitness
- lack of resources
- lack of time
- lack of skill
- lack of energy
- lack of motivation/willpower
- fear of injuring
- lack of confidence
- fear of judgement
principle of training (7)
overload: progrssively harder
progression: harder over longer duration
individuality: cater to needs
adaptation: adapt to training stimulus
recovery: sufficient recovery between sessions
specifity: meets needs of sports
reversibility: body plateus and gains gradually loss
intrinsic motivation
—> represents internal drive for behaviour
- long-lasting commitment
- enhancing persistence to exercise
- positive internal short-term experiences e.g. feeling good, performing better
extrinsic motivation
—-> based on a system of rewards and punishments
- pressured by others, the media or stereotypes
- body-related factors e.g. weight loss are unsustainable motivators