Comm 34: Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Flashcards
What is IRC
Text-based interface consisting of many chat rooms (“channels”) which users can join
Number of participants in single chat room can be few or in the thousands
Multiple channels can be simultaneously monitored by a single individual
“Personal Messaging” capability
How does IRC work
- IRC makes use of a “tree” like architecture
- Computers running IRC Daemon (server) software make up the backbone of the network
- Individual computers running IRC Client software act as IRC terminals connecting to the network via each other or directly to a server
Client Software
Users connect to IRC via client software
- Many different clients available for different Operating Systems and with different functionality like file-sharing
- Can range from solely text based to GUI based.
Military use of IRC
Adopted in the 1990s on ad hoc bases by low level units, especially in the USN to expand the communication throughput of low speed networks. First used as a C2 tool by USS Eisenhower Battle Group in 1999. By 2003, IRC was an integral part of Op Iraqi Freedom and Op Enduring Freedom C2 arsenal. Continues to be used today as primary communication method between NATO forces.
2 types of IRC networks
CF Domestic Military Networks
“LOTUS Sametime” chat is an IRC client operated on Canadian domestic networks such as:
- MCOIN – Martime Command Operational Information Network
- AFCCIS – Air Force Command & Control Information System
- CSNI – Consolidated Secret Network Infrastructure
Combined Secure Military Networks
“mIRC” is a chat client used on secure networks involving combined operations (multi-national):
- CENTRIXS – Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System
- SIPRNet – Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
Operational IRC Usage
IRC offers a number of real-time collaboration tools in addition to chat rooms:
- White Boarding
- Screen Sharing
- Video & File Sharing
- Personal Messaging
Common chat rooms may:
- Be organized based on command level
- Be “Directed” or “Free”
- Be specific to type of tactical action ex. Task Group ASW reporting
PRO and CON of Personnal messaging on IRC
PRO: Is an effective tool for exploring ideas and resolving issues between specific users
CON: Its use diminishes situational awareness for the rest of the chat room participants. Personal messaging should never be used to convey orders or critical tactical reports
IRC Advantages 9
- Ease of use
- Clarity
- Flexibility
- Worldwide scope
- Speed w/o confusion
- Planning co-ordination
- Bandwidth
- Robustness (atmospheric condition)
- Record of discussion
IRC Disadvantages 5
- Speed
- Distraction
- Dependency
- Commercial off-the-shelf hardware
- Exclusivity
IRC Commands
Commands in IRC are preceded by a ‘/ ‘
- Command is typed, followed by arguments
- Many IRC clients offer GUI based alternatives to typing for several commands
Common IRC Commands /join - Used to join a channel - Syntax: /join #[channel] e.g /join#hercssuck
- Starts a private chat with another user
- Syntax: /msg[nick][message]
e. g /msg cdACSO1101 Sir, have time to chat?
- Sends a PM without opening private chat window
- Syntax: /notice[nick][message]
e. g /notice cdACSO1101 comms final next Tuesday
/part or /partall
- Used to leave a channel or all channels
- Syntax: /part#[channel] or /partall
e. g /part#hercssuck or /partall
- Tests the leg time between your terminal and the server
- Syntax: /ping
- Leaves all channels and disconnects from the IRC server
- Syntax; /quit
ACK – acknowledge AFFIRM – affirmative ATT – at this time BRB – be right back BCC – communication check COW- check other window KK – request invite to chatroom (knock-knock) LC – loud and clear RGR – roger R- roger SEPCHAT – separate chat
Chat Etiquette
Have a “need to know”
- Only join chat rooms you are authorized to be in and which contain information to which you have a requirement. Some chatrooms are considered “Directed Nets”
Introduce yourself on entering chatroom
- Preface your comments by “de” and your position or nickname. Particularly important when using generic accounts. Ex “de AirO”
Don’t Interrupt
- After joining, wait awhile, read the previous transmissions and become familiar with the conversation before interjecting
- Ease yourself into conversations
- Unless it is very important, avoid straying from the topic being discussed
Don’t Shout
- DO NOT WRITE IN ALL CAPS – Its rude to yell!
Don’t Flood
- Keep your comments short, clear and concise
- If you have a large amount of information to send, try parsing it into multiple posts to avoid flooding users’ screens with your text
- If the information is useful to only one or two people, consider a personal message instead
Be Courteous
- Don’t ignore other users’ posts – if someone asks you a question, make an effort to reply
- If you are leaving or will be away for a bit, say good-bye
Be Polite
- Never be insulting or demeaning to other users – when offering corrections and clarifications, be respectful and professional
- Avoid the use of sarcasm – it can easily be misinterpreted