Commands Flashcards
Boarding with no flight crew
SCCM = Cabin crew we will commence boarding shortly, please be advised there are no flight crew on board
Flight crew have arrived after boarding without them
SCCM = Cabin crew flight crew on board
Asking ground staff to get off prior to closing doors
We would ask all ground staff to please disembark the aircraft as the aircraft doors will shortly be closed
Doors closed and locked
SCCM = Cabin crew, prepare doors for departure and crosscheck
Cabin secure and No. 1 has just left flight deck
Cabin secure for pushback
Cabin secure check for takeoff
SCCM = Cabin crew to stations for cabin secure check
Cabin secure check prior to landing
SCCM = Cabin crew to stations for cabin secure check
Disarming doors on arrival
Cabin crew, disarm doors for arrival and crosscheck
After ringing the flight deck to request to open the door
Cabin crew door checks complete
Disembarking with no flight crew on board
Cabin crew all communications to the SCCM
5 mins to landing SCCM PA (Emergency)
Cabin crew seats for landing
2 mins to landing Flight Crew PA (EMERGENCY)
Attention, Attention, 2 mins to landing
30 seconds to landing Flight Crew PA (EMERGENCY) and CCM
Attention, Attention, 30 seconds to landing
Heads down stay down
Evacuation PA
Attention, attention, this is the captain speaking using all available exits evacuate the aircraft, evacuate the aircraft
Announcement for when slide inflating
Stand back, stand back, slide inflating