Command and control Flashcards
Internal Firefighting Order
K- Knockdown
E- Extinguish
E- Extension
V- Ventilate
S- Secondary search
W- Who, what when where and how
E- Evacuations (yes,no,where)
A- Access (best, locked?)
D- Dangers
I- Isolations
S- Services- installed fire systems
Q- Quantities ( esp of dangerous goods)
S- Situation
M- Mission
E- Execution- We have performed a primary search, crews have knocked down fire, rescued casualty, checking for extension, etc.
A- Admin (Pagebrew) ie Police have been notified for traffic control, power and gas companies notified and on way to confirm isolations etc.
C- Communications- 4 pts Status of call, (wordback) who is IC, Control point, Fireground channel
S- Safety- isolations and hazards
Q- Questions?
R- Rescue
E- Exposures
E- Extinguishment
O- Overhaul
Residential house fire SMEACSQ example
We arrived on scene to find a fire on the ground floor of a 2 storey house with 1 person reported missing inside the property.
Our mission was to rescue and account for the missing person whilst containing and extinguishing the fire.
We achieved this by sending 2 crew in BA with a charged 38mm hose line to locate and remove the missing person. Once the person was rescued we provided patient care until the arrival of AV. I then re-deployed my crew back inside the house to contain and extinguish the fire. Following this, they will be directed to check for fire extension and commence ventilation.
AV were responded for the missing person. Vicpol are on-scene providing traffic and crowd management. Power and gas companies have also been requested to attend for services that were isolated
the control point is…. & I am the IC, I am communicating with Firecom on Ch4 and with my crews on fireground chanel 9. I also have visual and verbal comms with my crew. BA control is currently in the hands of the pump operator. I have escalated the call to (2nd alarm/ made pumpers 3) and still have a number of appliances en-route.
All crews on scene are in full PPC and firefighting crews are in BA. We have isolated both Gas and Power and all crews are upwind of the smoke. I have notified the OIC on the oncoming appliance that they will be the safety officer and will need to provide two crews in BA. We may need to consider a community advise message for smoke in the area.
Do you have any questions for me?
Initial wordback
-Reporting officer name
-incident type ( structure fire/non-structure fire/incident rescue or salvage/hazmat incident/false alarm etc)
-Incident status ( Stop/ undercontrol/ NYUC/ escalation alarm level etc)
- Address/ Location
-Brief description of incident ( Fire/incident involves….. what it is/size-dimensions/ construction
- Is BA stage 1 in operation?
-Reporting officer
Calling for on-coming services, equipment and resources ( As per PAGEBREW)
and Why do you ant them?
eg. Can we get Police for traffic control, AV for male, aged 50, conscious and breathing suffering from smoke inhalation
Reporting officer
-What you’ve got ( Eg We have a fire in a single storey brick house, approx 15mx20m.)
-Ahat you have done and what you are doing next ( We currently have 1xBA crew who have contained the fire to a mattress in the bedroom of the property)
-More specific information
-Paint the picture for Commander and oncoming crews ( All occupants are accounted for and the next appliance on scene is to provide 2xcrew in BA to assist with ventilation and overhaul)
P- Police
G- Gas
E- Electricity
B- Ba stage 1
R- Representatives ( Metrol, Yarra trams, V-Line, Department of Education, Vicroads, Citylink, DHHS, Council (building surveyor, health inspector), Elgas, Company Rep, Scientific Officer, Energysafe, Parks Vic, DEWLP etc.
E- EPA- Waterway or Air Polluction
W- Worksafe- Notification for minor, response for serious injury.
Initial size up Questions People
-who are you?
-are you ok? (-Have you been in the smoke/injured?)
Is there anyone else missing?
-NO gd
-YES- How many people?/ What is their condition/age and gender/ where were they last seen?/ Best access?/ layout?
MSG Request AV for rescue person unaccounted for and or for Blue coat.
Initial size up Questions People- Evacuations
Has anyone been evacuated?
If yes- How many people?/ what have they evacuated to?/ What is their condition?/ Do you have a Warden/ EVAC plan? enact it.
MSG to firecom- Request AV and Police for evacuees at evac point
Size up questions PROBLEM
Q. What has happened?
Whats on fire/leak?
Where is the fire/leak?
What is the best access?
Are the doors locked/unlocked/ do you have keys/fob?
Are there any exposures?( smoke/flame/vapours/drains/waterways)
Size up questions SAFETY
Have you isolated power? Where is your switchboard? Do you have solar panels?
Have you isolated gas? Where is your gas meter?
How can we isolate bowsers/fuel/gas/leak? emergesncy shut off location.
MSG- to crews- status of pwr and gas (isolated/not isolated)
MSG to Firecom- Pwr and gas to attend to confirm isolations.
Size up questions DANGEROUS GOODS
Are there any dangerous goods present?
( LPG, acetylene/O2/Paints thinners/Hoists or pits/ EV’s)
if yes
-What are they?/location/quantities/ can we isolate them?how?
MSG to crews- Warnings.
Size up questions High rise and Major hazard facilities.
Do you have fire isolated stairs & lifts? ( lift keys/fob are they pressurised or smoke filled?)
if Yes- how many?-locations
Do you have a EWIS?
Do you have a HVAC system? (fire mode/ or spill mode?
Do you have sprinklers/boosters/ internal hydrants/ ring main/ deluge system/ co2/ bunds/ drains isolations/ foam (fire pumps running?)
Do you have EIC/ Emergency Pre-plans/building site plans/ evacuation plans/ SDS/ manifests? If yes- can you get them/where are they?
Can we get a specialist/ expert onsite?
-BOC gas (acetylene)
Elgas (LPG)
Service station technician (bowsers etc)
Sci Advisor
MSG over firecom