comm in c axon giudance sorting of robo in vivo Flashcards
how does comm control axon guidance in drosphila?
Comm controls the amount of robo on the cell surface
what is robo?
the receptor for slit (repellent)
what two models have been proposed about how comm regulates robo?
sorting model
clearance model
in this paper these models are tested in vivo
is comm required in midline cells for crossing?
- comm expression is not required in midline cells for crossing
how is it seen that comm prevents delivery of robo to the growth cone?
robo is fused to GFP so can be visualised
- comm prevents dlivery of robo GFP to the growth cone
what does nedd4 do?
ubiquitinate comm (not required for function?)
- nedd4 ligase unlikely to have a role in midline crossing
are precrossing axons sensitive to slit?
after crossing are axons sensitive to slit?
- so they are unable to recross
is comm expressed in ipsiltaeral neurons?
no - as these axons do not cross midline
need to be repelled from midline crossing so need to be sensitive to slits
where is robo sorted to in the presence of comm
- effects sorting at trans golgi network
- sorted into late endosomes and trafficked to lysosome for degradation
- little if any robo reaches the growth cone
what does clearance model prpose?
comm removes robo from the membrane
- interaction of comm in axons and comm in midline cells is supposed to restrict comm to midline segments of axons
- robo is selectively depleted from this side
when do poxn neurons cross
- cross when comm is present but not in a comm null bakground
- identified by poxn-gal4
- when comm expressed in neurons rescued midline crossing even when there was no comm in midline cells
- comm in midline cells does not contirbute to crossing
what happens when ap ipsilateral neurons are forced to express commtransgene
they almost always extend their axons across the midline (dont usually)
what does com require for its function?
certain sequences in its ec and tmd
e.g. endosomal sorting signal
why wa the pns looked at and not the cns?
cos in the cns adding or removing comm alters and axons trajectory so we dont know if any change we see in robo-gfp trafficking is due to comm expression or indirectly caused by altered path
does comm function require its ubiquititination?
- n evidence that comm function requires ubiquitination by nedd4 ligase
what happens to robo gfp vesicles in the axon in the prescence of comm?
- are less robo-gfp vesicles
- is also slower transport to axon