Commands Flashcards
What command allows you to change directories? Also what does its options do?
cd /d
What does the prompt command do? Also, what does its options do?
Changes the prompt on the cmd, $P changes the name, $G changes the cursor at the end to an >
What does command lists a directories contents? Also, what does its options do? (Windows/windows)
Dir TAS,(Time created, Specify attributes, Lists all subdirectories as well)
LS LISA (Long listing, Inode Index, Displays system blocks, displays hidden files)
What command allows you to modify a files attributes and its options? (Windows)
Attrib -/+(attirbute) /S processes matching files, /F does process folders too
What command diplays the date/time in windows? How do you not prompt to change it? Whats the linuix version?
date, time /t date, followed by date/time
How do you check the system version in Linuix/Windows?
uname -a, ver
How do you close the cli in windows?
How do you make a directory in windows/linuix? What are there options?
mkdir, mkdir -p(makes sub diretories)
How do you remove a directory in windows/linuix? What are there options?
rmdir /s (removes subdiretories too) rm -r(removes sub diretories) -f(force/DONT ASK ME)
How do you create a text file in windows with the gui through the cmd?
what command allows you too create text files discreetly in windows/linuix?
Copy con, touch -t(lets you modify a files time stamps)
What windows commands allow you to rename files?/what are there options?
notepad, copy, move, ren
How do you display the contents of a file in windows?
What does | this represent in windows?
write output of command as input of another
How do you delete files in windows?
What command lets you copy directories/trees in windows and what options does it posses?
xcopy, /e(Copies everything, like subdirectories too)
What command lets you see a history of all the commands you entered? And what are it’s options?
doskey /history
What command lets you use a file’s output too overwrite another file?
What command lets you use a file’s output too append another file?
> >
What command lets you modify Access control lists in windows/what are its options?
What ius it’s syntax if I wanna give Sue write permissions and I want too append it?
cacls /e edits current ACl, /g let’s you overwrite current ACl, /p complete;ly replaces current ACl
cacls dir1 /e /g sue:W
What command allows you to edit/delete/create users in windows?
net user Joe /add
net user ann /delete
What command in windows allows you to edit account/password/ settings policies? What are it’s options?
net accounts /minpwnlen /maxpwage
What command lets you run a program as another user in windows? What are it’s options?
runas /user:joe notepad
How do I terminate process on a windows machine as well as its options?
taskill /pid /im /f
What command lets you create /edit a group policy?
net localgroup bane /add
net localgroup bane /delete
net localgroup bane ann /add
how do I display processes on a windows machine?
How do I find help for a command on linuix and where are the commands/systems calls listed on it?
man ls (on section 1)
how do I clear the screen in Linuix/windows?
clear cls
How do you print the working directory in windows/linuix?
cd / pwd